of the zodiac (see Stars), the bull (taurus)
is the second sign of the zodiac, the "sign of the Earth", and those born under its patronage are associated with such properties as heaviness, solidity, connection with the earth and soil, strength (steadiness) and vitality. ⭐️ Aldebaran at 09°47′ Gemini has an orb of 2°30′
Taurus was an object of worship in primitive cultures throughout the ages. To the ancient Egyptians, it was the bull-god Orissi, but the star was also worshiped by the Babylonians, Chinese, Druids, and some tribes of Amazon Indians
Aldebaran has been thought eminently 🍀 fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal 🤴 Stars, or Guardians of the 🌌 Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago.
The reddish 💫 star ⭐️ Aldebaran – the fiery eye of the Bull in the constellation Taurus – is easy to find. It’s part of a V-shaped group of stars – the Hyades – that forms the 🐂 Bull’s face. The sign reigns between April 21 and May 21, and Venus is his "night home", which allows us to think about the mythological relationship of the goddess of love with the bull god. Greek legends about the stars saw the heavenly 🐂 bull Minotaur, but also that wild bull that once devastated the fields around Marathon and was defeated by the hero Theseus. On the back of the celestial bull lies the nebulous 🌌 constellation Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlantis, who are pursued by the hunter 🌟 Orion (see Scorpio) until they first turn into doves and then into ⭐️ stars. The bright eyes of a heavenly bull are the constellation 🌌 Aldebaran (see Horns). You can locate ⭐️ Aldebaran using the famous constellation 🌌 Orion as a guide. Notice the three stars of 🌌 Orion’s Belt. Then draw an imaginary line through the belt to the right. The first bright star you come to will be ⭐️ Aldebaran with its distinctive reddish-orange glow. ⭐️ Aldebaran is the 14th brightest star, but five of those that outshine it are only barely visible or not visible at all from much of the Northern Hemisphere. ⭐️ Aldebaran is primarily a winter and spring star for us on the northern part of Earth. The name 💫 Aldebaran is from the Arabic for the follower, presumably as a hunter following prey, which here likely was the star cluster we call the Pleiades. Some viewed the latter as a flock of birds, perhaps doves. 🌟 Fixed star Aldebaran is found at 9º 47' Gemini in the right eye of the bull in Taurus. It is probably the most famous of the four Archangel stars representing 👼 😇 St Michael. 😇 Michael in this case – military commander of the Heavenly Host. It was also called “Watcher of the East”, possibly since it is the bull’s eye, though each of the 👼 Archangels is a “Watcher of”
The Net includes 🌟 Aldebaran and the 🌌 Hyades cluster. Both the Hyades and the Pleiades were regarded as the mesh of a hunting net. Hunting forays in the old days of China were used as much for military exercises and training as they were to rid the land of vermin or to gather food. Hence, this mansion governs hunting, wealth (as a result of a good hunt), outlaws, deserters and traitors as well as trouble at the frontiers (border disputes and the like).
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