트론이든 스팀이든...

in #zzan5 years ago


오늘의 대기질은 양호했다가 보통이었다가 왔다갔다합니다. 지금 이시각은 다시 양호해졌습니다.


오늘은 5000보를 살짝 찍었습니다.


트론이든 스팀이든... 루머에는 별 영향을 안받고 있어 보이네요. ㅎ

내일이면 불금이네요. 행복한 밤 되세요~


Community GuidelinesAny content shared under #sportstalk should be in relation to sports in some fashion or another. Any posts that don’t tie back to our vision will be considered spam and should not be supported.

Uploading a screenshot that is not Actifit and mentioning 5000 steps along with other things that have nothing to do with sports, does not justify the use of #sportstalk tag. This is abuse.

I do walking exercises. Read it carefully.

You're spamming and abusing the tribe.


위에 있는 저자는 도대체 왜 저러는 거에요?
어뷰징인가 그거 나쁜 거잖아요..

제가 어뷰징했다네요 ㅋㅋ


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