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RE: Zeitgeist

in #zeitgeist8 years ago

Most modern news is just a distraction from what's actually going on. Whether it's manufacturing consent for an unjust cause or more likely a war, keeping you entertained with gizmos and gadgets you probably don't need, or presenting stories that psychologically coerce you into "picking a side" to induce convictions that aren't really relevant to most of society and cause infighting among people that have generally the same plight. All of this is just a distraction. Where I live there's a house that was said to be a major KKK meeting place a long time ago. But now my son goes to a great school where children of all different races and cultures get along just fine. This next part is where most people disagree or stop reading but the fact is that we live in a system ruled by money. The Federal Reserve is not federal (it has stockholders) and they have no reserves. They loan currency to governments at interest perpetually generating more and more debt, which we end up trying to pay off in the form of taxes, but we never can because there is always more debt than currency. Look this up if you don't believe me. All of this racism in America news is just making a small problem seem bigger than it is. If this were truly a nation "of the people, for the people, and by the people," I imagine the news would focus more on problems that affect a lot more people than racism, like our shitty educational system, or the complete stupidity of our healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry, or maybe why the top 1% of people have more than half the worlds' wealth. I don't think a truly free society would stand for any of the above. And yes we need to bring back the zeitgeist of the 60's and 70's with more education and slightly less drug use.


Gadgets I dont need? I cant or wont afford those!

Problems banks cause.....they gave out a bunch of loans
they should not have. Then they get those bad loans off their books how?

Sanjiyat Das ?

Correct, they tend to recoup by way of a bailout from a government that is already indebted to central banks, and will continue to indebt themselves to for the sake of keeping the farce from imploding. Banks now are simply taking advantage, and making money, from the laws created to enable central banks to continue their money manipulation. While it is wrong it's much like being given a choice to either steal or starve, you have to choose steal... But I think we're getting off topic here lol. My point here is simply that you should question all media that is presented to you. Truth is generally not just given out freely, you have to do your research. There are at least 2 sides to every story and we are freely given only one side to contemplate and judge.