TWD The Walking Dead - observations on continuity, developments...

in #zombies8 years ago

And things they just don't do anymore

I should warn for spoilers, but as the show is coming up to season 8 I'll not bother.

Series 1 Episode 1 - Scene opens to Rick Grimes scavenging for fuel.

A little girl shuffles along - is she, isn't she a zombie?

She picks up her teddy - 'Walkers' don't do that! They don't pick things up.

When she finally turns to face Rick Grimes, his expression is brilliant! He actually looks like he's crestfallen to see she's one of the dead.

As Rick is wandering around the camp site, there are bodies in cars. Why haven't they turned?

Later in the show the secret is revealed that everyone turns unless head-shot - except when it's convenient for them not to, apparently.

Flash-back to when Rick wakes up in hospital - electricity is off - his life-support machine is dead, the clock on the wall has stopped, yet there's a light flickering in one of the hallways.

How does that work? I've heard of spot-welding but not spot-wiring.

When Rick looks out of the spy-hole in the front door, the wife of Morgan Jones and mother of Duane shambles up to the door of the house where she died. She looks around, perhaps remembering, and she tries the door handle.

Door handles are a skill

Creepy stuff! But not right... the reanimated dead are not door openers (thankfully).

Rick is given a first-hand tutorial on killing the 'Walkers' without shooting them. It takes a massive effort and five whacks to kill one. Later in the show their skulls seem to be less solid, smashing easily with little effort. Maybe bone goes soft as a result of being zombified?

This guy has a hard head

When Rick Grimes takes Morgan and Duane to the sheriff's offices where they can take a shower, Morgan says, "Gas lines been out about a month..."

Just how long was Rick in hospital in a coma, with no sustenance? There's no wonder he's a survivor!

Morgan calls the zombies 'Walkers' - and so do the new guys, Glenn and the crew Rick meets in Atlanta. They then refer to them as 'Geeks' but the cat's out of the bag!

When Rick, Glenn, Andrea, T-Dog etc are trapped inside the department store, the dead are gathering in their masses (just like witches at black masses) and they eventually break in - using rocks! Walkers don't use rocks or any other weapons later in the show. Do they forget their dexterity?

Oh and where the hell did they get the rocks? What kind of department store stocks rocks?

Apparently the early zombies (Walkers) can run and climb too - but again, only when it's convenient.


Why didn't T-Dog shoot through Merle's handcuffs when he lost the damned key?

Please don't think I'm ragging on TWD because I hate the show. I don't hate the show - not at all! It's taken a few re-watches to see these things and I didn't notice them to begin with because the things I mentioned above have all developed throughout the evolvement of the show.

The Walking Dead has grown and so the little things, like zombie kids picking up toys, zombies turning door handles and carrying rocks, climbing fences etc have had to be taken out because the live ones wouldn't have survived long if the dead could do all that.

I'm sure some things would have been done differently if they went back and re-did the whole thing again, but there's no need - the show is a success and has a massive following.

I'm looking forward to October for the start of the new season.

Pictures from Google Images


Flash-back to when Rick wakes up in hospital - electricity is off - his life-support machine is dead, the clock on the wall has stopped, yet there's a light flickering in one of the hallways.

Backup lights on the generator with batteries.

Later in the show their skulls seem to be less solid, smashing easily with little effort.

The longer dead, the more deterioration. They are walking dead, but still decomposing.

Just how long was Rick in hospital in a coma, with no sustenance? There's no wonder he's a survivor!

The time it took for the outbreak to destroy the hospital and him to wake up. He just didn't go to the hospital, the out break happened and the hospital was overrun. The hospital had been fighting off the dead for awhile. Hence, the locked door with the walkers behind it.

Why didn't T-Dog shoot through Merle's handcuffs when he lost the damned key?

Uh...cause Merle was an ass.

Thanks for the detailed response!

Batteries would explain it if all the lights are on, but they aren't, just the flickery one. Which shouldn't really be on at all because some of the wiring is broken, hanging down etc. Electricity works through wiring only when it's all complete. If even one wire is damaged, a short would occur and darkness ensues.

Also, if anything was going to be put onto emergency battery back-up, surely it would be life-support systems?

I understand your theory but bone doesn't decompose like that.

Yep, the hospital theory works for me. Nice one.

Haha! Yeah, he was.

Bone does break down with organic things chomping down on it.
But...that was someone else's explanation for why they are softer later.

The drip machines have batteries and so do the life-support. The emergency lights would also have backup.

Yes, the sparks were just Hollywood prettiness.