Lessons On The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

in #zionism8 years ago (edited)

If I could be dictator, I would resign ASAP.

But before I did, I would make the Protocols' reading and its comprehension required for all high school students.

If the gentle reader wants to be able to understand what is happening in the USA and the West in general, this reading is essential. In our day, the deception in public affairs is thick and stifling. A reading of the Protocols makes decoding current events possible.

Henry Makow is a Jew, though at times he might come off as anti Semitic. That would be an absurd accusation against him, but we live in an absurd world run by Zionists, and other Illuminati Satanists. So don't be surprised if he is called that; or if I am called that; or if you, gentle reader, are called that just for reading Makow, or just questioning about the Protocols.

The Protocols have been accused of being forgeries. I don't want to spend any space addressing the issue. Makow probably will do that for us in his series of articles, which he is starting, on the "Protocols". The first installment follows.


Makow distinguishes between common Jewish folks and Zionists. So do I. Ken O'Keefe, in the following video, is not careful to make this distinction. However, beyond his ornate, ex-Marine way of expressing himself, he does have one virtue: he's damned mad. Moral indignation is a sign of the existence of a moral conscience, and he does seem to have plenty of indignation. Why? Because he understands that what is going on in the West is the long ago planned implementation of the Protocols, and a sheepish population lays itself open to extermination because it cannot or will not understand that it is being led to genocide, schemed centuries ago by Zionist Satanists and their historical predecessors. For his flaming moral indignation, I include his video here:


The original video from You Tube follows:


I can make an excuse for Jews: they were taken over by the predecessor to Zionism, let's call it "Talmudism", and have been its slaves even before its infestation throughout the non-Jewish, Western world.

In effect, the religion of Abraham and the Patriarchs, and the Law revealed to Moses, were nullified by the infiltration and eventual subversion by Talmudists. Now that infiltration has become universal in almost all the Western world. (Bear in mind that Communism is Talmudism! Makow supports this thesis. See his website.)

And where does the Talmud come from? From the writings of the black arts of Babylon, and that means from the sorcery of King Nimrod, the ancient builder of the Tower of Babel, as reported in the Book of Genesis.

Talmudism is Satanism, and the Jews really are a satanic sect. Islam is also of Talmudic origin: it is the "younger brother" of the Talmud. Islam is a form of Satanism. The chief difference between the two Talmudisms is their modus operandi: Islam is direct and manifest, openly declaring the central place of jihad for taking over the world for Allah. The Talmudism of the Zionists/Communists/Illuminati and other Satanists is operated by deception: the goal is to surreptitiously subject the whole world to the rule of the coming King of the Jews. The goal is the same, the method is different. An argument could be made, I believe, that the two Talmudic "religions" (no they are not really religions) are at bottom, perhaps unconsciously, conspirators to achieve the same goal of world domination for Satan.

The following video (1 hour 14 minutes) is an unflattering but fair unveiling of the doctrine and practice of Zionist Talmudism.


"The Protocols have been accused of -being forgeries. I don't want to spend any space addressing the issue. "

Well. They are.

To cozy up to a document that led to the extermination of 5 to 6 million people is both in bad taste, and deeply saddening. If there were no God and all the mumbo jumbo is just that, can you justify 5-6 million people being murdered, executed, starved, shot, raped, gassed and burned. Because of fear mongering. Because of hate, because of greed and jealousy. Those lives ended, for some ink on a page.

Give your head a shake.


The needs of many outweigh the needs of the few.

There is no proof that more than 600,000 jews died in the hands of the Zionist Nazi socialists. But there is abundant proof that more than 90 Million Goyims died because of the Zionists.

If you feel sorry for the alleged 6 million, then consider the fact that, the same people who funded hitler to get the Jews out into the Moslem holy land to create a tension in that region, also supplies weapons grade plutonium to both Israel and Iran at the same time, and now plan to nuke Israel and blame it on Iran to kill ALL the Semites and reduce the Goyim population by 95-97%. pine gap.jpgjeff.png

the protocols are both real and lie at the same time. yes they do exist and have been implemented by jews, but even the jews are under manipulation of a higher power that is merely using the jews to achieve a New World Order, just as they are using the Christians and Muslims. They follow Judaism as well but not the Rabbinic Judaism. One would have to study Rosicrucianism to understand the judaism this smaller and more powerful group follows. Their version of Judaism is far older than rabbinic Judaism, not originating on Earth and came into existence before the creation on the human race. And this group has no connection with Israel but with Khazaria - a strange place, where 35000 years ago the white man appeared along with the genetics for Rh- blood.