ZD Racing R3-2400 Receiver & T3GMN-2400 / T3G-2400 2.4GHZ Remote Control kind of a review

in #zd8 years ago

Well I have seen these Radio's and Receivers for sale on Ebay and a few other sites for around $20 USD and I thought I would share my thoughts on them since I have owned both.

Now these are some of the cheapest (price wise ) controllers you can buy and there only competition I know of is the SkyFly radio systems and to be honest the skyfly's may be a better deal due to the better availability of receivers out there.

I do feel that both of these have a better feel than the SkyFly but that's just my opinion.

Now both of these have pretty much the same features but the T3GMN-2400 has dials to change the steering and throttle end points and one for DR where as the T3G-2400 uses rocker switches and 2 buttons to allow adjustments and a series of LED's to indicate what adjustments have been made.

Now they both have servo reversing and only require 4 AA's to operate and have a port to charge rechargeable batteries while still in the controller .

The third channel switch really isn't all that convenient to operate but if you need it for accessories its there .

The systems range is very good and has yet to let me down .

The receiver is pretty small so you can put it just about any where.

Would I buy one again Yes I think they are a great value for there price range if you don't feel that you will need additional receivers .