Love doesn't need a day to celebrate it. Love is not in a plastic flower or a chocolate box. Love Is your life and it's the most expensive you have.. I will not celebrate Valentine's Day because all the days of the year is a Valentine's Day

Love doesn't need a day to celebrate it. Love is not in a plastic flower or a chocolate box. Love Is your life and it's the most expensive you have.. I will not celebrate Valentine's Day because all the days of the year is a Valentine's Day
you are right dear
have a nice time
@nourtawfiq شكرا لك اختي
Exactly! I love you yesterday,today,tomorrow and everyday! ^_^
yes my friend @wisewoof ^_^ have such a nice way of thinking. I always love hearing your thoughts about life.
and I always love hearing your thoughts about my post
thank you so much @marxrabfor supported me
its the wife! Im busted!
Je crois que les gens ont tout simplement tendance à oublier que l'amour est le sentiment le plus important dans la vie de tous, alors cette journée est là pour réveiller les endormis. :)
Oui... Tu as raison. cher @ofildutemps... Ils doivent se réveiller.
haha ... I agree completely. Love is forever and ever, not only a day in a year!
I hear ya on that @yagoub and I am in the same boat. ❤️
Amen to that @yagoub agree with you
There is no love in the world greater than the love of God Almighty. The love of God stems from the heart and never ends No pledge and nothing and does not stop for any reason and not as a love of any person and love of God increases faith and leads us to the Jinan, and here in this article you will find the most beautiful speech in Love of God.
He who believes in God and loves him I think he is the only one who knows the meaning of love.
Thanks dear brother @yagoub
I agree @ yagoob I have just posted similar sentiments. Happy Valentine's Day.........all year around!
thank you @trudeehunter Happy Valentine's Day.........all year life!
Agree with you!
But a present would make me pleasant, I guess :)
thank you @sujisyndrome .... I'm very happy because you account is great ....Keep up the great work
I don't celebrate it the traditional way. It is my Anniversary. I chose this day to nix it for me. lol! But, I do wish others a happy day if it means something to them. Happy No Valentines Day to You!
Its a pain in the ass, thats for sure. Its all about women these days. Some guys have to walk thru fire on Valentines Day.
Have a wonderful day!

I'm with you, my friend.
We have to share love and be love every single day because that is the most important thing.
Thats true every day is Valentine's day If You are inlove. Please check my last post and Tell me what you think thank you.
You are absolutely right. Every day should be Valentines, not one day with cheap plastic flowers and chocolates. We should show our loved ones that we care every single day. You never know when they may be called away by the Creator...