Zen Colouring Contest #5 Zenspace

in #zencolouringcontest7 years ago


This is the original version maded by @magiccleatus.


And that is how I colored it.

Next week featured colour.


Hello, I painted this for the Zen Colouring Contest by @magiccleatus. This is my firts time and is a so funny weekly contest. Feel free to participate too! See the rules on the


Nice... What's your appz? You made the background too?

Thank you bro , No the background is not my creation, I only retouch it a little in Photoshop

This is awesome, I love the colour palette you used! The background is very nice and makes the pattern stand out!

Welcome to the #zencolouringcontest, Thank you for entering!

Thanks :D

ZCacceptedentrySmall.pngENTRY ACCEPTED!!

Thank you for naming the colour you'd pick for next week's featured colour! Love that you used the colour hex site I use!

The colours you chose look good together. I like the big centre ball. Good luck in the contest :)

Thank you, I combined flat colours to give it more relevance to the centre ball and the purple

ZCawardTINYHonourableMentionbronze.pngHonourable Mention, Well done!!

Great Entry! Thank you for participating!

OMG! Thank You... See you in the next contest ;D