PostsCommentsPayoutsgenaral (50)in WE ARE MOVING • last yearThe Greatness of our Mother NatureNature is so perfect that it has a life of its own and in each ecosystem a plant or animal life develops. I was watching very carefully the process of development of the flower of a plant called Palmagenaral (50)in GEMS • last yearSocial Visit to the Basic Health Team of the Popular Medical Clinic of the SectorToday I want to share with all of you a wonderful experience that we practice daily in the workplace of the Health union. My job has always been as a Social Worker where we communicate daily with the leadersgenaral (50)in GEMS • last yearSiembra de Pimientos Greetings to all! I want to share with all of you a new system that affects the planting of Pepper. I did this homemade planting in five jugs that I made myself with sand and cement. The Procedure is carriedgenaral (50)in GEMS • 2 years agoCommunity Participation in the Health SystemHello! Greetings to all! In view of the work that we have been doing for many years to strengthen the health system, provide optimal service, and for health centers to remain operational, their staff active,genaral (50)in GEMS • 2 years ago[Eng Spa] World Polio Day//Día Mundial contra la PoliomielitisEn esta Oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes una fecha muy importante que debemos resaltar en el Marco de la Celebración del Día Mundial contra la Poliomielitis que se…genaral (50)in GEMS • 2 years ago[Eng Spa]World Heart Day Walk//Caminata del Día Mundial del CorazónEn los dias pasados estuvimos participando en una Jornada muy bonita que fue de mucha relevancia para todos los espectadores de mi pueblo. Se celebraba el Dia Mundial del Corazon, del Cual nosotros comogenaral (50)in GEMS • 2 years ago Spanish English. Contribution to prolong life.Saludos a Todos! En el área laboral donde yo me desempeño diariamente para garantizar una atención a todos los pacientes en en el tema de la Salud, en Conjunto La voceria del Poder Popular y Promocióngenaral cross-posted @genaral/eng-esp-educate-in-valuesgenaral (50)in Education • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp] Educate in Values//Educar en ValoresToday I want to publish in this community such a beautiful and educational activity that we carry out today in the framework of the commemoration of the National School Day for…genaral (50)in Education • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp] Educate in Values//Educar en ValoresToday I want to publish in this community such a beautiful and educational activity that we carry out today in the framework of the commemoration of the National School Day for…genaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years ago[Spa-Eng] control y seguimiento médico de las embarazadas para que tengan un parto feliz//control and medical follow-up of pregnant women so that they have a happy birthHola amigos de Gemas! Hoy quiero compartir con todos ustedes parte del trabajo que realizo a diario como promotora de salud. Ayer sábado salimos a realizar un acercamiento…genaral cross-posted @genaral/hacer-deporte-es-mantener-cuerpo-3284f49aa3326genaral (50)in Full Deportes • 3 years agoHacer Deporte es mantener cuerpo y mente sana.Hola mis queridos amigos de toda la comunidad deportiva. Comparto con todos ustedes un momento muy emocionante donde el viernes hice acto de presencia en un campo deportivo que…genaral (50)in Full Deportes • 3 years agoHacer Deporte es mantener cuerpo y mente sana.Hola mis queridos amigos de toda la comunidad deportiva. Comparto con todos ustedes un momento muy emocionante donde el viernes hice acto de presencia en un campo deportivo que estaba siendo reabiertogenaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years ago[Eng Spa] Socialización con familiares de pacientes quirúrgicos//Socialization with relatives of surgical patientsHola Saludos a todos! Luego de haber estado ausente por varios días de esta plataforma digital, hoy me reúno con ustedes, expresándoles que debido a mis compromisos laborales no habíamos estado presentesgenaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp]Health management capacity//Capacidad de gestión en SaludHello, how are you all! ¡Hola, qué tal estáis todos! On this occasion I want to share with all of you a very important topic on the Positive Management that every ruler must…genaral (50)in Foodies Bee Hive • 3 years ago[Esp-Eng] Typical Easter Dish//Plato Típico de Semana Santa.Hello my dear friends! Today Resurrection Sunday is the date when many people go to the Catholic and Christian Churches, they go to the countryside, to the city, to the beach…genaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp] Puppet Making//Fabricación de TíteresGreetings my friends from Ecency! I want to share with all of you a work done by my sister who works as a primary school teacher. Next April 23 is Book Day in Venezuela and on…genaral (50)in Agricultural Mindset • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp] Classification and certification of Corn Seed.Clasificación y certificación de Semilla de Maíz.Hello friends of Ecency! Today I want to talk to you about growing corn. Corn has been planted for many years by our ancestors, there is even a written poetic work called…genaral (50)in Blog to Grow • 3 years ago[ Eng-Esp] Radio a school for life//Radio una escuela para la vidaHello! Greetings to all the members of this Personal Growth community, I thank its administrators for inviting me to be part of the conglomerate that daily nourishes this…genaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years agoEsp-Eng] Destacando el Valor Humano de los Doctores.//Highlighting the Human Value of Doctors.Hoy quiero compartir con todos una hermosa experiencia, donde fui participe en un acto de reconocimiento a los médicos de mi pueblo. Fue un evento donde se resaltó el valor y la…genaral (50)in GEMS • 3 years ago[Eng-Esp] Traditional Toy of the 20th Century//Juguete Tradicional del Siglo XXHello my dear friends! Today I want to first thank God and all of you who are always attentive to my publications and have supported me unconditionally, your recommendations and…