dabaisha (53)in #cn • 7 years ago好久不上都不会用了。。新人求带好久不上都不会用了。。新人求带。 什么是 steem steem dollar steem power steem power delagation 新人求教 还有什么锁定期什么的 完全不明白了dabaisha (53)in #news • 9 years agoJED9 24, will go to China to participate in the block chain meetingJED9 24, will go to China to participate in the block chain meeting. Meeting content is to promote STR!dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years ago7 major anti-inflammatory food: eating a healthy save beer bellyTry adding anti-inflammatory foods into your meal plan on a daily basis. The more often you eat these foods, the less inflammation that will be present in your body. When…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years agoChinese Jack the Ripper murder and mutilation of 11 women were arrested after 30 yearsA serial killer dubbed China's 'Jack the Ripper'forthe way he murdered and mutilated 11 women has been arrested three decadesafter hiscrime spree began.…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years agoHow social media has poisoned our next generationA New study by the British government has discovered the mental well-being of the country'steenage girls has deteriorated. 英国政府最近的一项研究发现,英国青春期女孩的心理健康已经严重恶化。 The survey, which…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years ago应当彻底清算“文革”中的第四种人文革结束后,邓小平把“三种人”给拉下马了。但他却放过了第四种人。什么是文革中的第四种人呢?这就是文革中那些犯了反人类罪的罪犯。…dabaisha (53)in #life • 9 years agoHaha guess which one is my girlfriend? All very beautiful.dabaisha (53)in #life • 9 years agoHa-ha。 Guess which one is my girlfriend?dabaisha (53)in #travel • 9 years agoBaishuitaiBaishuitai, 2380 meters high, located in Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Dêqên, Yunnan Province is at the foot of Haba snow mountain. It is 103 kilometers far away from…dabaisha (53)in #food • 9 years agoGuoQiao rice noodle过桥米线是云南滇南地区特有的小吃,属滇菜系, 起源于蒙自地区。过桥米线汤是用大骨、老母鸡、云南宣威火腿经长时间熬煮而成的, 汤料覆盖有一层滚油。吃一口独具风味,唇齿留香。…dabaisha (53)in #bitcoin • 9 years agoR3, HSBC Experts: Collaboration is Key for Blockchain PotentialHSBC and its partner, Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch, recently published a proof of concept to demonstrate how Blockchain-powered contracts can be used to replace paper letters…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years ago比承包医院更黑:莆田人承包了中国90%的寺庙外来的和尚会念经 这就是有人拼命抹黑净空法师的原因! 有人说寺院已经禁止净空的书流通,为什么?答:呵呵,你怎么不问问佛陀在世时没有寺院,怎么现在这么多寺院?怎么某些还要门票还要高价卖香呢?开光要高价?好多在乎钱的地方为什么禁止某些流通物,这么难度大的问题我还真不太清楚。…dabaisha (53)in #news • 9 years agoChina Everbright reported to acquire Liverpool FC stakeIt's been reported that Chinese investment firm Everbright is interested in buying a stake in England's Liverpool Football Club (FC).The Financial Times reports that Everbright…dabaisha (53)in #story • 9 years agoBullfighting folk activity held in southwest ChinaBulls fight with each other during a bullfighting folk activity in Xiajiang Town of Congjiang County, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Aug. 21, 2016. Sixty bulls from Guizhou…dabaisha (53)in #story • 9 years agoWhen employee falls ill, who should foot the bill?Liu Lingli, an English teacher at a private college in Lanzhou city, died of cancer on August 14.Her case aroused wide sympathy and indignation among the public because her…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years ago英雄钢笔的末路:三千人剩150人,最高7亿资产缩至208万今年6月,上海英雄金笔厂度过了它的第85个生日。尽管对外宣称“风采不减当年”,但在这个“打字成了工作,写字成了情怀”的年代,出于情怀的怀念并不能拯救已经式微的钢笔产业。 祁连山路位于上海市中心的西北边。与黄浦区的车流滚滚和密集的摩天大楼不同,祁连山路上车流量很少,建筑物大多低矮,排列稀疏。在蓝天白云相映之下,英雄金笔厂安静地矗立在道路的一侧。…dabaisha (53)in #cn • 9 years ago投资人纷纷撤离 蒙古濒临破产蒙古国目前正在应对一场经济危机。蒙古货币正以空前的速度大幅度贬值,投资人纷纷撤离。 彭博社的数据显示,蒙古货币图格里克(Tugrik)的币值仅本月就下跌7.8%,成为全球表现最差货币。 蒙古政府也表示,国家已“处于严重经济危机状态”。蒙古财政部长Choijilsuren Battogtokh…dabaisha (53)in #btc • 9 years agoRakuten Acquires Bitcoin Startup Team for Blockchain Lab LaunchJapanese e-commerce firm Rakuten is opening a blockchain development lab in the UK, a move that follows its acquisition of former employees at bitcoin payments startup…dabaisha (53)in #btc • 9 years agoJapanese Banks Plan Blockchain Currency ExchangeA group of Japanese financial institutions is looking to create a blockchain-based platform they could leverage to cut costs on domestic and foreign exchange services.Announced…dabaisha (53)in #life • 9 years agoEat fruit actually have to look at the time?Eating fruit is good for your health is already well-known things. However, in the specific time to eat fruit, will be able to promote the decomposition of body, you know what…