Nostalgic Games #1: TLoZ OoS/OoA - part 2

in #zelda8 years ago

Hello everybody, Vancry here and I've just finished the 7th temple in Oracle of Seasons and I am exhausted. Playing for too many hours really hurts my f---in' neck.

Ok so I'm talking about this temple because so far it has been very particular. Both easy and complicated with a lot of skill and timing required, this temple has a various number of booby traps and the most painfully annoying minibosses of all time. Seriously you haven't been in a serious stress situation until you're fighting ghosts in a room with 4 torches which you have to keep lighting because the f---ing ghosts won't stop blowing them out, and if you go "F--- it, if they want to blow them out, so be it. I don't need them anyway." well then you are screwed my friend because that'll only make you go back all the way to the entrance of the temple, making you go all the way back to the room with the ghost, while at the same time all the monsters you killed have revived only to make your way back even more painfully slow, wasting more precious time you could use on sleeping or whatever else you want to do with your life. And when you do get there once again the motherf---ers have full life once again! I HATE YOU! YOU ECHTOPLASMATIC PIECES OF S---T!

This is the room with the ghosts. I didn't took the screencap, I took it from google images because for me it was impossible to do it and fight them at the same time.
(Besides the f---ers weren't even respectful as to appear in the screencap. I hate them.)

Now, all my anger aside, I really enjoyed the experiencie this temple has left me. The temple itself was a little complicated, and the boss fight was a little intense, yet pretty easy. One would think a two headed dragon would supose a much greater challenge. The ghosts part was way more intense and difficult I can assure you.

And all for the precious Seed of Life, an essence with the capacity to bring life to new lands when birds carry them miles and miles across the world. Which leaves us with one more essence to get before restoring the Temple of Seasons and rescuing Din, I suppose. What will happen next is out of my knowledge. I don't even know where the next temple is to tell you the truth, nor does the Deku Tree which is supposed to know everything about my mission so... I'm kinda lost. But I'll start searching tomorrow. I'm done for today.

Thank you for your time. I know I basically let go a lot of anger in this post but I just needed to vent a little and this is the only way I can do it at the moment. I probably will keep writing about this game until I'm done and I'll start with Oracle of Ages right after that. So anyway, that's it for now.
