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RE: Automator partial notes: convoluted photo management

in #zsh4 years ago

Now I can get back to art and everything else I've been neglecting while getting this sorted x_x


I must admit that I scanned this post, as it felt like dev talk ( 0s and 1s ) and yeah, I have been missing your comments ( not just yours ), as you are one of the most faithful commenters on my feed and the feed of many.

Glad to find out that this was the reason for your 'absence'. It reminded me somewhat of editing on a MAC ( in 2008 and earlier in that decade ) and realizing how much different these machines are than the Windows PCs that I grew up with. It's like your entire brain needs to be rewired.

Big hug,



On a pure technicality I'm wondering if you meant skimmed as that means you read over it really quickly whereas if you're scanning you're still reading quickly but looking for specific things XD

crawls back into hole

Most of it was techy nonsense but it was stuff that needed to be done for my photo collection shenanigans to work :)

Unfortunately some other crap has come up that we could have really done without so I won't have much prog to blog again >_<

but I can at least comment when my brain cooperates


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