I was taking a look at steemwhales.com today as it's been awhile since I looked. When I sorted by followers there was someone I hadn't actually heard of that sorted to the top. @joanaltres
12,724 followers. That's some impressive stuff. How did I miss this person?
I scroll down to look at her posts...
I keep scrolling...
and scrolling...
Lot's of resteems... I'm still looking for something original.
What am I missing? Why are people following this user in such large numbers?
It is clear I missed something, yet for the life of me I cannot see what it is?
This is not me bashing or attacking someone. I am truly curious as I do not see why there is so much interest here?
Oh and they are following an insane amount of people, so is it just a case of YOU FOLLOW ME, and I'LL FOLLOW you?
I spent quite some time scrolling... I found an original post from 8 months ago. I may have missed some, she is very active in resteeming.
So I continued my journey. Consider this a bit of that digital archaeology I mentioned in my most recent post besides this one.
And then I made it to the initial introduction post... so unless I missed some I see 3 original posts in 9 months. A ton of resteems, which could be good. This is kind of like the "Joan of Alt" channel. Tune in to see what she likes. This might be brilliant.
So as of today this is the account with the most followers on the entire steem blockchain.
Steemwhales lists the account as valued at $139 and the wallet looks like this:
So what does this tell me? If money is your goal then simply resteeming is not very profitable. If you want lots of followers whatever she has done is genius, but it doesn't appear to have translated to much of a gain for this account.
In looking at the transactions she does get a lot of donations for resteeming and other things, so in reality this account has done a lot more than the $139 you would think this account has. That simply shows that in terms of steem power there is not much in the way of investment. The money that does come into this account is occasionally sent out.
She could be sitting on it, or she could be surviving on it. That's good. This is a pretty mysterious account as it has an insane number of follows, it receives a lot of donations and payments for resteeming, and yet very little of that actually stays on this account.
Let's dig deeper... I haven't looked at comments yet, perhaps she is really active there.
That is the KEY... here is a big answer. She is very active in comments, and she offers positive encouragement and helps people out that way. This is beginning to make sense.
She is a good example of how engaging in conversations can make a big difference. I believe the primary reason her account is not worth an insane amount is that she is almost completely funded from tips and donations. When we post and are paid 50/50 steem power/steem dollars then half is going into steem power. Unless she is rewarded from comments (which she is some) then her steem power wouldn't climb a lot.
This account is pretty unique, and appears legit and different. She is showing a VERY different way to use steemit and it appears it is likely working for her.
It gave me a mystery and a journey today. I did not mean any of this as an attack on her, I was just truly curious and this dovetailed nicely with my reference to digital archaeology and anthropology.
I think there may be a little bit of genius here in her approach... It is not something I myself can really tap into though. It is pretty alien to how my mind works.
Interview With @joanaltres Who is Ranked #1 With The Most Followers, 10,000+ on SteemitEDIT: I missed @stellabelle's interview of @joanaltres. She did a good job if you want to know more check out her posts

I was very curious about this account too, but she has such a huge following. I view her as an aggregator. She finds good content, and resteems it to her followers that upvote other peoples great content. It's quite brilliant and beautiful. She's helping everyone blow up by being a curator 😎
You know... THANK YOU for doing that bit of "digital forensics" there. I've had a comment or two from her and wondered how the HECK did anyone end up with such a number of followers... and following so many. And almost NO original content... I'd thought maybe she was some YouTuber or twitterer with two million followers who'd set up a little camp here... but evidently not.
She does list herself as a marketer. In that respect she might be a genius. She is building up an ever growing list of followers she can blast out resteems to. I've seen people send her money to resteem their post. So in that sense she is really intelligent. She has the biggest follower train on the platform and it is only getting bigger. She may have found the new way for advertisers on this blockchain. I'm actually kind of impressed.
Thanks for investigating me. Lol. :) I'm not a genius, just stumbled upon this as a way to help others. I believe in the overall vision of what Steem and Steemit can become. Most of the donations came about from the @stellabelle interview, which was unexpected. She asked me to answer some questions and I did, but I thought I was just helping her out with an interesting post. I didn't expect anything from it. Much to my surprise, several people sent me donations to help me pay some of my debts.
My marketing acumen is limited. I mostly sell software and promote info products as an affiliate. I've been making a full time income from it for about 8 years now. Had a rough time earlier this year, however, but things are starting to pick up for me again.
Resteeming to this many followers doesn't always result in a big gain in earnings for the posts - but now and then, yes. It mostly helps people gain new followers and engagement on their posts. Recently, I've been wondering if it's really worth doing to be honest.
Thanks, and I'll resteem this for you to 12,000+ followers so you can see what I mean (plus you did a great job too, so it deserves a resteem!) :)
giving you a follow because you have some decent posts on your list :) also you don't seem to be going overboard with "marketing" meaning spamming the crap :D .. Welcome :) nice to have you on here. I hope you don't grow insane with 50k posts on your feed :D other than that we should be having a "meritocracy" so having less but loyal followers is always great.
Anyways the system is flawed :D I hope you have fun, ask away if you need help with something, or some info on the goings on here.
Thank you for clarifying! This was a great article and I am beyond impressed by your accomplishments!
I understand your time is limited and I hope the situation with your mother has improved. Have you considered posting something maybe once a week of your own. Just share your thoughts and what is going on, and whatever you want to say? I believe that would benefit you as it gives us something of yours other than comments to up vote. That will boost your reputation, and I am certain you'd earn some things.
It could be even you giving a recap of your steemit week or something like that. As far as marketing. Having this many followers and the fact they are growing fast will have value, I just don't see you being able to gain much personally from it. If you posted maybe one post a week though that might change. You could do more than that too, I was just brainstorming based upon your limited time.
Thanks. She is doing better, but the stroke was crippling to some degree, plus she has diabetes on top of that. Not the best situation, but we're hanging in there. :)
@stellabelle suggested I do that also. I probably will at some point. Thanks for the suggestion.
Not to get off topic, but I've been a little concerned about what has happened to @stellabelle. Neither she nor her mother has posted or commented in about 9 days, and she had a contest running when she suddenly became completely inactive. Maybe she took a long break, I don't know. Just seems kind of unusual.
both huge Nikola Tesla fans) and we have some things we don't agree on. I consider that a good thing. Variety is the spice of life.I haven't heard of any problems with @stellabelle. I hope she is okay. She's been an active and vibrant part of steemit since the day I arrived here. She and I like some things equally (
I hope she is okay and if I hear or find out anything I'll let you know.
Thank you for your concern. I appreciated that very much. We are fine.
Great explanation to his questions. keep up the good work on steemit!
@joanaltres Honest comment. I like it.
@joanaltres I run a publishing company and am looking for freelance marketer, such as an affiliate to help me market. I'm offering 50/50 split on a subscription service. Meaning you bring customer once, I service, and every month they pay, you get half. I have some people with me now for 5 years (when I started). So it could create income for a long time. If interested, is there a way to PM you? Or you could go to my website and use the contact link to reach me. Thanks for reading.
As I mentioned before, I think you're really undervaluing yourself. I personally would be interested in reading posts by you! I'd encourage you to do a weekly one like:
JOAN OF ALT'S Resteem Finds
Something that gives us an update. You're doing a valuable service, and you deserve rewards.
I like your explanation too
yes, I am too! It was a Eureka! moment for me as well. Having that many followers does equal power....
I wish she'd give me a RS with that many followers!!! WOW! Also a reputation of only 59?
You gain reputation by people with higher reputation up voting your posts. Since she doesn't post things to be up voted her reputation will go up slower. That reputation is likely all from comment up votes.
Thanks for answering that mystery - I've been wondering for months why people with less posts, less time here, and less wallet content have higher reps than me. Turns out it's because I barely have anyone with a higher rep following or voting for me! So that's why I've been stuck on 62 for at least five years :)
OK, now I'm about to get all freaky stalker on you...
I have been following you for at least 10 years and often find your posts interesting. Sometimes I have commented on them and we have had agreeable interactions.
Recently I noticed you unfollowed me, and for the first time ever I was really curious. Most people who unfollow me are vegans.
The usual explanations don't fit - you are following 775 people, so it's not a random clear out (I unfollow people all the time, mostly for resteeming), and you say you value disagreement of opinion, so it's probably not because you are a vegan.
My best guess is that it's for a technical reason such as my thing of always including an image and a 10% self upvote on my comments to make them stand out like dog's balls (some people freak out about that, while others have started doing it too)
I know this is damn strange, and I fully understand if you ignore this question, but I'm only asking because like an itch I have to scratch, I'm very curious. I hope someone asks me the same question one day, I'll have a good laugh :)
So why did you unfollow me?
Oh I can tell you why I stopped following you. I posted about what I was going to do before I did it. I indicated I was not going to be following people who up vote their own comments. You see I'm pretty good about up voting almost all comments people give me. Yet with the recent draining of pool by people voting their own comments I indicated I would not be following people who up vote their own comments. I started looking and I started doing that. If you don't vote your own comments I'll gladly follow you and if your comment is more than "nice post" you'll likely get an up vote from me on all of your comments. Right now I'm doing that at 1% which is actually about $0.03 due to steem price falling as opposed to your $0.05 there, but I may increase my percentage to 2% or even 3% as I was considering doing that. I like to encourage discussion, so I will support that.
That's the only reason I unfollowed you I also wrote a couple of posts indicating I likely would do that when the commenting self was encountered frequently.
Fair enough - my guess was good then!
I'm following you and still see and read your posts.
As far as not upvoting my own comments go, I'm happy to not upvote them on your posts but will continue to upvote them on other posts.
It's not about paying myself or draining the pool, it's to bring my comments up to the top of the comment feed. I upvote every comment I reply to, every comment that replies to my comment, and every one of my own comments at 10%. These votes are all worth about 5 cents depending on the price of Steem.
But I fully get what you mean about draining the pool - in fact I just said this to a commenter on my most recent post:
"I think it sucks that you just upvoted your own comment to the tune of $25 when to get it to the top all you had to do was upvote it by about $2, but that is another issue. I like to upvote my own comments too, but that is just to bring them up the feed - what you are doing is blatantly giving yourself big payouts"
Well if you don't up vote them on my post then I am in a catch-22. I would like to follow you as I do enjoy some of your stuff. So let's try it see how it goes. You shouldn't have to worry about visibility on mine. I look at all replies to me. :) My litmus test of "If everyone did this what would it do to steemit stands here"... It'd not be a pretty sight. If everyone was up voting their posts for visibility it'd quickly get pretty ugly.
Thanks, much appreciated, you are actually the highest rep person who was following me, so now that I know why I'm stuck on 62 I'm all the more keen.
Just don't look at my comment tab or it might push you over the edge! :)
i was about to upvote your comment in order to help you, but then I read the part where you said you'll be upvoting all your own comments on other posts.......I'm not interested in helping this kind of behavior. That is probably why you're at 62....
Thanks for your reply. I know you are very popular on Steemit, and your input is much appreciated.
My thought on this is that if I do something on Steemit that I don’t actually believe in, just to get a higher rep, am I different to all the newbs posting spam comments in order to attract followers?
A rule I try to Steem by is to post the sort of content I want to see on Steemit myself. And if that limits my audience, so be it!
When I read most posts, I only tend to look at the top coments, and the ones I really notice are the ones with pictures.
So when I comment I include a picture, upvote the coment I’m replying to (even if I disagree with it) and upvote my own comment. And that ticks my boxes.
this is good to know.
It also was not personal. I just figured I should do what I was saying people should do if they were not happy with the comment self-up voting. Had I not is would make me a hypocrite.
How you can follow 775 people is beyond me - I'm always aiming to get my list down closer to 100 so there is a chance of me actually reading some of them.

I also didn't make it through my entire list of followers to do this. So I am sure there are still people I am following that are doing this. It is something I'll do as I notice it. If you are fine with not up voting your own comments then let me know and I'll gladly give you a follow and at least when dealing with me I'll likely give you what you were giving yourself or more. I've decided I'll switch from 1% to 2% to see how that impacts my pool. If it is not much of a drain I may then switch to 3%. I up vote a lot of comments...
Whoops, so many replies I'm getting them mixed up...

It is proving to be a struggle. I miss a lot of really good stuff, but I am trying to help out as many people as I can. I did drop down to about 300 for awhile because of the struggle but I found steemit becoming kind of an echo chamber for me and I was missing some cool new people. So now I figure I'll follow a lot of people and just a few times a year try to go through them and prune the ones that are not active, etc.
It's still very much a work in progress. I'm trying. I'm sure I'll have to change some things. With the limit to votes requiring a control my %s far more than before it is still a struggle to learn how I can best influence the platform the way I want to. I don't actually curate based on earning potential at all. I curate based upon supporting content I enjoy and I also believe up voting comments is a big part of that.
Neither a vegan nor a hypocrite :)
I love eating meat. I've looked at animals before and thought "I wonder what that tastes like?" but I was raised in a pretty rural environment with a lot of wild life and my favorite meat is actually Elk which we only got really during hunting season. I haven't had elk in a few years.
I have no idea what elk even is - like venison?
I see... so the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes to get up higher. That explains why I was at 67.9 forever!
Yep, I got to 72 pretty quickly but I've mostly been extremely slow getting higher as the only time my reputation actually goes up is when someone with higher reputation than me up votes me.
I never really paid any attention for quite a while after coming on here. It took about 2-3 months to hit 66... that's the first time I even noticed it. In the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure it matters all that much... except it is useful when I look at the comments I get begging for follows and upvotes.
I think I've been on 62 for six months - but I just realised you are a 68 - if you upvote all my posts I could go up to great heights too :)
And I've been at 74 FOR AGES.
@dwinblood I just heard about @joanaltres today, but yesterday I wrote a post exactly on how anyone can duplicate what she is doing. I guess I should have wrote the post about her like you did. Good job.
Interesting info and something to keep in mind I suppose. I'm fairly new and mostly comment but have resteemed a few times but only for things I've found to be really beneficial. I've seen her around and admire what she does. Keep it comin'. Always enjoy your stuff!
Some folks motivation is above earning money, her state of mind probably transcend most people motives here
Yeah, it is hard to say. She does earn pretty well if you look at her wallet history it just comes in the form of donations, tips, etc. :) It seems like it is working for her. Definitely a very different approach.
It also be noted she describes herself as a marketer. She is building up quite a big list of people she can blast information to. From a marketing perspective that's pretty genius.
We have quite a few marketing genius on the platform, I am slowly learning from these folks and trying to apply them here... I realize it's not really about quality here, just how well you market the content you share here... I would like to share base on my background but I won't get far here... probably the bigger question would this platform truly achieve its objective, we can really get absorb into our earnings and forget those around us, I realize as the value of Steem drop and we almost getting back to pre-hf19 earnings the Rat Race has gotten worse...so we see how it unfolds here, I do try to upvote and share content but I realize this approach won't get me far here, strangely enough I am slipping back unto Twitter as I crave content related to stuff I enjoy
I never did twitter. I am too wordy. I can't really do the short bursts. :)
I'm surprised she got so many followers but not surprised the account hasn't eaned much. Very curious account.
It hasn't earned much because you need to post your own posts rather than resteeming. She comments. I recommended to her that maybe she should at least do her own post once a week. I guess @stellabelle suggested the same thing. @joanaltres is a pretty cool person.
If one builds that kind of following and it is a genuine following, even if through strictly resteems and comments - once that account does start authoring posts, imagine the response they would get....
Yep, like I said. There may be some genius here. In her interview with @stellabelle she seems pretty humble, and it doesn't sound like she really planned this.
Thanks for a very interesting article.
There seem to be quite a few mysterious accounts on Steemit. I suspect that some of the accounts I'm most curious about are "early investors" or friends of the founders or founders themselves.
I hope you'll pick another one or two accounts to do some "forensic database studies" on - I'd love to read more!
I also think that we definitely need a wider variety of users here on Steemit. Most particularly, some "faithful fan readers," people who find those of us who are serious and consistent content creators and who read and up-vote our work regularly, and who will leave encouraging comments at least once in a while to help keep us going!
Great post, Thanks!
:\ - Sorry, I don't trade votes and follows. I vote for what I like, and follow what interests me, and I would encourage you to be a "Good Steemit Citizen" and do the same.
I like that @joanaltres proves there's a lot of different ways to do steemit well. Her resteems seem to be worth the vote of a much bigger account because of how many upvotes they lead to.
Nice research man :D I'll be following your blog.
Joan had the highest recognition value when I first joined Steemit, because every time I logged in I saw her resteems, and she resteems pretty good stuff, as a way of finding good stuff she is a good person to follow. I kind of expected her to be way off the charts as a super-mega whale, but your post put that into perspective. When she resteems something I really appreciate in the future I will pay more attention to her comments in terms of upvoting. Thanks for the info!
Yeah and keep in mind she is providing what some people do find useful and actually not being rewarded a great deal for it. People do send her donations and such, but they are not actually huge.
This is baffling! Interesting point, thanks for bringing it up :)
Perfect analysis! You seems to be a very curious guy 😊
I'm new to this platform, but since @joanaltres & I follow each other, I'd like to share what I make out from whatever little experiences I have here. 😇
I'd like to say that it's not a very easy going job ...just about resteeming and some comments. In fact, she works a lot through out the day on Steemit. She is a voracious reader and reads a lot 📘 📚 📑 📙 📖 . Her comments are not just another comment but whenever she comments, she comment only after completely reading the article and all other comments in context. And when she comment, she takes utmost care of her written language 📝🖊. She is not only very gentle and kind in writing but she does it in very adorable way and without any spelling or grammatical mistakes ...it's a clean comment which endears every reader. I mean, I have seen all of her comments to be very sweet sounding and without any form of aggression or unpleasantness 😍❤️ ❣️. And don't look at the average no. of comments she wrote over a period of 9 months. She has increased the frequency of her comments, of late; which also require tremendous hard work.
Even Resteeming is an art👌 . She would resteem all her posts after thoroughly reading and understanding them and only when she see them worthy of resteeming ...to amplify that content to wider audience. So she takes care of content quality for her audience. And she never over do it. If you have analyzed well, you must have discovered that she don't resteem more than 5 times a day, it's only 2-3 times a day at times. And it's always well spread out with an interval of at least a couple of hours generally. So that her audience are not overwhelmed by a lot of content which they can't handle.
And don't just count how many followers she have, also note that she is following about five times more of her followers. Developing such a courtesy following too take a lot of effort.
She is also a good curator and actively upvotes content & comments she consider worthy of. Overall, I find her to be very sociable, friendly and kind-hearted person who everyone wants to befriend ...just as in real life interactions too. So who would not like to follow her? 🤳👼💃 🕺🏃 👫👩❤️👩
I wish her all the best in steeming further ahead! 👍✌️🚂
🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️
Yes, I became one of her followers after finishing my research.
🎹 🥁 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 I’m trying to use a lot of emojis here to Celebrate the World Emoji Day this week. Are you? 🎊 🎉 🎉 🎉⛄️
Thanks to this post, I am now following both your blogs.
Cool stuff! I like these analyses. I just came across Clif High and it is amazing what he does. How come I didn't hear from him before?
Cracking this will be awesome but I have no idea how to go about it. It seems the internet is swamped with screaming high pitched teenagers saying nothing interesting really and the interesting 1% is just happily floating along. I guess like academics, they don't care since they know it all!
I don't know Clif High? Do you have a link?
here's a posthttps://www.halfpasthuman.com but better yet, check out a video of him, he has really interesting technology to make predictions. @etcmike is a fan,
Clif High https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXZf0F4GLSX1QXBUgPXhqg/videos
Thanks. I'll check him out. Initial look is he has some interesting topics. Perhaps we can get him to cross post here. :)
That could be sweet. I'm listening to his most recent video since I went and grabbed the link, and he's talking about leaving youtube and using his own browser plugin to protect the integrity of his content
Actually I'm listening to that too. He's talking about staying on youtube but uploading encrypted videos that require his plugin to decrypt them. I'm not sure how well that will work out for him.
I'm not sure he cares too much if he gets the protection result he wants and his loyal followers can get the videos they want. He put out a video about a month ago about the crocodile teeth with crypto that I want to go back and listen to again. I miss stuff, just like you pointed out when I multi task lol
55k following lol, seems legit xD Well anyways, as what I read down below here in the comment section, she seems like a good influence, so who am I to judge ^^
Yep, I see her as a good person, and positive for the platform, just with a really unique way of approaching it. That too is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
It is different from the usual mindset people have when coming to this platform, which (usually) is to make posts in order to gain money. So someone like this might be refreshing and with no doubt there will be a lot more people like this when Steemit goes mainstream.
I think there is quite a bit of Follow ME/Follow you going on. I'm a Mini-Minnow here. I've stumbled on a few users with a huge number of followers, but then I look and see them following tens of thousands.
Here we see about 23% may be a Follow Back (23% = 12724/55346 followers divided by following).
Not with joanaltres, but with others, I find it odd to be following more than 30,000 but only started in the past month or two.
I was pleasantly surprised by your post. I have no skin in the game here as a newbie and recognize that there are people who offer value in different ways on this platform but i was expecting an 'expose' type of article but what it did was show how people add to the steemit ecosystem (even the silly random comment people making a shtick for themselves).
I remember when i was first followed by @joanaltres as I am someone who doesn't do a lot of social media, it was very exciting and I felt like maybe this is the place i have been looking for (f' off FB and twitter). I hope to find a place soon myself here but am enjoying a lot of the people i have read and met here. I will def follow you now as i hope to get more insightful reads like this.
I very much do NOT like to attack anyone without proof. I truly was CURIOUS when I noticed she was number 1, and I just started writing my post as I was investigating. Mainly I thought other people would be interested as well. I try not to go in with assumptions, and I've been accused by people here before of being "too soft" or a "push over" when I would discuss art plagiarism with people and such. I'd actually talk to them, consider if what they said was plausible, etc. Some people just wanted me to attack, attack, attack, and I don't personally like that at all.
If I had just reacted to her resteeming and hardly posting in outrage then later on when I found out what she is really like I would have felt great shame.
It truly was a journey for me. It was much like someone handing me an odd shape boxed wrapped in ribbons and my post was me essentially posting a play by play account of unwrapping the box.
I think @joanaltres is very cool. I like what she is doing. It is totally different from what other people are doing.
I have learnt alot from this post, great work keep it up..
This is very very intersting - as a newby I am still amazed with the whole steemit thing and now I am just a little more confused hahaha - thank you for this post 0- really enjoyed reading it
This is an excellent investigation. Such a great community here with so much sharing and encouragement like you say.
I'm so glad there wasn't 6,475,876.927 STEEM sitting in the wallet, that would have set off some serious alarm bells in my head as to something very fishy going on.
Instead it appears as though it's someone who really does simply enjoy the social aspect of it and is still rewarded for her interactions.
She actually doesn't comment as much as I thought. 602 posts in 9 months. 3 of those are blog posts. That's about 66 comments per month. That's not too hard to do.
I read her bio on her profile that mentions marketing, and I think she may just be really a trail blazer. She is building up quite the list of people she can resteem to. I already see in her wallet history people that pay her to resteem their content. So this could be one of the futures of advertising here on steem blockchain and she may just be a trend setter.
Being paid to resteem someone else's content b/c of 12,000+ followers is a novel approach.
I still have to wonder if it was planned or it just sort of happened?
I edited my post and added a link to an interview @stellabelle did with her. She seems pretty humble, and it doesn't seem so much planned out as it just happened.
She seems very down to earth.
As you mentioned, HER POSTS come in the form of comments and resteeming. It would be safe to say that she is a promoter and not necessarily a self promoter. Her comments are always positive and engaging, much more than the "good post" or "I liked it." Also, it would appear that as she resteems, she is giving a venue for others to discover what might have been missed. I know that my feed is a mess right now as I am still trying to figure out what interests interest me on this platform and whom to follow. Do I like their writing style, content, personality? Being new has a lot of options on building a menu.
I am happy to see different approaches and individuality here. I am encouraged that you dug deeper into the matter to get to the heart of the situation. I know there are others who would have gathered a lynch mod and requested her head on stake. Due diligence is sometimes rewarding.
I agree. I see her as doing a service and I actually think she might be a little bit of a genius. She also seems humble. I kind of admire her actually. This was more my journey into the mystery of WHO and HOW. I suspect she is onto a totally different way to approach steem, and I don't consider it a bad thing.
Thank you for the curiosity...good to see the cat lived.
very interesting and Good investigative work.
Whatever floats your boat! - Justin Bieber is popular too...
@sift666 ....if @kiwideb was not your significant other .... I would flame you just for the use of his name. But yeah, clicking follow on as many people as you can is also a strategy ....
pretty cool visit my profile too
yes it appears we were both very intrigued!