I went back to work this week and whilst that sounds shit it really wasn't...Ah fuck it, who am I trying to kid here; it was shit because I'd rather be doing any-fucken-thing else than working at a job; I have a life and want to live it. I don't get it when people say they love work; some people really have a lack of imagination, vision and expectation for their lives I guess that they feel content filling it with their job to give them a feeling it validation and relevance. Not me though.
I like my job, am good at it, and get paid a fuckton of money to do it but does it define my life...let me check...
...still checking...
...still checking...
Yep just as I thought, I don't love it enough to give my whole life over to it and there's about one billion three hundred and eighty seven million five hundred and twenty two thousand one hundred and nine other things I have on my list of things to do other than fucken work. So I guess that's about anything else but work right?
I caught up with a couple over my break and among other things were talking about finances, exiting the workforce and what we'd rather do than work.
I like these particular people but fuck me I just don't get them - him mostly. He works a lot, the byproduct of having a very large mortgage I guess, and he says he loves his job more than anything else - lack of vision. But I ran a scenario by him which assumed lotto winnings of 30 million dollars because I wanted to see what he thought he might do with it; he's 35 years old so that's $750,000 each year for the next 40 years of his life. Considering his income now is only around $50,000 I'd say that would last him the rest of his life and would provide one of great comfort and opportunity.
And he said...nah, I'd keep working.
I needed to clarify so asked if he meant at his same job, (he's a motor mechanic), and he said yes.
I asked about what he'd do with the money if he was going to keep working and he had no clue. To clarify, I asked about investment, ways of ensuring it grew not diminished, where he would go and what he'd do, who he would help, what he might buy...his answers were all pretty basic and showed no vision or excitement or zest for life. So, the conversation died pretty quickly.
Mostly, people can't comprehend how much $30,000,000 actually is so, divided over 40 years and without any interest or gains of any kind it's $14,420 per week over 40 years, which is a lot of money and enough money for most average people to do almost anything they could conceive of. Add in some investment strategies and it's much more over time. That's ok though, it's extremely unlikely that any of us will ever have to worry about how to spend $30,000,000 but what confounds me is that so many people just don't know what they would like to do in life. (Other than work which I think is simply an excuse for the fact they have no vision.)
Me...well, I have a long list of things to do, places to go, experiences I want, people I want to help and other such things and I know the rest of my life will be spent doing what life is all about, finding enjoyment, happiness and creating a meaningful one for myself and those I chose to help. At no point will I be lost for something to do or somewhere to go. So, for me the addition of $30,000,000 would permit me to do those things. Sure, I'll do many of them without it because I've worked hard and all, but with it...well, the outlook is different right? I'd not spend a lot on want items though, for me it'd be about experiences not things.
I think life is about having vision, seeing and feeling the things that make our hearts sing, and it's the responsibility of the individual to make those things occur...which takes money sometimes but mostly simply means knowing what those things are and leaning into them, being passionate about them. Sure, one can like ones job, but there more to life than that.
I guess what I'm saying is that I believe a person needs to be able to clearly define what will give them a meaningful life; it gives the best chance of having some of it happen before the end...and once a person is dead it's too late to make anything happen, on case you didn't know; it's lights fucken out.
Forget the $30,000,000 scenario and working for a living for a moment and consider this; right now, can you list out a hundred things which make your heart sing and leave you feeling fulfilled, passionate, engaged and happy or are you like the chap above who had one thing on the list...his job? These could be small things that don't cost money, experiences, people, activities, places, feelings, emotions and so much more. If you can't, then how do you know what to work towards, where and why to invest your time and effort?
Knowing what and why you want particular things in your life is critical to actually attaining them. What do you think?
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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It's crazy how much of our lives we spend at work, I would rather travel and see the world and spend more time with my family. But other than those wishes I wouldn't know anything specific I would want to do. It's hard to imagine the time I would have without having to work that I can't even imagine how to use that time.
I think this is what governments and corporations want because it keeps people at work and working...I'm fortunate that I can imagine not being at work and all of the glorious things I'd be doing and so I drive towards that with passion. When I'm at work, I'm 100% present and when I'm not at work I'm 100% wherever I happen to be and in whatever I happen to be doing; I think I deserve that so use one (work) to fund the other (life) and I make the most of it. I hope others do that too, and understand clearly when the balance is weighted too far one way.
Woohoo retirement is where I'm sitting right now. Not because I have enough money or just don't want to work, though. I still work, but for myself, doing what I love to do. I no longer go to a work place to slave away in order to make money for someone else. Sometimes I work longer hours now than before leaving full time employment.
I love it, but would it change if I were raking in $14,420 per week over 40 years? Yes, yes it would. For one thing, in 40 years I be about.....125 years old lol, so I better step it up and pack everything in quick in the next 10 years. I would still be doing what I love, but I wouldn't care if I sold another damn thing for the rest of my years. And travel, I would travel some.
125? That's young, I'm already 137...but don't look a day over 119 to be honest.
lol you're doing great for your age
We both are, like Sonny and Cher...or are they dead? Not sure.
Like Bonnie and Clyde then!
One's dead and the other is walking dead
Better, at least they had weapons
Yeah, Bonnie and Clyde then...and a good time shall be had by all!
Sonny is a long time dead. Cher just looks like it...
It's all the plastic maybe lol
They coulda used duck tape and a stapler and he/she/it woulda looked just as good.
Haha! Yep, she sure does.
Travel Shmavel...
I would however have several large compounds. Several thousand acres each that I could do whatever I want on. The only travel would be between the two of them to supervise and participate in upgrades and projects.
I have done enough travel for two lifetimes. I would build shit and blow shit up.
And they say You cant' take it with you..?
Watch Me.
Blowing shit up is the best use of life, that's a we'll known fact.
You know, sometimes I ask myself why people work for a minimal wage, and they always have a lot of bad things to say, but they are still living for this job, regardless of how much they are not happy with it. I asked many of my co-workers why they are still working here if they are not happy, and the answer is then always, oh, it is not so bad. Yeah, but why are you always complaining all the time? You can always quit and do something else. I said many times that I'm not living for my job, this is only something to do so long I don't achieve my goal, and that I'm not miserable at the moment when I work. But my goal? F.I.R.E :) Who doesn't want to travel the world? Who doesn't want to own a business? I mean... it's hard if you lie to yourself.
I understand liking one's job, I've liked and been engaged with mine...but it's simply a way to earn money to provide for my life even despite the enjoyment I've gotten from my professional life along the way. I really do not understand those who would prefer to push aside their "real life" for their jobs if they do not need to. Sure, I have to work, but if I didn't I would not...as I said in this post, there's so much more to life. You obviously agree.
Yeah, of course I agree, because I realized a long time ago that my current job is only to be able to live. It is also funny... I'm working 12 hours a day, 13 days per month, it's not bad, but who wants to work 12 hours if when I come home, I can only sleep? And then, when my co-workers see me being on my phone all the time when we have breaks, and they are always, what are you doing, and one time I told them, I'm not here to hear how you are talking dirt about our job, but you do nothing to be able to quit and live your life. I'm here to support me, but If I'm going to do this job all my life, I will be emotionally and physically exhausted, and my life will be short. They were not happy with my answer ;) But who am I to tell people about how to live their lives? ;)
Yeah, we all have to live our own lives and make the choices that we feel are right, but I think so many people make bad decisions for one reason or another, habit perhaps. I don't like people complaining about things but making no effort to change them...I find that very annoying. Don't like the situation? Then change it!
It seems you work with some people like that.
Some? 90% of people live for this job but still complain…I mean…get a life…but I'm not allowed to say this out loud anymore…😂 And then when I asked what is their dream job, their answer is always, oh, this job is great. 😂 Yeah, because we earn good money, and that's why nobody leaves…But let's be real…you will be 60, and you will still take care of elderly people who are 10 years older than you? Great plan people 😂
Lol, yeah it's nuts huh? It's like people can't see beyond their noses - no distance vision.
Maybe they have beautiful noses, and they don't want to look anything else 😂
I often think about what makes me happy and how I can build a future that feels fulfilling. Right now, it’s less about work for me and more about exploring passions, connecting with people, and creating experiences that I’ll remember forever.
This is excellent to hear and something everyone should be doing.
traveling the world, getting to know the different cultures that make it up, my long-term dream is to have a productive farm, both animal and vegetable, I think I will live off of that in the future, here in my country it is good to invest in that.
That's a good goal for sure, what are you doing to make it happen?
So far I have made good progress, a couple of years ago I bought a good piece of land, it is currently deforested, ready for this year's winter cycle, in animals I have broiler chickens every 15 days I bring in 100 new chicks, likewise forms laying hens, however my goal is much more ambitious, I hope to be able to expand and consolidate this productive unit on a large scale, it is not easy but not impossible either.
That sounds like an excellent start and that you're well on the way to creating what you would like...well done indeed.
thanks very much buddy.
Hi Galen, I am privileged. I work in something that I love, and that is not incompatible with enjoying life.
I'd rather be travelling the world.
Good morning, Galen.
I don't know, you make me doubt. I'm going to call The Thinking Department, to see what they tell me. 😁
Have a great day.
The thinking department has all the answers.
I could always relate to these posts of yours, but unfortunately I think we are the minority with such a mindset. Most friends of mine prefer to continue working because they feel that would be bored (lol). I always get posed the same question as well whenever I say I am working towards early retirement - what am I going to do with all my time. I will just shrug and smile - because they don't get it anyway.
Exactly, those types of people don't get it!
Well done on having a plan and for respecting your life enough to work towards your goals.
Since Hive is my job I really enjoy it. It definitely became big part of my live. I can't really imagine doing anything else. Because I already get to do what I like to make content. I watch a good movie or anime? I can make content about it. I make art? play a game? I can make content again. My favorite basketball teams wins/ loses important games? Content! Read a good book? Content! This Hive job is not boring or monotonous. So I think that I would keep on ,,working'' on Hive even if I had a few million eur and would be free do whatever I want.
I feel a bit sad for you because there's much greater things to be found out there, one just has to look. I think it's good to diversify one's interests as on diversifies one's investments.
I agree with you, work sucks. I'm lucky that I've never worked for anyone.
You're very fortunate.
I thought.... if I won the lottery.... I have an endless list of things to do, one of them is travelling, getting to know places, customs and people. Things I want to have, enjoy or simply not work and dedicate that time to things that seem unimportant but I like. I believe that moments and experiences are what you take with you to the next life and if you don't make them there will be nothing at all.
Yep, death comes soon enough, might as well live some life first huh?
Of course! At least this one... the other one will show...
Absolutely, we should know what we are doing and what could be the end result. Mere working rigorously without setting a target does not let us anywhere. We are humanoid and not a machine that keeps working non stop. ... in between we must make most of the available opputunities.
It works to the advantage of corporations and governments to keep us all working and thinking that there's no better way...People need to unplug from the Matrix like Neo and Morpheous did.
I have seen few real life example , when a person rather than giving time to corporate or office they devote time into their own work /business and end up enjoying much more....they were not bounded by any restrictions and have all the flexibility to choose from. They were more successful in their field of work....
The introduction to the post is everything and so true, easy to side line your life for validation and to impress others. Finding self in all the mess and what makes you happy is a driving force to aim high and archive the most in all other things.
You say it pretty well but unfortunately loads of people don't feel the same way and inhibit their lives because of it.
There goes another victim of the system, with one has been robbed of a life and is selling his life cheaply not only to get by but build other people’s dream lives and the expense of his.
I couldn't agree with you more - Well said.
Food for thought. A great article to start my day with on the other end how would such a person be helped?
A tough start in life does a lot of damage.
Could be one coming from a poor background or bad parenting that kills a persons ability to dream.
A tough start to life should teach a person valuable lessons.
Or motivate someone to do better, achieve more and a better future.
Makes sense and should be the case.
Tough when scarcity has done a number on the person and lack of exposure makes them assume they have made it in life, by being able to utilize the skill they assume they where lucky to get and scarcity leaving them scared and unable to think about leaving and risk the opportunity of archiving more( I was trying to think on behalf of those as I know many people find them self in this trap)
Now time to take a leaf from the other side and envision growth and abundance. I enjoyed the read.
I get what you mean and agree somewhat, but everyone has a choice on how they think (mindset, attitude and so on) as that costs nothing and with the right thoughts can come the right actions and results can follow.
Thanks for commenting.
Lots of people get sucked into their jobs quickly and forget to live life—it shocks me a lot. It’s hard to talk to those people; like you said, the conversation dies out.
I don’t understand how people can’t have visions. We only live once, so we should use our time wisely. Earning money is one thing, but keeping it and growing it is another. You don’t need a lot of money to live off your investments. So many people are just scared to leave their comfort zones, and as a result, they are trapped in the typical life cycle.
I would definitely invest the majority of the money if I ever had that kind of windfall. Sure, I'd buy a few things and take some trips, but mostly I would what that kind of money to work for me. Maybe start a foundation and work there a couple days a week. Spend the rest of the days playing disc golf or traveling with the wife. Maybe start a record store with a speakeasy whiskey room in the back. Nothing big though :)
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That's one beautiful scenery out there 😍
Sure is.
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