Your Life Will Look Like In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac Sign

in #zodiac7 years ago

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Look forward to success, praise, and pleasure, Aries! Settle down and work relentlessly toward career and self-improvement goals. Look in the mirror and see what changes can improve your appearance, self-image, or self-projection. Everyone can benefit from some improvement. Emerge as a better, brighter, stronger you.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
Rock your world in 2018! Your ruling planet Venus is one of the best connected and most powerful forces in the sky this year. Your goals and aspirations will not be denied. Make them big and noble. Don't be reluctant to make a big change or upset the status quo if needed. Surround yourself with beautiful thoughts in beautiful settings, don't compromise, and don't be rushed. Mother Nature is definitely on your side this year.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You'll have the chance to connect with more people and engage in more new situations as never before. It's also a year for you to start many new projects and begin exploring new avenues in life. Expect 2018 to bring you improvements and some changes of direction in your social life and career. You could step into a new world.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The year 2018 is an open book for you. If it's work, family, finances, love, or anything else, there will be a planet ready to give you a hand. A lunar eclipse in January with the moon in Leo could thrust you further into the spotlight than you'd like. Another lunar eclipse in late July has the moon in Aquarius. Have a clearer view of the world and think in bigger terms about bigger problems.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
You're looking at a golden year, Leo. Events in your life may feel more karmic and have more far-reaching consequences, too. The lunar eclipse in January has the moon in Leo, which could touch off emotional issues from the past. Feel more emotionally grounded now. A partial solar eclipse in August could affect your social or professional status. Make it good! Push slightly less hard now, give more thought before taking action, and come out far ahead of the game.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
2018 is your year to get intense! Intensity has its ups and downs, and you can make the most of the ups while coping skillfully with any downs. After each retrograde, feel impassioned about yourself and your life, and watch everything fall into place for you. Earth signs empower you, too. Uranus enters Taurus to keep finances and sensual pleasures reliable, as well as electrifying. And yes, it's a socially busy year. Enjoy it all!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)
Be prepared for people to look to you for advice and leadership. It will be easy and it will come naturally, so relax and enjoy the attention. Exercise your authority with grace and generosity. This gives people more reasons to respect and love you. In August, get creative and more elegant. In November and December, pace yourself and prepare for a sizzling holiday season. From late June through late August could delay or redirect career plans, but it will end with a more stable career trajectory.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
You're a powerful person and a force of nature in 2018, Scorpio. Once you decide on a plan of action, nothing and no one will be able to slow you down. Your intensity could scare people away. To ease this, pleasant Venus also conjoins the sun, all in earth sign Capricorn. Big success and popularity are readily available this year. This year in November and early December, is mostly in Sagittarius but ends in the late degrees of Scorpio. This might affect you more, probably in your social or educational life. Be more thoughtful in your career efforts, and emerge in September ready to set the world back on fire!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Your planet Jupiter is powerful and ambitious and will keep you going full blast in the direction that moves you forward. There is no time to waste in 2018. You have big things to do, people to see, and places to go. The sun, Venus, and Pluto are all together in Capricorn as 2018 starts, with Jupiter and Pluto in a cooperative sextile. You want to see results, results that will last.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Life makes more and better sense in 2018. A clearer perspective will make it much easier to achieve your goals and dreams. You may be the most impatient and perhaps anxious then. Don't dwell on difficulties or obstacles. Methodically work your way through them and emerge better organized and more respected than ever.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
The year 2018 is full of changes, you may not always take yourself seriously, but please take what you do seriously, and see great progress and success this year. The most fundamental changes to your daily life could begin to happen this year. This can cool an overheated love life and give you and your loved ones time to make practical improvements in your relationships.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
The year 2018 is one for hard work, Pisces, and the stars are working hard for you. You have keen sensitivities and sharp insights and intuition all year long. Practical, material concerns are highlighted all year, but with Uranus in the mix, nothing should be boring or taken for granted.