As you mentioned, HER POSTS come in the form of comments and resteeming. It would be safe to say that she is a promoter and not necessarily a self promoter. Her comments are always positive and engaging, much more than the "good post" or "I liked it." Also, it would appear that as she resteems, she is giving a venue for others to discover what might have been missed. I know that my feed is a mess right now as I am still trying to figure out what interests interest me on this platform and whom to follow. Do I like their writing style, content, personality? Being new has a lot of options on building a menu.
I am happy to see different approaches and individuality here. I am encouraged that you dug deeper into the matter to get to the heart of the situation. I know there are others who would have gathered a lynch mod and requested her head on stake. Due diligence is sometimes rewarding.
I agree. I see her as doing a service and I actually think she might be a little bit of a genius. She also seems humble. I kind of admire her actually. This was more my journey into the mystery of WHO and HOW. I suspect she is onto a totally different way to approach steem, and I don't consider it a bad thing.
Thank you for the curiosity...good to see the cat lived.