dank-crypomemes (41)in #photography • 2 years ago—— Catdank-crypomemes (41)in #tarot • 2 years ago1Book tarot seeddank-crypomemes (41)in #flamingo • 2 years agoFlamingodank-crypomemes (41)in #bull • 2 years agoBullun antiguo toro egipcio completamente negro con una mancha blanca que se asemeja a una luna creciente en su forma. El toro era un intermediario entre los dioses y las personas.…dank-crypomemes (41)in #allantis • 3 years agoAtlantisThe king of Atlantis was the Atlantean Atlas, of Atlantis (the country of Atlantis, the inhabitants of Atlanta), everything is logical here. The first mention of Atlantis was…dank-crypomemes rebloggedlilgabesta (31)in #jupiter • 3 years agoPlanetsJupiter and Saturn are social planets, the first of which determines the system of social values and accumulated knowledge, and the second contributes to their formalization in…dank-crypomemes rebloggeddeus-em (32)in #orion • 3 years agoRise of OrionThe rise of Orion at midnight marked the beginning of the grape harvest, and its evening rise marked the approach of winter and winter storms. The general belief that Orion…dank-crypomemes rebloggedoumessias (42)in #see • 3 years agoBanbaBanba Fertility goddess. Celtic (Irish). One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN. A name of the “Sover- eignty of Ireland” to whom the king was married in symbolic ceremony. Also a…dank-crypomemes rebloggedahmedrazakhan2 (28)in #vavilon • 3 years agoVavilonMoon- Sin (EN.ZU) Sun - Shamas (UTU) Jupiter- Marduk (SAG.ME.GAR) Venus- Ishtar (MUL.DILBAT I !star belit matati6) Mercury- Nebo/Ningishzida/ Ninurta (SIHTU) Saturn- Ninurta…dank-crypomemes rebloggedyensesa (61)in #freya • 3 years agoFreyaFreya: goddess in a cloak of feathers Freya, or Freya, was a very intriguing divine figure, a resident of Asgard, with origin from the family of the Vanir Freya, daughter of…dank-crypomemes rebloggedsteemitindon (32)in #alcyone • 3 years agoAlcyoneBird that calms the storms (Alcyone, Alkonost) - a bird that hatches chicks in the middle of winter or lays eggs in the depths of the sea and hatches them on the surface of the…dank-crypomemes rebloggedkoraychi1 (32)in #behanzin • 3 years agoBehanzinBehanzin Fish god. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Invoked by fishermen to ensure plentiful catches.dank-crypomemes (41)in #symbol • 3 years agoSymbol૱ ꠸ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ❗ ► ◄ Ă ă 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ǖ ǖ Ꞁ ¤ Ð ¢ ℥ Ω ℧ K ℶ ℷ ℸ ⅇ ⅊ ⚌ ⚍ ⚎ ⚏ ⚭ ⚮ ⌀ ⏑ ⏒ ⏓ ⏔ ⏕ ⏖ ⏗ ⏘ ⏙ ⏠ ⏡ ⏦ ᶀ ᶁ ᶂ ᶃ ᶄ ᶆ ᶇ ᶈ ᶉ ᶊ ᶋ ᶌ ᶍ ᶎ ᶏ ᶐ ᶑ ᶒ ᶓ ᶔ ᶕ ᶖ ᶗ ᶘ ᶙ ᶚ ᶸ ᵯ ᵰ ᵴ ᵶ ᵹ ᵼ…dank-crypomemes rebloggedabdulsabor (52)in #grave • 3 years agoGraveThe grave is a sacred place. The symbolism of the grave 🪦 belonged to a mountain, a core, a mound, before “moving into a cave” the abode of death, as well as rebirth. The…dank-crypomemes rebloggedinflames343 (43)in #alcione • 3 years agoAlcionesistema solar gira em torno de Alcione, estrela central da constelação de Plêiades. Nosso Sol é, portanto, a oitava estrela da constelação – localizada a aproximadamente 28…dank-crypomemes rebloggedfoarsyad (57)in #muse • 3 years ago Charles Pierre BaudelaireLA MUSE MALADE Ma pauvre muse, hélas ! Qu'as-tu donc ce matin? Tes yeux creux sont peuplés de visions nocturnes, Et je vois tour à tour réfléchis sur ton teint La folie et…dank-crypomemes rebloggedrollinshive (61)in #albert • 3 years agoALBERT EINSTEINWords or speech, written or spoken, do not appear to play any part at all in the mechanism of my thought processes. The basic psychic elements of thought are certain signs and…dank-crypomemes rebloggedfreethrows (58)in #centaur • 3 years agoSonorbidden passions within them, and their ability to create chaos among mankind. There are some centaurs, however, such as Chiron, that resemble “good” angels, ones that give…dank-crypomemes (41)in #dtube • 7 years agoFreedom of Speech on Internet ENDING They can also charge you $5 or $10 a month, or whatever price they want, for you to even use Youtube This also implies that these companies will have to barter to Verizon or AT&T…dank-crypomemes (41)in #dtube • 7 years agoFreedom of Speech on Internet ENDING Transcript Below Net Neutrality is threatened by the FCC, and the internet as we know it may change forever. Net Neutrality requires to give everyone equal access to everything…