We've all been an idiot at some point in our lives, probably many times, and if you think you have not then you're an idiot. Being human means we think, say and do foolish things and from the most intelligent to the dumbest motherfucker out there being an idiot comes with being human, but being an idiot doesn't necessarily make a person unintelligent, it's just something that happens.
A month or so ago, I attended a thing, sort of an industry conference where I was representing the organisation I operate for and met a person who was far more intelligent than myself and she was far nicer looking too. We got to talking in the evening about some of the content we'd listened to in the day and we came up with some ideas on how one may increase our intelligence...this related to me more than her because she is legit-intelligent already.
So, here's some of the things we discussed; please remember I'm a bit of a blunt instrument, sort of like Thor's hammer, and not a scientist or intellectual so the things below are not something I can back with scientific fact, merely stuff I heard here and there, and have done in the past to stay sharp (or sharper than blunt, I should say.)
Idiots, pay attention please
➡️ Get uncomfortable: I've done this by using my left (non-dominant hand) for tasks like writing and doing buttons up one-handed, driving to places I don't know and finding my way around without maps, wearing my watch on the right wrist instead of the left and so on. Doing this stimulates the brain, surprises it, and forces it to adapt to the changes.
➡️ Get curious: I do this a lot too, because delving deeply into what I don't already know causes me to think differently, more objectively and along different paths than before, it's sort of like working out at the gym but the muscle being exercised is the brain.
➡️ Feed your brain: This is an easy one which is done by doing something differently every day; it could be listening to music you've not listened to before and different from your favourite genres, reading a book or article or listening to a podcast about a topic you're not accustomed to, doing puzzles and so on; It's designed to challenge your brain to work around the new content.
➡️ Teach others: I love this one because it allows me to gain personal benefit and help others also. Basically, it's about taking a newly acquired skill or knowledge and teaching it to someone else; if it's taught effectively it means your brain understands it well.
➡️ Be silent: I try really hard to do this every day, sometimes twice. I find a super-quiet place and set my phone's timer for ten minutes and remain in total silence for that time, and sit completely still. It doesn't mean I'm not thinking, much the opposite, it means I'm able to connect with my thoughts and ideas and that can bring new understandings, development and growth.
➡️ Go backwards: This was one my new friend loves and does regularly. She takes a problem or situation she (or someone else) has already solved and reverse-engineers it all the way to the very start. It's about seeing logic backwards. I've tried it and it's very challenging...but that's maybe because I'm a dumb fucker.
➡️ People diversity: Here's another of my favourites. I mentioned in a previous post about spending time with people older than oneself and this one is similar. It revolves around having discourse with diverse people and those who have done different things and have different opinions and perspectives. It causes a rethink, maybe even makes you question your pre-existing ideas and opinions and that means one has a chance to widen one's views. Again, another challenge that must would find difficult.
I spent until very late in the evening talking with this person and despite it being extremely fun and enjoyable I feel I walked away a better version of myself, just as she has confirmed to me the same in return. It was one of the best conversations I've had and if I could wish all of you (all two of you reading this) something right now it would be a conversation like I had with that girl. We've stayed in contact (live in different parts of the country) and have chatted weekly on the phone holding the other accountable for continuing these processes and others like them.
Now it's your turn...if you're an idiot...and you are because you're human.
Do you think you could gain some value out of concepts like this and if you have already what value and benefit? Feel free to comment if you'd like, because I'm an idiot applying some of the concepts above I'm also keen to hear what you think, even if you're not an idiot...which you most certainly are if you think you're not.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Hi @galenkp, one of the points of the publication I will add it to my work tools: Go backwards. I find it quite interesting and I think useful.
The point of meeting and dialoguing with different people, not only I think it is very necessary, but I understand it in the broadest sense: reading books with opposite points of view to ours, dodging the bubbles created by algorithms on the internet and looking for different opinions to ours. This, I think, helps to think, or to rethink for some people.
The examples you give about doing different things, such as using the non-dominant hand to do some tasks, are very interesting. The "science" supports these types of behaviors. I don't know if they are useful to be smarter, but they are very useful to avoid cognitive impairments.
Out of curiosity, I am just finishing reading a book by Nardone on what he calls strategic stupidity, in which he describes several profiles of stupid people, surely none of these people apply the points you make.
I hope this Thursday is being a good day.
It was a fascinating conversation I had, with a totally engaging individual, and I enjoyed it.
I actually think a lot of people are lazy generally and certainly when it. One's learning/discovering new things - especially those which don't align with their interests - and that can be quite limiting. Humans (Homosapien's) are naturally inquisitive, have advanced cognitive thought and great intelligence which is why we survived the Neanderthals, but people are using it less and less in deference to AI and other automated things. Sad really, and it'll come with negative repercussions.
Anyway, Thursday work day is over...just ate home made (low carb) pizza pockets and lived them! (Yes, I made them myself). I'll be taking a walk shortly, then settle in for some reading.
I hope your Tuesday goes well.
I very much agree with what you say, we are inquisitives by nature, and this is part of our success as a species. Although it seems that as a species we are devolving.
I am practically starting the day, and I would like to finish it also quietly and in front of a book. See you tomorrow.
Several times a day I tell myself, what an idiotic thing this or that was to do, to say or to post, etc. I like to think of it as a redirection, I mean..at least it was recognized and hopefully rectified immediately otherwise, I will stew over it for hours. Also good to think of those times as learning experiences...it softens the tag 'idiot' that I slap on my back lol.
I believe a person learns every day of their lives. That assumes that the person is smart enough to get out of their own way. Arrogance or superiority oftentimes gets in the way of taking in new knowledge. I kinda feel like that incapsulates many of your bullet points. Good thoughts, all of them.
We all do things like that and I agree "idiotic"is probably too strong a word for many of them. I used that for my title only I suppose and think some of the things we do are simply par for the course for a human. Although, There's a lot of idiots out there.
Thanks for commenting and your input...and yep, arrogance and/or superiority ar contributing factors when it comes to whether a person onboards new skills/knowledge/understanding. A shame so many people inhibit their lives in that way.
This is great, fun and indisputable. I love it!
And this too.
Well, all this content is wonderful. I already wondered many times how you had so many good ideas for writing, you are always active in that and you do it in a unique way. I thank you for sharing all this valuable information.
Personally, I have applied to do some daily things with my non-dominant hand but I confess that I have not been disciplined in that, now I am encouraged to take it up again.
All the points are interesting but the one about going backwards caught my attention, it must be challenging, I will look for more information about it to start practicing with concrete examples.
The one about conversing with a diversity of people I would not have done it because I am too sullen, however, working on Sundays in a bakery has forced me to do it, you can't imagine the amount of people that come not only to buy but also to chat, give their opinion and ask for an opinion, it has done me good those interactions.
The one about keeping silent and being still for a while, I do it without even planning it and I can do it for a long time, I really like the idea of connecting with my thoughts at that moment, I wasn't doing that part, or at least not consciously.
I read this more than 12 hours ago on my cell phone while I was still in bed and I loved it, I knew I should go back and comment calmly and from the computer, because the translation is easier and more comfortable from there, although the translation will never be good.
I'm one of those people who's brain never turns off so I just write the ideas down, email them to myself, and that gives me an endless stream of things to write about. I also don't take myself too seriously so don't try to write something spectacular, I just write.
It's good to hear that you're breaking out of your comfort zone and speaking to diverse people, it's beneficial. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it and am glad you found some value in my post.
It seems to me that you are very intelligent Galenkp, although I get what you're saying about being idiots because of our human nature 😅 Talks like this I have had, which turn out to be life lessons for me from people whom I consider wiser. Curiosity, discomfort, being in silence and feeding my brain is a daily practice that I have since last year, when I decided to make a 180° turn in my life in favor of my mental and emotional well-being; regarding teaching others, I do it from my humble experiences, I do not know if they learn anything from me, but I advise with sincerity, both friends and strangers. Something very curious is that of going backwards, maybe it is a God level for an idiot like me, but I like challenges, and that is what I take from your reflection today...
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I would use intelligent to describe me, I'm pretty switched on and savvy though and that goes a long way in today's society. Thanks though.
You mention sincerity and that you like to present that way...I think that's a nice thing and a good way to model yourself. Well done.
Up there in that truck...
It's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's...
Super Idiot!!
You might say I have embraced and accepted my inner idiot, my outer idiot and have become quite thee all around idiot.
A master of idiocrisy 😁
Someone has to do it!
I am on this topic right now. And I believe many of the things you said has much to do with the pre-frontal cortex of the brain because, assumably (not an expert either), the pre frontal cortex doesn't involve with things we have already practiced a lot in which point it becomes an automatic process in other parts of the brain, yet is very involved into things we are learning anew. It is basically our attention center but is also the part that is involved in self control, categorization of things (there are an infinite types of chairs in the world but we still know they are chairs), emotional regulation and closely related with internal goals. When we have to do stuff that are boring and challenging to go through with a goal, this is the part that got your back.
It has been reported to be deteriorating or weakened in the modern days because corporations use what works the most to attract people, and that are of course, addictions, which are proven to damage it. So, meditation is your thing to reenforce it. Over time it will reduce the over activity of the emotional and pleasure centers of the brain, which translates to being more sensitive to what is around you but not overly sensitive that will overwhelm you.
I think people are dumbing themselves down through laziness, automation, AI, social media and in other ways; I also don't think that'll go very well for society.
Haha I believe the same. But is not that people are choosing but rather being drawn into it by the manipulation of their own biochemistry. After all, when something feels good you keep doing it until it doesn't. But dopamine addictions are a hard bone to crack because dopamine is supposed to be adictive. Is what makes you crave food, sleep, sex. So when you wire that to a social media platform somehow, or through audiovisual content, it will have an effect.
And it's all normal now. And so will be the consecuences. So my guess is, those who manage to keep their brain healthy will be on top and they are. People who are not that drawn into those things will have more attention, mental health and as such control over their lives. Not to mention joy (Pleasure is not necessarily joy).
I agree partially...people still have a choice though. Many choose wrongly.
Choice is posible because of the pre frontal cortex, which makes the problem a little circular. This is why awareness alone is enough to break addiction over time, you are using this part of the brain and bringing further life into it, like a muscle, but I guess is more habitual to use self hate instead. I have some experience with it as a former christian, self hate for sinning doesn't work to be a saint.
Those are some good points. I think a couple of those would be really hard for me. Most specifically the sitting still and being quiet for ten minutes. My mind is always racing and I have a feeling it would be impossible to shut it off without drugs! I like the idea of getting uncomfortable though. I might try to implement some of those!
Finding stillness in current society can be difficult but it's worthwhile and can start with a single minute which, just thinking out loud here, I don't think is beyond anyone on this planet no matter who they are.
No, I could probably handle a minute. Much more than that and I am likely thinking about that embarrassing I did or said twenty years ago
Start with a minute,clear the mind, and then work up to two and so on. You'll not regret it. It's not easily done to be honest, but is worthwhile.
This reminds me of a question I was asked a while ago, who is smarter, a taxi driver who knows every street in town or someone who learns a new language or whatever. The second, because it activates the right side of the brain. The taxi driver already knows those streets, he just remembers them.
Curiosity and learning something new were always present in me, also meditation has helped me a lot, I love to practice it, also those spaces of silence help me. As well as the diversity of people and situations.
I like the idea of going backwards!
Backwards is forwards sometimes. Something like that anyway.
Interesting point of view, I have stepped back to look at my actions and improve... I liked that point!
I can do some things with both right and left hands. But writing with left hand is hard.
Being ambidextrous is quite rare but I think with a lot of practice a person can pick up the skill fairly well. I have better things to do with my spart time so ambidexterity will forever elluse me.
It is an excellent opportunity for a man to be in the company of different people.
How were you, in the company of young (probably beautiful and culturally dressed), intelligent women, I can almost imagine her at that conference :-)
She's more beautiful than us men. It's not that hard, is it 😀
Diversity of people. Being able to talk to them often confirms our attitudes, knowledge, and intelligence.
I had the opportunity (and I love it) to be in the company of younger and older interlocutors, ordinary physical workers and doctors of science, the poor from the bottom of the social ladder, and the richest people in our society... And I can say, everything can be learned only from talking to all of them. Even if you are able to adopt some of their thinking and attitudes, which you have concluded are correct and can be of value to you, you are certainly in a position to win.
She was a hottie for sure.
There's a lot people can learn from other people but I think many people aren't open to those lessons for a lot of reasons and to their detriment.
I can say that Travel and Meet People From Other Cultures. This would enchance one's vision in their life. It would make one to compare and evaluate things in their country and lifestyle to that of the visited countries.
Travel and meeting new people and cultures is definitely something that expands the paradigm and therefore causes the brain to think differently; good one.
What makes me think I am an idiot is when the time I sell all my 10,000 plus Hive and buy shitcoin that promise a good life. In the end, it's a rug pull.
Yep, that was pretty dumb for sure.
I sold some back in 2021 at $3.41USD and made $12,000USD but when it dropped back under a dollar I put all my gains into Hive buy orders; worked out well for me. Selling it for cents doesn't make sense, hopefully you learned your lesson.
I sell that for $0.75 average and planning to double it if the moon thing happened one day. But it goes different way, go rugpull to the point of no going back. I learn my lesson in the hard way. Those Hive mostly coming from Steem Hive hard fork. I sold all my Steem for hive then Hive for shitcoin.
People selling off as if it's the right time to do so and will have none when things improve. That's not my strategy though. It is what it is, you'll know for next time I guess.
Yes, that's why I am starting over again. Trying to forget my old account. That's life, I was once an idiot. As you mentioned on the post earlier, human should become an idiot to learn.
While recovering from a Burn-Out, I learned to ask "Why?" to everything that I do, questioning the motivation of my actions. I do all the things you mention (except for the backwards thing). But for totally different reasons. I sometimes prefer to be an idiot, someone without opinion, than to throw myself into the never-ending stream of uneducated opinions, thrown out in a hurry with fractional knowledge at best, before the next hashtag is trending. I'm a fan of the original translation of Idiot - a private person, that is not a public figure. In a world of super-smart people, trying to reach their full productive potential to keep feeding the system - yes, I prefer to be an idiot.
Why do you want to be more intelligent?
I don't recall saying I, "wanted to be more intelligent", only that this was the topic of conversation on this occasion and based on some things heard during that day.
Okay, in that case I failed in my interpretation somewhere :-D
Maybe I have read about something that increases brain performance and smartness. But I haven't seen some of the ones you mentioned here. I'll adopt them because I want to get smarter and sharper. Thank you for sharing them. They are very helpful to thinking men.
Anything that helps someone to improve is good right?
Que excelentes puntos planteas. Mira que te veo bien centrado. Cada punto que haz descrito enunciado es de vital importancia. Gracias por ello.
Sorry, I don't speak or read French.
That excellent points you raise.Look that I see you well centered.Each point that makes a statement described is vital.Thanks for it.
Excellent, and thanks for taking to time to write a comment in English on my post that's written in English.
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