
Anytime a bank invests in anything they are trying to harbor their power. This is supposed to be peer to peer. WE are in control of our cryptocurrency, not the banks. It's not so much that they are taking the money, but that they are trying to remain in control of it, a portion of it anyway. We bailed JP Morgan out in 2008 for 12 BILLION dollars. Are you comfortable with this company being involved with cryptocurrency in any respect? #FJP

Your concern is more than legitimate in my eyes. The danger with the banks jumping in on crypto is that - in theory - the ability to create fiat could be used to buy crypto and push up the perceived entrance price for everyone else (especially for those still mired in the fiat system, in effect keeping them on the reservation) while simultaneously creating more value for themselves (using something that costs them essentially nothing to create).

The nefarious intelligence of the banksters is not to be underestimated, they have been hiring the most brilliant and unscrupulous minds for centuries to expand and maintain the system of indentured servitude / financial slavery that dominates the planet today. They will not go quietly into the long night.

Thank you

What about the tax situation?


And the total billed to the taxpayers was 15,000,000,000,000, that is 15 TRILLION dollars. We need to hold their heads at the guillotine.

Their involvement I agree is questionable. I think the role of banks should be identity services. We do need a way for people to have a private pseudo-anonymous identity which they can prove belongs to a unique human individual. This is necessary for something like the BAT token to work for instance. Banks are pretty good at verifying identity and I can see them having a role at that, but it really depends on their intentions and I see it as a case by case situation to determine if their services are a positive or negative influence.

I contributed to the humaniq ICO which is ultimately an android identifying a human. If this software exists then why do we need large institutions involved? Food for thought.

We will have to see if that method is equivalent in effectiveness to traditional methods. It could prove to be a successful experiment and if it works then maybe we will not have to rely on the banks for that.

What do you think of this ICO?

hmm interesting.

why do they need a token? It's a card!