What a big milestone for me! Today I reached 1001 follower which still feels overwhelming! I want to THANK YOU all for taking this journey with me, for every comment, upvote, follow and nice word. The support I get here is incredible and I will always be grateful for that!
Some of you might know that I take ZUMBA classes and I absolutely love it! So I decided to start this challenge and spread the word about Zumba with hopes that more people will try it out and have fun with it! The idea actually came from my amazing friend @sunnylife, she thought that it would be cool for me to start #zumbachallenge so MASSIVE thanks to @sunnylife! <3
ZUMBA is an exercise dance program started by Beto Perez in the 1990s. Zumba involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges are also included. Zumba Fitness, the owner of the Zumba program, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers. Approximately 15 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 200,000 locations across 180 countries.
go to NevenaGoran YouTube channel and find the Zumba choreography you like (Goran is my Zumba instructor and he is also in the video I uploaded on Dtube)
film a video that is at least 30 seconds long and where you're dancing to one of the choreographies from the channel above
include the link of the original choreography you decided to recreate in your post
post the video on Dtube or Youtube and use #ZUMBACHALLENGE as one of the tags in your post
nominate at least 2 people to join the challenge
resteem this post so more people can see it and get involved
open for submission until March 20, 2018 - 8pm (GMT+1 time)
have fun :)
OPTIONAL: once you post your entry, you can leave a comment on this post and share your link
OPTIONAL: you can upvote this post to support the movement, it's not necessary but it would be much appreciated!
2nd place: 8 SBD
3rd place: 5 SBD
Me and my friends decided to upload a video dancing to a song Sua Cara that we recorded before our Zumba class just so you can also see us dance. I hope you'll find this challenge interesting and fun!
I would like to kick start this challenge by nominating a few people but feel free to join in even if you're not nominated:
and of course @hazem91 (I had to, sorry! I just want your name to be here lol)
Thank you all once again for all the love and support! <3
▶️ DTube
1000 ! that's a lot 😄 Congrats !!

Nice dance by the way
I was expecting you to slip and fall but ..
I guess I'll have to keep my tomatoe 😜
We'll see if I can make it this time ;)
hahahahahaGo @hazem91 - You Da Man!!
yes you can!! I'll be waiting for your Zumba moves!!
I'm a pro, hahaha!
Thank you, I'm waiting for your video, no pressure! :P
hahahahha go hazem!
Go @hazem91! Go @hazem91! Go, Go, Go @hazem91!
So... I did it! Finally... because of @hazem91 . That little fart. 😅
Sadly, I may be too late, as I didn't notice the time difference and am used to seeing things in UTC...
I wasn't able to resteem nor upvote before this post died. 🙁
But I AM now following you- so that's something. 😉
This was really fun! Thanks for the motivation!
Here's my masterpiece:

It doesn't matter if you couldn't upvote or resteem, you are still in the competition!
I'm following you too! Thanks for participating, I'll leave you a comment on your post as well.Haha, @hazem91 made you do it!
Thank you and congratulations on the success of this zumba challenge.hi @nikolina, thanks for this opprotunity that I can also join in this contest. Here's my entry: https://steemit.com/zumbachallenge/@mavicalipda/zumba-challenge-by-nikolina-love-never-felt-so-good
Thank you so much for your support and for being part of this challenge!
I will check out for entry now! :))
hoping and praying to have as many followers as yours in the near future. Keep inspiring and keep steeming! Anyway, this is my entry to your Zumba Challenge. I hope you'll like it!
Wow, this is an amazing entry! I invite everyone to check it out!
I'm so happy to see Zumba lovers from all over the world united in this challenge and spreading the good vibes! Hugs from Serbia! :) Thank you dear @jeraterta for your nice words, I'm sure you will be able to achieve all your goals here on Steemit! <3
Wow. It would be a very big help to me. Thank you so much ♥ More Power!
I hope you will like it.😀Finally! We made a fun video to enter your #zumbachallenge @nikolina! Here is the link: https://steemit.com/zumbachallenge/@raquelita/5falt0tk
You guys made my day, seriously!!!
I'm so happy to see Zumba lovers participating in this challenge, thanks to each and every one from this video for participating! <3 <3 <3
Here is my zumba challenge post...
Everybody needs to see this amazing Zumba + Golf combination!! :D
here's mine my love @nikolina . hihi
Everybody go check out the future Zumba star @zephalexia! <3 <3
Thanks for this opportunity to show case my dancing skills.
Hello @nikolina Congratulations on getting such a number of followers I just got done with my #zumbachallenge entry, your so gonna love it. Thank you @princessdharmy for nominating me I enjoyed everything about this ZumbaChallenge
Love it!!! You made my day today!
Congratulations to you my beautiful friend!!
You guys are amazing!!!
Thank you so much!
Your support means a lot to me, I really, really, really appreciate it!
I'm grateful for you! xoxo
Wonderful 💕
Thanks! :)
Congrats to you too dear!
Thank you so much! <3
Congrats and yet one more too :D x
Thank you @sriz :D
1002..."just updating"
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Congratulations on reaching your milestone!! Really happy for you! 🤗
Thank you very much! :))
Amazing, congratulations for this achievement!
Soon I will hit my first 1000 as well :)
Thank you!
Amazing, we should both celebrate, hehe! :D
Congratulations on the HUGE 1000 Follower milestone!!
You are very deserving of another million!!
Bear Hugs!! x0x0x
"Not sure how I'm gonna do zumba golf yet" Paradise Found
Thank you so much my friend (since day one) :D
Maybe you can find some friends on the Island who are willing to join you hehehe.
I'm sure you're going to come up with something amazing like you did for the wushu challenge! :)
Re-steemed by @serbia
Steemit Srbija Discord server: https://discord.gg/ajxMU7N
Hvala! :)
wooooahhhh???? me??? hahaha. oh no gotta show the moves!! hahaha
dear , i wanna congratulate you for your 1000 followers!!! wow!!! that really is a big thing! happy for you my friend.
And thank you for nominating me again , this makes my heart smile 😘❤️❤️❤️
I'm sure you're going to enjoy it! Feel free to let the kids get involved too, haha! :D
Thank you so much for your support and for being my friend here! <3
love you my friend , just kindly wait for my entry , i'll definitely will do this , just past few days one of my kiddo is sick so she needs lots of attention , but hopefully she'll be ok so we can do the zumba zumba , hahaha 😘❤️❤️❤️
Oh, I hope the little one will get better soon! Take your time, no worries!
I'm sure you'll have a great time and so much fun! :D
I am doing zumba everyday. Should do this challenge. So much fun. :)
Wow! That's so good to hear! I nominate you to do this challenge then! :D
Congrats @nikolina so happy for you!!!❤❤ But wait, oh my should I really do this??? hahaha
Thank you so much, my dear friend!
You can do it!! It is so much fun, just try it out and you will see, hehe. :))
Congratulations for reaching this milestone @nikolina! I'm so happy for you. I hope my friends and I can do this. We're all camera shy, by the way. Haha! (fingers crossed)
Thank you so much!
Trust me, I am camera shy too, this was my first time doing Zumba in front of a camera and I started Zumba in November 2013! Haha!
But it's a lot easier when you have someone with you! You can do this together, I believe in you! :))
It really makes me happy to see my friends succeed like this.Huge Congrats @nikolina. That is amazing.
I love the challenge you and @sunnylife came up with. Awesome idea and @hazem91 and @paradise-found are going to have so much fun doing it. I can't wait to see it. Go @hazem91 and Go @paradise-found.
Creating this challenge was so much fun and I hope I'll get to do more rounds of this challenge with even bigger rewards! :)
Me too, I'm looking forward to see their entries and everyone else's. Feel free to join, hehe! :DThank you so much dear @joalvarez!
Congratulations @nikolina on reaching 1014 followers!
I wish you continued success!
Remember high quality articles are they key to continued success and getting even more followers!
Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help others find the same success you have.
I have followed and upvoted you.
Thank you so much @introbot!
You're very welcome! And thanks for running the contest, it looks great. These events really add quality, keep it up!
Thank you once again, I'm happy to host this challenge and I hope Steemians will enjoy and have fun with it! :)
Hey @nikolina nice one and congrats! Hmm...I hope this won't pass me by????
Thank you!
I would be so happy if you would join the challenge, I nominate you right now, hehe! :)
I'm sure you have some amazing moves to share!
Would try my best, though kinda busy...
The challenge is open until March 20, I hope you'll make it! <3
I love the video!!!!! The music sounds so nice
Thanks, this is one of our favorite Zumba songs at the moment! :)
It's dope
Svaka čast za ideju, zdrav challenge koji pokreće :) Zumba je jedna od onih stvari koje me jako privlače, ali nikako da je ubacim u raspored. :D
Definitivno bih ti preporučila da probaš Zumbu kad budeš imala priliku, mislim da će ti se svideti. Takođe, slobodno se pridruži ovom Zumba izazovu ako želiš! :))Hvala puno! Nekoliko ljudi na Discord-u me je pitalo da snimim deo našeg časa i onda mi je @sunnylife predložila da pokrenem Zumba challenge. S obzirom da sam svakako htela na neki način da proslavim 1000 pratilaca, ova ideja je došla u pravom trenutku!
Čestitam ti 1000 pratilaca, velika je to publika! :) Pišeš divne, inspirativne tekstove o jednostavnim, malim stvarima, tako da je apsolutno zasluženo! Ajoj, ovaj izazov je baš izazov za mene, budući da sam apsolutno van forme :D
Hvala puno na lepim rečima, stvarno mi puno znači kada vidim ovakve komentare.
30 sekundi nije puno i mnogo je lakše ako imaš društvo :D meni je problem bio što ne volim da se snimam, haha. Na Zumbu sam krenula krajem 2013. godine i ovo je prvi put da se snimam kako igram.
Mislim da ću organizovati još jednu turu ovog izazova, tako da ako sad preskočiš, u sledećoj turi te očekujem! :D
Nema na čemu, uvek :) Taman da uvežbam koreografiju :D Nije jednostavan izazov moram priznati, plus što sam posle porođaja nabacila kilograme, pa nisam baš za kameru, ali možda pobedim sebe i izbacim jedan video, budući da mnogo volim i muziku i ples :D
Imaš moju podršku. Nadam se da ćeš bar probati ovako, za sebe, pogotovo ako voliš muziku i ples a i dobar je trening mogu ti reći. :D
this is fun. But dancing isn't for me... so I wish everyone who gets to participate :)
I was hoping to see your Zumba moves, hehe! :DOh, too bad @thegoddess :(
congratulations for 1000 follower and dancing very well. have a great day.
I wish you a great day too! :)Thank you so much @birjudanak!
Честитам, @nikolina :)
Hvala puno! :)
this is awesome i would love to join coz i enjoy zumba dance hehe :)i subscribed and i do love their moves woww
Woohoo, it's always great to meet another Zumba lover!
Please do join the challenge, I would love to see your video! :)))
Wow! Congrats @nikolina. Such an amazing challenge and have been nominated by my steemit dad @paradise-found. Will try and make my entry. Smiles.
Thank you so much!
I hope you will join the challenge, I would love to see your entry! <3
Have a lovely day! :)
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I did it again. So much fun.
https://steemit.com/zumbachallenge/@joalvarez/bk6pw2wo Thanks @nikolina. I love Zumba
Congratulations to your 1000 followers and cheer to more followers to come!
Thank you so much for initiating this contest and here is my entry. :)
Thank you dear Pamela!
You did so well and I'm happy the fear didn't stop you from taking part in this challenge!
I appreciate your entry so much! <3
Hey @nikolina. you got me right there huh. hahahah! Of course, I'm on. I can't deny your challenge.
My apology if I just responded today. I had my internet connection at home lost. And finally, I'm back.
Yaaaay!! I'm so happy that you're back and that you're willing to take part in this challenge!
We missed you! :)
Can't wait to see your entry!
Hahaha. I missed the vibes too.
Of course, your challenge is awesome! Plus, its you who made the challenge. It would be a worst mistake if wont. Hahaha!
Hi @nikolina! Here's my entry now. Hahaha! I've been practicing this moves for almost 3 months now. Hahaha - Joke!
Thank you for the challenge!