alizerozero (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoHey Somee-Fam ! 300 follower special ;) My journey with this project begann in 2021,Hey Somee-Fam ! <br /> <br /> 300 follower special ;) <br /> <br /> <br /> My journey with this project begann in 2021, but I actively post since March 23. <br /> <br /> I love to share my thoughs and have a lot of fun and .... heyhey... gained nearly 300 friends in 1 Month....<br /> <br /> I´ve got a suprise for the my follower No. 300 (Now I´m at 295), as No. 300 gets 10*300 (=3000 ^^) SME <br /> <br /> Spread the word and share some love, so ONE PERSON CAN GET THIS NICE SUPRISE :) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Hey Somee-Fam ! 300 follower special ;) My journey with this project begann in 2021,]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPicture: old lighthouse in Podersdorf am Neusiedlersee, Burgenland, Österreich WhatPicture: old lighthouse in Podersdorf am Neusiedlersee, Burgenland, Österreich <br /> <br /> What is Art? <br /> <br /> Yesterday me and my wife went on a trip (Thanks to my parents for watchin the kids...) to a place we really love. By definition art has to be artifiical, ergo manmade, so nature per se can´t be considered as art. (Maybe we could discuss If one can think of god as an artist...). Furthermore art has something we call "disinterested pleasure", which means - simplyfied - that it has no purpose beside delighing our senses....<br /> <br /> btw: What is with the market for art (or art on steroids aka NFTs ^^)? If I want to invest in art to make money, is this without interest (and would the piece of art lose it´s "disinterested plesure" by gaining a purpose - makin money???)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Picture: old lighthouse in Podersdorf am Neusiedlersee, Burgenland, Österreich What]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosopher´s stones : The allegory of the cave (Plato) (1/X) What is real, what anPhilosopher´s stones : The allegory of the cave (Plato)<br /> (1/X)<br /> <br /> What is real, what an illusion?? Do we all live in the MATRIX <br /> <br /> <br /> Imagine you and all your fellows lived in a cave, tied to a rope so you can only look towards the wall. Behind you there is a fire, between you and the fire there are people carrying objects, puppets and so on. Your reality is what you see on the wall. The shadows. In Platons allegory, one of the prisoners breaks free, fights his way towards the like (entry of the cave - true knowledge). The ascent his hard, his legs are used not to move a lot, his eyes not to see (truth hurts ^^) . He makes his way into freedom and SEES THE WORLD IN ITS FULL BEAUTY as it is. He realises, that the life he lived has been a lie, an illusion, unreal. <br /> <br /> <br /> Now you surely want to awake your fellows too. You go back into the cave, but nobody belives you. They are used to the ropes, they prefer their prisons of mind to the real world. To tie yourself again and live their fake plastic live is no option for you as you are awake now. You try to convince them to break their ties,but no, they dont want to. And then, they kill you ^^<br /> <br /> Platon ends with the sentence : "They are similar to us" <br /> <br /> <br /> WTF???<br /> <br /> TBC<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Philosopher´s stones : The allegory of the cave (Plato) (1/X) What is real, what an]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoHey folks :) SO(Mee)thing else ;) If you like good content, please check out those two aHey folks :) SO(Mee)thing else ;) <br /> <br /> If you like good content, please check out those two accounts (if you dont already know them )<br /> <span class="js_user-popover" data-uid="74312"><a href="">Blownation</a></span> for very well explained blockchain and beyond content<br /> <br /> aaand <span class="js_user-popover" data-uid="59345"><a href="">Nfthere</a></span> for thoughts and wisdom about health and crypto <br /> <br /> Share some love , the everyone who upvotes their latest post gets an upvote from me too :)<br /> <br/>[Hey folks :) SO(Mee)thing else ;) If you like good content, please check out those two a]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosopher´s stones 2 : The theodicy problem (1/X) “Even if there were painsPhilosopher´s stones 2 : The theodicy problem (1/X)<br /> <br /> “Even if there were pains in Heaven, all who understand would desire them.” (C.S Lewis)<br /> <br /> Another headbutt. The theodicy problem. It´s has been discussed over the centuries, first mentioned indirectly in the old testament, the jewish bible. How can something we consider omnipotent, knowing everything and kind can tolerate that there is sorrow in the world. Why ithere is evil in the world, people get sick and die, children starve and so on, if GOD RULES??<br /> <br /> In the end, there is no final solving for this problem, just attempts and personal preferences, but we surely have to make one distinction first: Manmade sorrow and pain and natural disasters like earthquakes. <br /> The first one is clearer to answer, because GOD GAVE US FREEWILL and with it a part of his power to create. What we do with this is up to us (but imho ethical „good “ behavior is supported and you get gods help and more energy) <br /> <br /> tbc<br /> <br/>[Philosopher´s stones 2 : The theodicy problem (1/X) “Even if there were pains]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoROAD TO ATARAXIA (1/X) tbc "As you kiss your son good night, whisper to yourself, &ROAD TO ATARAXIA (1/X) tbc<br /> <br /> <br /> "As you kiss your son good night, whisper to yourself, “He may be dead in the morning” (Epictet)<br /> <br /> "How Long Are You Going To Wait Before You Demand The Best For Yourself." (Epictet)<br /> <br /> <br /> Let´s start a challenge. We call it "road to ATARAXIA ". From time to time I´m gonna post tools/ tasks/ lessons to achieve a stoic mindset. Todays task is heavy. It reminds us of our transience. The things of our physical world vanish quicker and quicker. The stoic philosophers considered their death as a great partner and coach, beacuse it teaches to worship all we have, to be greatfull and not to waste time. So here comes the challenge: <br /> <br /> Write your own eulogy. You can chose from whitch perspektive you write it: a friend, your husband/wife, your child... <br /> <br /> What is it that they should remeber you for? What person do you want to be for them?<br /> <br /> If you write, try to feel as deep as possible. Imagine their sad faces, think of the small on the graveyard, what sounds do you hear (music, crying...) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> WHAT LIFE DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE TO BECOME THAT PERSON FROM THAT EULOGY? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO CHANGE/ COUNTINUE TO DO???<br /> <br /> <br /> Would be nice to share your eulogy here, maybe I´ll do it too...<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[ROAD TO ATARAXIA (1/X) tbc "As you kiss your son good night, whisper to yourself, &]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago"I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature" (Baruc"I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature" (Baruch de Spinoza)<br /> <br /> Can we transform something just by understanding it? Maybe not. But could we control our passions without understanding it? Could be. But if, then only with random results. We want to get to a point where we master our mind systematicly. Consequently we could say that knowing something is a necessary condition but not sufficient condition to change it. <br /> <br /> The difference ist, that in a sufficient condition, the effect comes inevitably, if the condition is fullfilled, while a necessary condition could lead to the effect, but there might also be the need for another condition. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>["I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature" (Baruc]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosopher´s stones : Headbuds to think about 😉 Today: Russell´s chicken Philosopher´s stones : Headbuds to think about <i class="twa twa-winking-face"></i><br /> Today: Russell´s chicken<br /> <br /> “The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken.” (Bertrand Russell)<br /> <br /> Bertrand Russell brought up his solution for an old philosopical problem: How can we abstract knowledge about the world by the phenomena, that we observe – induction. Just like the chicken in this macabre example, we humans don´t know for sure if we play a role in a „higher connection of meaning“. <br /> What if most of the things we know about our world is in fact just something WE are able to percieve, but not the real truth? How do we know that the sun will rise tomorow? Because it has always been like that, because we know the laws of science, which we abstracted by induction and so on…<br /> Russells answer on that problem ist hat we only can know there´s a statistical possibility for the sun to rise tomorow, based on the former „A led to B“ which have been observed. <br /> In crypto I always hear people talk about :“Will token XY rise to 100 bucks in the next bullrun???“ What could such a question have in common with Russell´s chicken? <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Philosopher´s stones : Headbuds to think about 😉 Today: Russell´s chicken ]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago“The blazing fire makes flames and brightness out of everything thrown into it.&rdqu“The blazing fire makes flames and brightness out of everything thrown into it.” (Marc Aurel)<br /> <br /> <br /> If you follow the stoic principles long enough, if you remain calm and steady, if you don´t give in your desires (develop "virtues"), if you live by EUDAIMONIA - lasting true inner happyness - instead of craving for transistory things like fame or money , if you practice APATHEIA and ATARAXIA , if you take responsibility for yourself and engange yourself in your political society, if you give back without demanding something in exchange, if you find your purpose and go all in for it... <br /> <br /> THEN you will develope a FIRE INSIDE yourself. And then the things resulting from you deeds will prosper , because it is like JESUS said in Mt: 12,13 <br /> <br /> "Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."<br /> <br /> <br /> Unfair? No, just a law of the universe. The secret in application. <br /> What are you waiting for? Demand what is entitled to you. <br /> <br /> <br /> PS : Don´t forget the ethics ;) <br/>[“The blazing fire makes flames and brightness out of everything thrown into it.&rdqu]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago“The vanity of others runs counter to our taste only when it runs counter to our van“The vanity of others runs counter to our taste only when it runs counter to our vanity.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)<br /> <br /> Still on our Nietzsche streak. This quote is dynamite. It´s dynamite because it triggers something within us that everybody has: our pride, our arrogance, our vanity. We live in a world where erverything and everybody has the potential to mirror our weaknesses. The things that agitate us mostly do so, because we find what we don´t like in our inside reflected from the outside/the world. If we don´t understand this and get angry and upset by erything that pushes that button, we will never grow. Only if we SEE and accept that truth, than nothing can upset, because we see every trigger on the outside as a chance to weaken our weaknesses ;) <br /> <br /> Today I stop blaming and pointing with my finger (because if I point with my finger, 4 fingers point back at myself ...) and start reflecting WHY something/somebody agitates me.<br /> <br /> What about you?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[“The vanity of others runs counter to our taste only when it runs counter to our van]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevent"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind." (Friedrich Nietzsche)<br /> <br /> <br /> Nietzsche again. Good old Friedrich enriched the world of - not only - philosophie for sure with his ingenious aphorisms. This one is a another gem. It´s meaning should be precise and clear (not like some of Nietzsches other headbutts ^^) : Everything in nature changes. You can rely on it like a law of nature. To deal with this, ones mind has to be flexible like a willow in the winds of eternity. <br /> <br /> <br /> ...But... would YOU easily change your mind on things which are amongst you deepest beliefs.? For example the future and potential of crypto-assets? Its harder if you´ve got a skin in the game, right...;)<br /> <br /> What beliefs YOU hardly want to let go?? <br /> <br /> <br/>["The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevent]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago“It is better to travel hopefully, than to arrive” (Robert Louis Stevenson) T“It is better to travel hopefully, than to arrive” (Robert Louis Stevenson)<br /> <br /> This quote is one of my favourites for my own life. For me it means, that the way you walk to achieve a goal is more important than achieving. Why is this? Because on the path we have our grind, we are commited, we feel alive... If we arrive.... what´s then? We get sick, we have no goals anymore, it´s not like we imagined it... Phil Stutz, the famous psychoanalyst says think of your tasks in life as you would put a pear onto a string. One task, one pearl. One by one and every pearl is as important as the other one. By doing it like that we stop to evaluate and we are on our path to a stoic mindset, because our mind remains calm. <br /> <br /> What do you think?<br/>[“It is better to travel hopefully, than to arrive” (Robert Louis Stevenson) T]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago"Man conquers the world by conquering himself." (Zeno) Stoic princhiples 2 : AP"Man conquers the world by conquering himself." (Zeno)<br /> <br /> Stoic princhiples 2 : APATHEIA<br /> <br /> Apatheia is the mental state of being free from desires. Our passions do not disturb us, we are not a leave in the wind taken high and down all the time. It´s not like being apathetic. We care. We work. We follow our dreams. But we do not nessecary be direct rewarded for our actions. We accept delayed rewards. We aim for the much much higher reward LATER, if we suceed to keep our mind calm and stable. <br /> <br /> <br/>["Man conquers the world by conquering himself." (Zeno) Stoic princhiples 2 : AP]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosophy of happyness: stoic principles 1 ATARAXY “For it is in your power to retPhilosophy of happyness: stoic principles 1 ATARAXY<br /> <br /> “For it is in your power to retire into yourself whenever you choose.”(Marcus Aurelius)<br /> <br /> Marc(us) Aurel(ius) was not only a great stoic thinker, but also an hounored leader of the romain empire. He had to force big obstacles during his time as an emperor, like riots, wars and a awfull plague. The stoic principles he lived by however made him think clearly and remain calm during those upsetting times. One is ataraxy, the steadfastness of the soul. To remain calm in the storm. Train this stillness in quite times and you will benefit, if you need it in hash, loud and stressfull times <br/>[Philosophy of happyness: stoic principles 1 ATARAXY “For it is in your power to ret]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosophy of happyness : Aristotle (3/3) “The happy life is thought to be one of Philosophy of happyness : Aristotle (3/3)<br /> <br /> <br /> “The happy life is thought to be one of excellence; now an excellent life requires exertion, and does not consist in amusement. If Eudaimonia, or happiness, is activity in accordance with excellence[ ….] and this will be that of the best thing in us.” (Aristotle)<br /> <br /> Eudaimonia is greek and means something like „to have a good demon on your side“. Happyness is for him not the luck of a moment - like finding money on the street – nor the blissed feeling we get from sensations we all are seeking – sex, sugar, altcoins pumpin and other kicks. <br /> You have to be active to get the good demon. But why are so many people active in their jobs and still not happy? Because you have to be active according to the plan your soul is determined. <br /> <br/>[Philosophy of happyness : Aristotle (3/3) “The happy life is thought to be one of ]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosophy of happyness: Aristotle (2/3) “He is happy who lives in accordance withPhilosophy of happyness: Aristotle (2/3) <br /> <br /> “He is happy who lives in accordance with complete virtue and is sufficiently equipped with external goods, not for some chance period but throughout a complete life.” (Aristotle)<br /> <br /> virtues play a huge role in the theory of Aristotle´s ethics. "Arete" is the old greek word for "virtue". A being is "good" if he/ it behaves according to it´s purpose. A good knife cuts good. A good human is - wise, a thinker, politically engaged and so on. There are "moral virtues" and "ethical virtues". To reason is genuine for humans (we can discuss about this...), thats why "phronesis" - prudence/ practical wisdom is very important. The key point: Mesotes. The middle way between two maximum expression of one virtue is favorable. A person is drowning and you see it but you cant swim. Runnung away is corwardly, jumping into the water is foolhardy. Mesotes would be getting help. Thats courage....<br /> <br /> Imho nowadays we kind of lose the Mesotes- thing, because our lifes tend to be extreme in different ways. <br /> <br /> How do you maintain the middle? And isn´t an average life boring ^^ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Philosophy of happyness: Aristotle (2/3) “He is happy who lives in accordance with]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoPhilosophy of happyness: 1 Aristotle (tbc) "True happiness flows from the possessionPhilosophy of happyness: 1 Aristotle (tbc)<br /> <br /> "True happiness flows from the possession of wisdom and virtue and not from the possession of external goods." (Aristotle)<br /> <br /> <br /> Aristotle is considered as one of the fathers of modern philosophy. In one of his most famous books , "The Nikomachian Ethics" , his main statement is, that everybody in the end just wants to be happy. Happyness is the "causa finalis" - the main goal - in life. We can practice happyness as a habit and THROUGH or habits. Wisdom and virtue are very important, wisdom because we can decide, which things truely lead to happyness and virtue (wow, such an old-fashioned word/thing these days...), because we "keep the dopamin spikes flat" (as we would call it nowadays). How do we practice wisdom and virtue? Philosophy is one damn good thing for both ;) <br /> <br /> More on virtue tomorow ....<br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>[Philosophy of happyness: 1 Aristotle (tbc) "True happiness flows from the possession]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago"A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope." (Epictet"A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope." (Epictet)<br /> <br /> <br /> Those red candle days in crypto are gifts, because they remind us, that this "gamble", we get our dopamin spikes from is a coin with two sides. So getting your cheer only from altcoins pumping COULD ;) not be the most substantial road to lifelong happyness (yes, I gotta disapoint you^^) . Broaden the ways to your own happyness this will make you much less vunerable, if fate (or Jerome ^^) strikes again...<br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>["A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope." (Epictet]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years agoNo philosophie this time, just caught the moment after some action with the girls in the ANo philosophie this time, just caught the moment after some action with the girls in the Austrian woods <br/>[No philosophie this time, just caught the moment after some action with the girls in the A]( (33)in #someeofficial • 2 years ago"Wealth is the slave of a wise man and the master of a fool" (Seneca) In crypt"Wealth is the slave of a wise man and the master of a fool" (Seneca)<br /> <br /> <br /> In crypto most of the people are looking for nice gains. And we are longing and longing for the gains and while we are out on dates with our wifes or while our kids show them their paintings and while our dogs get old and sick and our parents are on walks with us.... we have money on our mind. So we are the slaves of our potential future gains. 2 things are possible, if the dont change our mindset: We get the gains and stay slaves to spend and protect our money or we dont get them and stay slaves longing. So we need to change our mind to master the money instead of being enslaved by it. Because then we will be wealthy weather the gains come or not ;) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br/>["Wealth is the slave of a wise man and the master of a fool" (Seneca) In crypt](