in #zionism6 years ago (edited)

What I am looking for is American’s with a back bone. People that can at least get past the brain washing buzz words used to bully people into submission of the Bolshevik tyranny.

With that said let me continue.

America First has been the battle cry and there is an awakening happening. Many know we have been lied to about almost everything. Such as history, politics, science, archeology, NASA space, ETC…. People now know the truth of the history of WWII. We all know history will repeat itself if we forget it or do not pay attention to it. You must now find the absolute truth and become the next Info Warrior and share the history that we where denied and help more people come to their senses.

What the FAKE news has been saying is nothing short of Bolshevik propaganda.
First President Trump was compared to Hitler. Why the comparison? Now I hear it is those that voted for President Trump that are NAZI’S. Again why the comparison?

After looking into some history of WWI and WWII I found that the Germany people where attacked because they became to strong and independent. The international Rothschild Banksters could not control the German people after they came to their senses. The German people found out that the Banks where screwing them to death. That is why Germany had to be destroyed.

Lets compare what happened to the Germans with what is happening here in the U.S.
You first need to know that the B.A.R. is controlled by the international Banks through the middle temple crown. The B.A.R. finalizes the law’s that the States pass.

In a non-judicial state a Bank can foreclose on your home and not own it. How do I know because Bank of America did it to me. They left me homeless. The State statues deny you your due process. Due process is notice and opportunity.

B.A.R terrorist finalize the laws the states make because “We The People” do not know their law. That includes law makers at all levels Federal and State.

You get a notice of foreclosure but no opportunity to defend yourself and fight back without becoming the plaintiff.

The essential elements of due process of law are notice and opportunity to defend;
[Simon v. Craft, 182, U.S. 427, 436, 21 SUP. CT. 836, 45 L. ED 1165;] "In determining whether such rights were denied, we are governed by the substance of things and not by mere form;
[ID.; Louisville & N.R. CO. v. Schnidt, 177 U.S. 230, 20 SUP. CT. 620 44 L ED 747].

Then you have to deal with B.A.R terrorist judges that deny you your due process and fight for the banks over the bench.

President Trump is stepping on some big toes and I believe that is why he and we are being compared to the German people. They want to keep us slaves and how dare we come to our senses.

Here are a few of the buzz words used to brainwash and bully you into submission:

7:40 mins Europa part 3

A term created by the man, Konrad Heiden, a Marxist Jew in the 1920’s to ridicule the National Socialist in Germany.
Today it is used to attack any European who does not hate his race, culture and history and wishes to protect and preserve his own people and children’s future.
Somebody who opposes enforced Mass Immigration of non-Europeans into his country.

In my opinion the word most likely was derived from the last four letters of the word Ashkenazi (A European Jew) Ashke Nazi.

The word Racist was invented by Leon Trotsky in 1927. It was used to cudgel and bully ordinary Russians into accepting the horrible practices of the Communist.

Subversive Jewish Writer Mortitz Steinschneider Invented the term “Anti-Semitic” in 1860.
The term is used to silence those that dare expose Jewish crimes.

Here is a link that will open your eyes to what really happened in WWII. Watch these videos in sequence and share this link. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/whoselaw/

Find out what the B.A.R. is at http://www.jimsforum.com
“What is the BAR” also see “Prisoners Fund Prisons” left column.

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