Even before the failed launch of ZenCash on the Bittrex exchange, rumors were circulating that the cryptocurrency was a front for nefarious actors including Amazon, the American Deep State, and the NSA. The whispers gained traction as Rob Viglione, one of the main ZenCash developers, opened his presentation by telling the crowd that he was ex-military, a college professor, and currently working on his P.H.D. in finance. He was proud that he had helped transact the first cryptocurrency trade in Afghanistan, and unconcerned that splitting ZenCash was inflating his digital currency.
And the kicker? ZenCash will not be launching on Bittrex, at least not tonight as planned. Why? According to the developers, a bug was found two hours before launch, and no one could figure out how to fix it before the party. Should you invest? Only if you think you can pump and dump better than the banks who have backed this ever-forking/inflated cryptocurrency.
@crypt0 what happend with this? Can we get an update?
Yeah, I'll give an update tomorrow. I was trying to get a word from the team, but missed them on my way out. I'll update- I'm actually feeling positive about the project, on my behalf.
Thanks no worries brother appreciate it.
Awesome meeting you @crypt0 ...happy to chat anytime!
I jumped on this and got credited some ZEN. Will I ever use it? Nope! Will I ever sell it and profit? Most definitely! ....Good Post!
you have chosen wisely 😑
At least they are sorting out all the bugs before launching.
sure. congratulations. but before i invest i want to know the team can meet the deadlines they set for themselves. i also prefer when the humans behind a currency are not ex-military working on their P.H.D. in finance. but it's all just information and there are other points of view. be sure to explore those as well.
Probably insiders just getting everybody to hold ZCL so they get Zen but in reality they have pumped the price and jumped out themselves at the top and made $$$$
possibly. there are other people who are positive on the project. i am not one of them, but it's all information. follow your personal biases. look inside 👁
Nope, still holding! I love ZCL...the tech is awesome and the community even better. I also see it as a pure cryptocurrency base for spinning off future projects like we're doing with Zen.
Great catch. Sending back out to get the word out.
zen is junq, in my opinion.
well given what i read... if it wasn't already considered junk -- no one should get near it with a ten foot pole.
So the banks who have ridiculed Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency for years, now want to crash the party.... I don't think so...
they're trying to keep their old games running. for instance, ZenCash isn't a hard fork, they distributed new tokens to ZClassic holders. if it sounds like printing money that's because it is. but you get to be 'anonymous' when you use their tokens that were funded by the NSA and written by ex soldiers. i smell a back door, and it stinks.
what do you know about anything?
Where is the info on all this stuff that you are claiming to be true.
So far you stinks, I wonder who you work for really.
You wait til after to post your finding without any info just your say so!
Great stuff
i'm a portrait painter from jersey who attended the zencash launch party. the info that i'm claiming to be true came from the @finpunk , one of the developers on the team. you can read the defense of his product below. my funding comes from art buyers around the world. some of them work for google, some invest for george soros, and others do accounting at goldman sachs. one of them recently gave me $10,000 worth of STEEM to power up my articles. it's a weird world. you are wise to doubt my information. i encourage you to look into the team yourself. see if their launch failed because of a bug, check out what the coders do and have done for a living, read the forums where the shadowy rumors originated.
hey guys, i know i'm not the most photogenic guy, but you couldn't have picked a worse pic :)
Sucks we had to delay launch, but def worth it in the long run to apologize for missing our deadline than releasing something that could put our stakeholders at risk.
@crypt0 did a great job covering the event: https://steemit.com/zen/@crypt0/zen-cash-launch-event
Nothing I can really say about the conspiracy allegations other than we're good peeps in the Zen team and always happy to address anything in particular. You'll find a lot of libertarians and voluntaryists have military backgrounds, that doesn't mean we're bad guys...better late than never to the peace movement, and it's more impactful IMO when we actually know what we're talking about when we say the world needs peace. I'm very public about my beliefs, just have a look here or find me on twitter @robviglione.
Also, it's pretty hard to backdoor an open-source project, but thanks for the vote of confidence :)
P.S. I do like Amazon...not sure if that makes things worse?
the pedigree of the zencash team is less than stellar and you threw a party that calls that team's competence into question. this was my first exposure to your product. i wrote what i saw. good luck. i hope your code is better than your efforts to promote it.