
in #zzan6 years ago


Chocolate is the term for processed food or drink from cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao). [1] Chocolate was first consumed by residents of Mesoamerikakuno as a drink, although it was believed that chocolate was only consumed by nobles before. [1]

chocolate is generally given as a gift or gift on holidays. With unique shapes, patterns and flavors, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy, or attention even as a statement of love. Chocolate has also become one of the most popular flavors in the world. in addition to being consumed most commonly in the form of chocolate bars, chocolate is also an ingredient of warm and cold drinks. Chocolate is produced from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) which is estimated to initially grow in the northern Amazon region to Central America. maybe get to Chiapas, the southernmost part of Mexico. Olmec people use trees and, perhaps, make "chocolate" along the bay coast in southern Mexico. the earliest documentation of chocolate was found in its use at a chocolate processing site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras around 1100-1400 years BC [2]. residues obtained from these processing tanks indicate that initially the use of cocoa was not intended for making drinks only, but the white membrane found in cocoa beans was more likely to be used as a source of sugar for alcoholic beverages.



At the beginning of the 17th century, chocolate became a refreshing drink favored in Spanish palaces. Throughout the century, chocolate spread among European elites, then through democratic processes the price became quite cheap, and at the end of the century it became a drink enjoyed by the merchant class. about 100 years after his arrival in Europe, chocolate was so famous in London, that a "chocolate house" was established to store chocolate supplies, starting in coffee houses. The first chocolate house opened in 1657and the first chocolate ice recipe was known to come from England in 1668. [5]in 1689 a doctor and collector named Hans Sloane, developed a type of chocolate milk drink in Jamaica and was originally drunk by the apothecary tribe, but this drink was later sold by Cadburybersaudara [6].

All European chocolates were originally consumed as drinks. only in 1847 was found solid chocolate. Europeans throw away almost all the spices added by Meso-Americans, but often retain vanilla. also replace many herbs to suit their own tastes ranging from special recipes that require ambergris, waxy purplish dyes taken from the whale's intestine, to more general ingredients such as cinnamon or cloves. However, the most frequently added is sugar. on the contrary, Meso-American chocolate doesn't seem to be made sweet.

European chocolate was originally mixed in the same way as the Maya and Aztecs. Even today, ancient Meso-American methods are still maintained, but in industrial machinery. Cocoa's seed still a little fermentated, dried, roasted, and rolled. However, a series of more complicated techniques was played. Chocolate powder is emulsified with carbonacalium or sodium to make it easier to mix with water (dutched, the emulsification method found by the Dutch), the fat is reduced by removing a lot of cocoa fat (defatted), milled as a conched or mixed liquidWith Sususe, it becomes milk chocolate.