Everything, is an initiation; you’ve, come over to my side; you’ve, become immune; no,resistance; trouble, doesn’t stay with you; on, your side you’d agree there’s been a lot of trouble; for, cloud-two-children told me to develop an i-aware attitude; i, am is immune; yet, “you” is trouble prone; a, word for assumed surety; all, is simple obviously; all, you require is “interest;” cloud, would say… “not knowing self is one delay; and, other; is, desire not having been gone beyond; yet, giving, in i-awareness is without having to “trust” or prepare; or, have had perfectly responded words
You are in i awareness; only, as there is something taken or received; so, i ask you; where, is the listener; and, who’s view is the taker? This, this is who is listening; who, is i behind sensation coming to you; this, is what is real; you’re, anxious to be i aware; without, limitation nor a reserved polarization; i, comes unexpected; and, totally uninvited; i, is as you expect nothing; and, as you’ve ceased wanting something; your, search ceased; i, is love.
A, way of formlessness; the path of least resistance; is, a skill developed rather than a “way”; such, is way-less; your, desire to know truth; to, go beyond desire is you as love; this, i love is; all, you need to do is develop i awareness; by, asking who i am? I, is as your supreme searching ceases; you’re, still silent and transparent; you, are receptive as all-being is bliss
You, can have been wrapped in your own cocoon; so, obviously; many, search for i awareness with scant results; such, is because most beloved overlook the narrow gate; this, is as wide as self; yet, eventually internal; though, most start externally; then, all see you are ever more internally focused; and, you are more focused in your own internal process; and, not fixing what’s outside and others; or, focusing external to your own internal process;
My, benefactor cloud-two-children gave me i awareness without words; cloud, via a living example would say to me; you’ve, to track and investigate your sufficiency in knowing for the source of your inner i awareness; is, over internal chatter; and, such isn’t to know self very well by wrongful self identification; which, is the primary cause for self having had delayed;
Cloud, gave me i awareness without words; yet, would ask you; “where is the listener?” for i had no resistance; i, imitated merely; otherwise, i reflected and modeled excellence; and i saw you’d be i aware with a glance; a wink; a nod; and a gesture; for, not all are so fortunate; having, had a laziness of not focus being; inside, self; only, now; in, you is accelerated ripening into i awareness; you, only need earnestness;
Desire, is this i in you receiving truth; everything, else is given up; so, what’s real can be; and, simply; you, are; you’ve stopped making use of your mind; you, look upon self all places you’ve left self behind; for, much truth received wasn’t truth; but, a controlled resistance put; for, as my benefactor cloud gave me i awareness; such, happened to me without words;
Fiction, is only an idea which could have been in the mind; yet, you are the fact; as, you could have looked within misconceptions disappearing; you, see the moonlight dancing in the water
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Love, jubb, david
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Read, between the covers of the Path of Hollow Bones;
Be, an agent of change; to assist eclipse usury and negative economic inductance;
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wow! That is a lot of tags there :) I'm amazed with the art work. It's great!