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RE: 내가 3년전부터 주장하는 이야기가, 스팀은 "존중과 사랑 그리고 배려"입니다.

in #zzan5 years ago (edited)

Stupid @gtg.

Can you write any single line correctly without referring to translation in foreign languate say Korean even in one hundred edition in one year ?
I guess no.
I am proud of my foreign language English communication skill where "you need 10 edits and half an hour to write a single comment properly."

You are racist and discriminator in addition to manslaughterer.


"ever such edit is a operation, included in transaction, included in a block"
If you need such accusation to keep blockchain,
such useless waste blockchain should be abandoned.

You don't know what is important value, stupid @gtg.

Human being is more important than such useless blockchain, if I follow your view.

Blockchain should accomodate human beings, errors, multiple editions.

That's the different view between us.
You ManSlaughterer and Other normal people.


"Downvote DownVoting ManSlaugherers" is not downvote, but resistance for human rights and freedom of speech.

You stupid racist manslaugherer may not understand.


Are you blacklist manager ?