curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago南美小伙用塑料建房子 让三千多贫民有安身之所(curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago阿里的人工智能之路,他和谷歌亚马逊有多大差距(图示:杭州阿里巴巴总部) 上海地铁站的自动售票机有着自己的独特之处。走到一台机器前,说出你要去的地方,它会自动为你推荐路线,然后发出一张相应的地铁票。这台售票机还会通过人脸识别查验你的身份。此外,为了减少地铁高峰期的操作时间,系统设置成无需操作按钮,而是通过语音即可完成车票购买。…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago谷歌创始人投资的“飞行出租车”在新西兰试飞网易科技讯3月13日消息,据Engadget报道,早在2016年,就有报道称谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page,现在是Alphabet首席执行官)正在资助两个“飞行汽车”项目,去年我们看到了Kitty Hawk公司推出的超轻型飞机Flyer,现在其飞行出租车Cora开始在新西兰试飞。 谷歌创始人投资的“飞行出租车”在新西兰试飞…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoofo小黄车已完成E2-1轮融资8.66亿美元 阿里领投ofo小黄车已完成E2-1轮融资8.66亿美元 网易科技讯 3月13日消息,ofo小黄车宣布完成E2-1轮融资8.66亿美元。本轮融资由阿里巴巴领投,灏峰集团、天合资本、蚂蚁金服与君理资本共同跟投。 据悉,本轮融资采取股权与债权并行的融资方式。ofo小黄车方面表示,将在众多投资方支持下独立发展。…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago扒一扒很多大神偷偷日赚几千上万的灰项目大家在淘宝购物时,经常遇到好评有奖、好评返现这样的情况,淘宝上购买了商品收到货后5星好评并叙述一段文字,店家会发一个支付宝或者微信红包,金额1元、2元、5元不等;从这种现象可以看出淘宝购物的好评对一个店铺是很重要的,相反淘宝购物的差评也是对淘宝店铺伤害十分严重的!1、影响店家整体好评率,差评多的话店家升级慢,直接影响店家生意的;2、虽然淘宝已经把好评率和店铺curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago库里传——从NBA边缘星二代到殿堂级超级球星的励志人生(上)他曾和亿万普通孩子一样,怀揣着一颗篮球梦 那是2004年的夏天,清澈的空气使大地广漠无垠,把它无限地扩展开去。湛蓝辽阔的天空,融化在这片色彩斑斓的世界里。一切都在往远方同去,而且在召唤人们也到大地的蓝色边沿上去。…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《荒野行动》+《终结者》用户量超2亿,网易游戏吃鸡生态已成型《荒野行动》+《终结者》用户量超2亿,网易游戏吃鸡生态已成型-新媒之家favicon.ico" />css/common.css"> index.html">images/logo.png" alt="新媒之家"> index.html">首页 ganhuo.html"…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago多家游戏公司盯上区块链,全民“云撸猫”?昨日(2018年 1 月 9 日) ,徐小平在其真格基金的 CEO…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years ago19句话读懂习近平科技强国布局8日上午,国家科学技术奖励大会在京举行。 习近平出席大会,并向获得2017年度国家最高科学技术奖的南京理工大学王泽山院士和中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所侯云德院士颁发奖励证书。…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoSteemit:一家由区块链驱动的社交网络博客与社交网站Steemit的灵感来自Reddit。Steemit的运行基础,是一个向发布和策划最佳内容的用户和内容创作者支付酬劳的区块链。 Steemit成立于2016年,由BitShares创始人Ned Scott和Daniel Larimer联合创办。平台虽然新,但在社区规模和内容方面却增长迅速。…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoTrump dropped 200,000 El Salvador refugees.The original title: Trump down to 200,000 Salvadoran refugees 牒 Global Network reported According to the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC January 9 reported that the U.S.…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoReally, "Analects" in the end there is no need to learn?.Original title: To be honest, "Analects" in the end there is no need to learn? . One basic point of view in an analects of Confucius for more than 20 years in Fudan is that we…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoThe exquisite life of the ancients Spring flowers and summer wind, autumn and winter thanks to wine.The original title: the exquisite life of the ancients 丨 spring flowers and summer style, the autumn and winter thanks to the ancient wine exquisite life I do not know how many…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoWomen are not insignificant players in human destiny |.Original title: Women are not Mild Participants in the Destiny of Mankind | One Week's Book 1 "The Story of the Mistress" [Canada] Margaret Attwood with Peter Chan Translation…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoZhang Daqian and Picasso's encounter, the collision of Eastern and Western art!.The original title: Zhang Daqian encounter with Picasso, East-West art collision! . July 29, 1956 Zhang Daqian and Picasso Since 1946, Picasso has long settled in the…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoSave the inner devil.The original title: save the inner devil Do you think your inner play enough? . Source | onlyanose weibo: onlyanose A stationed flies twenty-two-year-old pen three rescue…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoSilent testimony: Japanese mop after corpses over and over, even the wells and pigsty have been filled with bodies.The original title: Silent witness: After the Japanese mopping the corpses over and over again, even the wells and pigsty were all filled with corpses in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoCao Zhenglu | Revisit the Third Revolutionary History: Chairman Mao's Modernization Plan to Change the Chinese Army - Adapted from Samhsan.Original title: Cao Zhenglu | revisit the third revolution: Chairman Mao to change the modernity of the Chinese army program - the three Bay Adaptation [Editor's note] Cao…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoThe original Japan also has "marshal", take a look at Japan's rank system.Original title: The original Japan also has "Marshal", take a look at Japan's rank system Before the end of the Second World War in 1945, the rank of Japanese military officers…curry4three66 (27)in #cn • 7 years agoHonestly as the emperor, it is inevitable be green.The original title: honest people as the emperor, but also inevitably be green Now, the word "honest man" has quickly become a derogatory term, and if you are an honest man, it…