Philosophy of happyness: 1 Aristotle (tbc)
"True happiness flows from the possession of wisdom and virtue and not from the possession of external goods." (Aristotle)
Aristotle is considered as one of the fathers of modern philosophy. In one of his most famous books , "The Nikomachian Ethics" , his main statement is, that everybody in the end just wants to be happy. Happyness is the "causa finalis" - the main goal - in life. We can practice happyness as a habit and THROUGH or habits. Wisdom and virtue are very important, wisdom because we can decide, which things truely lead to happyness and virtue (wow, such an old-fashioned word/thing these days...), because we "keep the dopamin spikes flat" (as we would call it nowadays). How do we practice wisdom and virtue? Philosophy is one damn good thing for both ;)
More on virtue tomorow ....
[Philosophy of happyness: 1 Aristotle (tbc)
"True happiness flows from the possession](