
Don't bite his bait! Total spam... he just want to gain a followers

It's a BOT man, and it gives free valuable upvotes if you post art to the #artzone tag. What exactly do you not agree with?

so that's a bot? alright sorry for my mistake man... my apology! if it's a bot then it means that you upvote an art by a random upvote? not because of the quality?

Sorry it's taken a while to fix some bugs in our upvote bot.
It's also taken time to sort out our goals, but I think we can have an ARTzone SMT and start making art on Steemit pay!
And get all the artists on one community account!
So we can all talk and support each other.

I appreciate the apology and the technical issues, thank you for resolving them, If the the repeated comments could be removed I'd be very grateful. :D

Sorry, i forgot I can delete comments!