eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 7 years ago.Now quorum sensing rids Earth of the peter principle and usury.Now quorum sensing rids Earth of the peter principle and usury Bacteria; insects; plants; fish; birds, and animals; naturally, and excellently portray a decentralized…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 7 years agoALM .NOW SERVER AND ECLIPSE A CONTROLLED EXISTENCEALM THIS .NOW SERVER AND; ECLIPSE, A CONTROLLED EXISTENCE A, verifiable news is of room and compassion; you, are going to and casting a vote for a…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 7 years agoPOSITIVE INDUCTED CURRENCY (ALM); IS, TRUST IN A FREE MARKET TRANSACTION; EQUAL, TO ATOMIC TIMEPOSITIVE INDUCTED CURRENCY (ALM); IS TRUST IN A FREE MARKET TRANSACTION; EQUAL, TO ATOMIC TIME A, minute whilst you are idle in your car consumes the same amount of…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 7 years agoCOMMON LAW AND CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY IS HOW AN OPTIMIST THINKSCOMMON LAW AND CONSTITUTIONAL CURRENCY IS HOW AN OPTIMIST THINKS Afraid, it may be true was a pessimist about eclipsing usury; now, as conversation here is to you and I…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoCAN A "GOD LIKE GENE" VMAT2 BE ELIMINATED IN YOUR BRAIN BY AEROSOL SPRAY?(Audio Article↑) (Video↓) CAN A “GOD-LIKE GENE” VMAT2; BE, ELIMINATED IN YOUR BRAIN BY AEROSOL SPRAY? Is, it moral to produce research; and, have conduct that is…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoSILENT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: THE USE OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL HARM INJURY OR COST IS UNETHICALSuch, isn’t to be used; however, you can look and see dressed up politicians letting you know that biological or radiological weapons is unethical and shouldn’t be used;…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoPRINT AND PRINT "MONEY" TO THE LAST FINAL CRISIS WIPES OUT THE ENTIRE SYSTEM?Free, trade deals to have been overthrown by sanctions and war; to, install civic and clerical forms of goverment; a, monopoly to overthrow all government; as, terrorist state…eclipsenow (33)in #technology • 8 years agoA SILENT WEAPON FOR A QUIET WAR IS AN EMP WEAPONAn, EMP weapon disrupts magnetic fields; and, is detonated above thirty seven miles up; and, fired off shore; such, a weapon would cause a condition; of, a decade to reverse…eclipsenow (33)in #alm • 8 years agoWHAT IS THE GOAL OF DOT NOW PLATFORM?To, give all an open sourced verifiable worldwide platform; for, are you not your own authority on truth? For, now you can; as, eclipsenow-dot-net is forwarding to you the…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoIN COLLOIDAL BIOLOGY ENERGY IS HARNESSED FROM THE VACUUM: SUPERSTITIOUS MATERIALISM IS A WRONG TRACKThis, is a fact in lifefood nutrition that when what’s non-lifefood is introduced; nu-toxin, such as this can impact and vary disease; in, colloidal biology talk is about how…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipse • 8 years ago“USURY” IS A GENOCIDE ON MUSLIMS IN MYANMAR; ECLIPSE, USURY WITH ALM ELECTRONIC CURRENCYaudio article ↑ video↓ “USURY” IS A GENOCIDE ON MUSLIMS IN MYANMAR Usury, doesn’t ever work; yet, is the cause itself of genocide; decades, of negatively…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoCLOUD MY AWAKENER TOLD ME TO DEVELOP AN i AWARE ATTITUDECLOUD MY AWAKENER TOLD, ME TO DEVELOP AN i AWARE ATTITUDE Everything, is an initiation; you’ve, come over to my side; you’ve, become immune; no,resistance; trouble, doesn’t…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoTHE ALM WORLD CURRENCY IS BASED ON A COVENANT AS A MODULAR DESIGN AND IS TOTALLY PROGRAMMABLEThe, alm of this movement is the name of the currency which is being forwarded of economic egalitarianism; such, a covenant in the alm is an initiated blockchain…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoAPPLY WHOLE BRAIN FUNCTIONING PRINCIPLES TO GET WHAT YOU WANTThe, power of applying Whole Brain Functioning [wbf] is in a behavior learning; memory, is state specific; meaning, this is engaging an associative conditioning; meaning…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoALERT: DON’T WHITE JAIL BARS IN THE SKY TRAP MORE HEAT IN ACTUALLY?( ) You’re, not going to say that you’ve not noticed; how, most pundits who have been syndicated are as part of a monopolized media have redacted questions; about, hurricane…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoA WHITE PAPER ON THE ALM AS A WORLD CURRENCYOptimistically, you can witness if you take a look right now the transition of a monopolized old centralized regulatory system that is extremely antiquated; based, upon a roughly…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoWEATHER WAR TARGETING TEXAS: CONTROLLED COLLAPSE BY FLOODING(↑AUDIO ARTICLE) (VIDEO↓) Have, you seen all the prototype striker that is a network centric computer battle generated at the helm; all, run by remote control; and…eclipsenow (33)in #writing • 8 years agoECLIPSE AND THE PATH OF HOLLOW BONES: A TRANSMISSION FULFILLING THE RAINBOW PROPHECY:You, this beloved; in, major cities and centers around the world are now conscious of i awareness; through, whole brain functioning training; internationally, the master of self…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoi AWARENESSYou, have a map inside wakefully got; you, can have an enriched model or impoverished; such, is only a representation of reality yet not reality; the, map that you have inside…eclipsenow (33)in #eclipsenow • 8 years agoHARVEY; THE FRANKENSTEIN MEGA HURRICANE: GEO-ENGINEERED WEATHER( ) HARVEY THE FRANKENSTEIN MEGA HURRICANE : GEO-ENGINEERED WEATHER (AUDIO ARTICLE↓) A, hand above the government exists; messages, like when a weapon is…