PostsCommentsPayoutsamerlin (48)in #monicajak • 2 years agoMonica Jagaciak by Chadwick Tyler Monika Jac Jagaciak for Office Magazine Polish supermodel Monika Jac Jagaciak teamed up with fashion photographer Chadwick Tyler for End Of Days story coming from the pages of…amerlin (48)in #time • 2 years agoTimeБог Кайрос (лат. Caerus, др. греч. Καιρός) древнегреческий бог счастливого мгновения. Кайрос — неуловимый миг удачи, который всегда наступает неожиданно, и поэтому им очень…amerlin (48)in #rose • 2 years agoRose 🌹 Filius philosophorum George Ripleyamerlin (48)in #etanin • 3 years agoDraco***Credit photo *** Eltanin is the brightest star in the constellation Dragon. An orange giant of spectral class K5, located 148 light-years from Earth. The name means "dragon" inamerlin (48)in Space • 3 years agoΎαδες HyadesCredit wikipedia 🌌 Ύαδες (Hyades) in Greek mythology, a nymph, daughter of Atlas and Pleione, one of the oceanids. Playona - Daughter of the OCEAN, OCEAN - the deity who…amerlin (48)in Space • 3 years agoStar cluster Hyades Credit - Bernadette Вready The Hyades is a small group of six to seven visible stars that appears to obscure the forehead of Taurus. They are so close to the star…amerlin (48)in #hyades • 3 years agoHyadesCredit - Bernadette Вready The Hyades is a small group of six to seven visible stars that appears to obscure the forehead of Taurus. They are so close to the star…amerlin (48)in #star • 3 years agoStar cluster Les amas d'étoiles sont des étoiles qui s'attirent mutuellement par la force de gravité, les amas d'étoiles sont formés à partir d'un seul nuage de poussière et de gaz…amerlin (48)in #time • 3 years agoTimes⏳⌛️Dans les temps anciens, la Terre était considérée comme un être vivant ; Les anciens Grecs croyaient que le globe était un corps humain enroulé, et à Delphes, où les oracles les…amerlin (48)in #lilith • 3 years agoLilithThe name Lilith is mentioned in the Old Testament (as a “night ghost” in the Book of Isaiah) and in Sumero-Babylonian cuneiform tablets. The first image of Lilith is a…amerlin (48)in #guttulatus • 3 years agoStableSTABLE - shaped (Gasterostei formes), Hippocampus guttulatus👇🔻 a detachment of bony fish. Known since the Eocene. The length is from 3 cm to 1.8 m. Weight from a few…amerlin (48)in #kairos • 3 years agoCaerus Kairos Καιρός 🇫🇷 Dieu Kairos (lat. Caerus, autre grec. Καιρός) l'ancien dieu grec d'un moment heureux. Kairos est un moment de chance insaisissable qui survient toujours de manière inattendue…amerlin (48)in #land • 3 years agoLand north south west eastamerlin (48)in #black • 3 years agoBlack and white About light and darkness. White and Black God cover the sky In the spiritual world, there is always a struggle between Reveal and Navi, Light and Darkness, White and Black…amerlin (48)in #okr • 7 years ago十分钟读完《OKR工作法》OKR 全称是「目标和关键成果」(Objectives and Key Results)…amerlin (48)in #life • 7 years ago如何做到两倍薪水如何做到两倍的收益 最近一直在纠结的事情,就是关于集中精力做一件事情还是并行去做很多事情。我们都学习过计算机基础知识,我想大家只要上过大学都应该学过。在计算机之中有个并行与串行的概念,串行就是所有的命令行排着队进行处理,并行处理就是同时进行处理多个线程。在之前我们已经说过了,我们的…amerlin (48)in #life • 7 years ago人生的终极问题到底是什么?人生的终极问题到底是什么?…amerlin (48)in #bitcoin • 7 years ago早是不是决定性因素我们朋友之间经常地开玩笑说,哪些早十年前买房子的人现在都享受到了房地产的红利,现在已经赚的盆满钵满;这些年来其实有很多的机会互联网,移动互联网,移动支付,电商,金融P2P但是无疑的是我们都错过了,或者说当我们看到的时候,其实我们就会感慨“我要是早知道就好了”。…amerlin (48)in #choice • 7 years ago为什么你在关键时刻总是选错误?最近在项目投资上面出现了一些选择性的错误,比如说对美股市场的整体的宏观的走向不够清晰地明了,没有意识到资本的整体专项动向,以及数字货币市场与全球科技股市场之间的资本动向,造成自己资金的错位配置。…amerlin (48)in #blockchain • 7 years ago做个正常的时间买卖人做个正常的时间买卖人…