11 Fun Facts about Labeo Rohita!

in #zoology3 years ago

Image source: Wikipedia.

Being the home to some of the most exotic and beautiful freshwater fish, India has become a hotspot for freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. As one of the most popular aquarium hobbies in India, keeping a freshwater aquarium at home is not just about having a pretty pet but also about being responsible towards nature. With numerous species of fish available for keeping as pets, you can pick your favourite without worrying about its impact on the local ecosystem. Red Labeo rohita is an Indian fish species that is commonly found in ponds and streams. These are similar to other labeo fish and are named after the red patches that are present on their sides. Keeping these fish as pets can be very entertaining because of their sociable nature, intelligence, and activity levels. So if you’re thinking about getting one as your pet, here are some fun facts about red labeo rohita that will leave you enlightened!

1. They are generally easy to take care of.

Red Labeo Rohita is a very easy fish to take care of. They are adaptable to a wide range of water conditions and will not require any specific water chemistry. Their water requirements can be fulfilled by using a basic aquarium filter.

2. They have a life span of 15-20 years.

The Red Labeo has been reported to live up to 20 years. If you take proper care of your fish, you can expect it to be a part of your family for many years. It is important to remember that freshwater aquarium fish require consistent maintenance and care. If you want your fish to enjoy a long life, you will have to make sure that you are providing it with the right environment and care.

3. You can feed them with vegetables and fruits too!

Another thing that makes them an excellent choice for a beginner is that they can be fed a variety of food. You can feed them with veggies and fruits along with their regular pellets. However, make sure that you don’t feed them with too much of fruits and veggies as they contain high amount of sugar and might lead to a water quality issue in the tank.

4. They are a natural predator and love eating insects.

Labeo Rohita is a very efficient hunter. They are known to consume more insects than other types of fish, making them perfect for keeping in a tank with plants. Plus, they are easy to feed as you can feed them with food pellets or crickets.

5. Keeping labeo rohita is eco-friendly and benefits the ecosystem.

Keeping any fish in a freshwater aquarium is eco-friendly and benefits the ecosystem. However, labeo rohita is an excellent choice for beginners as it is easy to care for and can thrive in a wide range of water conditions.

6. Male Labeo Rohita only becomes red during breeding season.

During breeding season, male Labeo Rohitas will become red due to the presence of rohu ferretin, a red pigment that is present in their bodies. The rest of the year, they are silvery-white in colour with small red patches on their sides.

7. During breeding season, male Labeo Rohita develops eggs in its body and produces eggs without fertilization from a female partner; just like angler fish!

Every year, during the breeding season, male Labeo Rohitas will develop eggs in its body. However, these eggs will not be fertilized by a female partner. Instead, the male rohita fish will release those eggs into the water and let them float around freely. These eggs will hatch into larvae and develop into young fish that will then travel back to the male parent’s territory.

8. Female Labeo Rohitas become almost 3 times bigger than males during breeding season but shrink to their original size once the process is over.

During the breeding season, female Labeo Rohitas will become 3 times bigger than the males. This is because they will be carrying the eggs in their body. Once the breeding process is over, they will shrink back to their original size.

9. They are omnivorous and can eat both plant-based and meat-based food items.

Labeo Rohita is omnivorous and can consume both plant-based and meat-based food items. This makes it easy for you to feed them and they are unlikely to go hungry. You can feed your fish with a variety of different food items. Some of the best food items for your fish include vegetables, fish flakes, brine shrimps, mosquito larvae, chopped worms, and crickets. Learn the digestive system of Labeo rohita from here.

10. Labeo rohita is very energetic and playful during the first few weeks of its birth but becomes lazy as it gets older.

During the first few weeks of its birth, the Red Labeo Rohita is full of energy and loves to swim around the tank. However, as the fish grows older, it becomes lazy and likes to stay at the bottom of the tank.

11. Don’t end up with an earthenware tank if you want to keep labeo rohita! It will jump out of the tank easily!!

Labeo rohita is a very active fish and loves to swim around in the water. If you keep it in an earthenware tank, it will jump out of the tank easily because of the water currents. Instead, use a tightly closed glass aquarium tank to keep your fish happy and safe.

12. Conclusion

Finally, if you are planning on keeping red labeo rohita as your pet, make sure that you provide it with proper care and an ideal environment. You can keep this fish by itself or with other fish as long as it is of the same size. Make sure that you keep your fish happy with the right tank and water conditions and it will be your best friend for years to come!


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