There is a common saying that suggests that staying in your comfort zone is supposed to be a bad thing but i have come to realize that this is not as true as it is aggresively communicated ... Just as a fish cannot survive on land and birds cant live in water , its not wise to suggest to any human to force to thrive or work outside his place of gifting. Indeed there is the place of doing what you must we need arises but this must be for a short while, even as humans we can survive under water for a few minutes tops , the moment we stay under water longer than we are built for death is inevitable. This same principle applies to all other activities we undergo as humans e.g if you assimilate faster by listening it would be unwise to force your self to learn primarily by reading because of the general world view that readers are leaders where as the goal of both reading and listening is to get knowledge... Yes read when you have to but if there is a different medium of getting the same knowledge thats more effective for you (e.g listening to and audio tape) please get the knowledge through that route. So urge us all as steemians the steem community is large there is a space for all types of gifts and expressions please do not be compelled by anyone to do the conventional things that other steemians do for any reason,in summary know your zone and stick to it.
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