akmalboo rebloggednewboo (36)in #story • 8 years agoSEJARAH TELEPON KLASIK | The history of classic PhonesHello steemian, ini merupakan sebuah telepon kabel klasik yang masih saya simpan drumah, telepon ini tidak saya gunakan lagi tetapi saya masih menyimpannya dikarenakan saya…akmalboo rebloggedgermanlifestyle (67)in #saturdayview • 8 years agoSaturdayView - Island Armogos GreeceThis is my contribution for the SaturdayView initiated by @luxurylifestyle - Island Armogos Greece Germanlifestyleakmalboo rebloggedrandowhale (67)in #steemit • 8 years agoHow to Use @randowhale!Many reply to comments they see from @randowhale asking how to use the service, so here is a reminder for all of those noobs out there who have yet to give @randowhale a try…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #wisatakuliner • 8 years agoKUPI MOLEN ACEHakmalboo rebloggednewboo (36)in #story • 8 years agoPERMAINAN LUDO KLASIK DAN MODERN DENGAN PENUH MISTERI MATEMATIKA | CLASSIC AND MODERN LUDO GAME WITH FULL MATHEMATICS MYSTERYSelamat malam stemians dimanapun anda berada, semoga hari anda selalu beruntung dan menyenangkan dan sukses selalu dalam postingan anda, oke kali ini saya ingin sedikit berbagi…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #flag • 8 years ago200 followers for accounts that have been flaggedMy account is on the flag but my followers are getting crazy, what exactly is the want of a cruel person, spite me why until he mem flag my account .. Restored my account you…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #steemit • 8 years agoTIME TO STEEMITGood night, just want to say how come this time forakmalboo rebloggedfirepower (79)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoCrypto Current Affairs—$7 Million CoinDash ICO Hack + Chinese Record Breaking Press.One ICO!In a upsetting news a new startup CoinDash had to halt it's ICO after it became the latest victim to a hack. Unidentified hacker replaced the ethereum address used to receive…akmalboo rebloggedludorum (66)in #steemkr • 8 years agoSteemKR 베타 업데이트 완료와 간단한 사용자 통계 근황; 170718-steemkr.log안녕하세요 ludorum 입니다. 우리는 steemkr.com 을 개발하고 있는 개발팀입니다. 소식을 전하기에 앞서, SteemKR에 접속해 주시는 분들이 점점 늘어나고 있는 것 같습니다. 감사합니다. 베타 업데이트 오늘은 아래 내용들이 베타버전 업데이트가 완료되었습니다. 어제 말씀드렸던…akmalboo rebloggedangelo.art (51)in #steemit • 8 years agoSunset is my favorite part of the day. So I want to share with you my oil paintingTHE FREEDOM OF SUNSET / - OIL ON CANVAS 48.5 IN X 31 IN. Enjoy The Ride... that's all that matter. If you like to see more from my art follow..... and resteem😉akmalboo rebloggeddwinblood (75)in #steemit • 8 years agoCURIOSITY: Why is the number one person in terms of followers someone who appears to only resteem? Digital archaeology/anthropologyI was taking a look at steemwhales.com today as it's been awhile since I looked. When I sorted by followers there was someone I hadn't actually heard of that sorted to the…akmalboo rebloggedinspiringty (48)in #history • 8 years agoHistory Photographed. #43Adolf Hitler surrounded by adoring Austrian women and girls, 1939. Photograph by Hugo Jaeger.akmalboo rebloggedaiqabrago (68)in #indonesia • 8 years agoSTEEMIT INDONESIA CHALLENGE 7 : MEMBUAT POSTINGAN DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA - DENGAN TEMA : ( FASILITAS PUBLIK )Selamat malam para Steemian Indonesia, Semoga kalian semua dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat dan selalu dalam perlindungan Tuhan yang maha esa.. Apakah kalian sudah siap untuk…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #blockchain • 8 years agoFLAT EARTH!!!!!!Dear honorable steemians, may I ask you? How do you think of a flat earth conspiracy? Do you think the information distributed through youtube can be believed? Can you explain…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #esteem • 8 years agoESTEEM APLIKASI STEEMIT VIA MOBILEHai steemian!! saya merupakan salah satu pemula dalam steemit sama seperti kalian, Mencoba untuk hal-hal yang baru merupakan hobi bagi saya, sedikit pembahasan untuk kita…akmalboo rebloggedzulmy (44)in #steemit • 8 years agoMeeting the discussion of Steemit and Bitcoin.Hallo Steemians I discussed a bit about the issue of steemit and electronic currency that is bitcoin with my colleagues who do not really understand how steemit…akmalboo rebloggedayijufridar (72)in #writing • 8 years agoBerkembang Dari Kompetisi: #IndonesiaChallenge | #AyoMenulis_05Oleh @ayijufridar KOMUNITAS Steemit Indonesia kembali menggelar kompetisi menulis. Kali ini dengan tema yang lebih fokus, yakni mengenai destinasi wisata yang ada di Indonesia.…akmalboo rebloggedpapa-pepper (81)in #challenge • 8 years agoSTEEMIT - I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL - TO BENEFIT @girlbeforemirrorAre you ready steemians? When I first met @girlbeforemirror and @azurejasper, it was about nine months ago when I was running the Tattoo Story Contest here on steemit. At…akmalboo (-6)(1)in #kopi • 8 years agoKOPI DINGIN ATRAMinum bang Ketika panas menyerang tenggorokan anda cobalah untuk yang dingin dingin.. Pasti mampu untuk menghilangkan dahaga :Dakmalboo (-6)(1)in #themovie • 8 years agoTHE LOST CITY OF 'Z'Para steemians, kali ini saya hanya sekilas ingin menceritakan tentang film the lost city of 'z' yang disutradarai oleh Brad pitt, saya sangat kagum atas inspirasi semangat yg…