guysellars (66)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 27 2019Taken at a local park, I’m standing in a large drain pipe looking out towards the park. The pipe goes under the train tracks, leading to a hiking area.…guysellars (66)in #life • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 22 - The New Success HabitIn order to Do One Thing Exceptionally Well , you must do it over and over until it is second nature. The old saying, practice makes perfect, is truly an accurate and time…guysellars (66)in #life • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 21 - The Question That MattersAsk the right question and move ahead. Ask the wrong question and go backward or sideways, just not always ahead. We've all heard the adage that the answer is often in the…guysellars (66)in #life • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 20 - My PhilosophyYesterday, I responded to one of @lanzjoseg posts. You can read it here, A philosophy of life: What is your north? . And, I realized that my response embodied where I…guysellars (66)in #life • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 19 - How Big is Your BoxYou can have a truly limitless life. You can be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to, for a small price. Drawing by Guy Sellars Price of Success In this…guysellars (66)in #life • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 18 - Your Life, Your WayTiming is Everything , pointed out the importance of caring for our willpower. And, that we should maximize peak performance by paying attention to the amount of willpower we…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 17 - Timing is EverythingTiming is an important part of life. Well, with regard to your willpower, this adage is also quite true. In fact, it is more important than you may think. Pixabay…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 16 - Mind is WillingEver hear the old adage that the mind is willing but the body is weak? And, like many, you may have assumed that willpower was the key to making things happen, that if you just…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 15 - Do the Right Thing, Not Everything RightGary Keller in The One Thing * nails it when he says that success is about doing the right thing and not about doing everything right. This may be the cornerstone of the…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 14 - One Thing at a Time - Multitasking MythsDo you think you think you can do more than one thing at a time? There have been numerous studies showing that we really only do one thing at a time. Yes, we can walk and talk…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 13 - Going Small, One Important Thing at a TimeYou need to refuse the idea that all things are equal with the following concepts. Don't be afraid to go small, one item small, which can be seen as an extreme version of…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 12 - Pareto's Principle Helps Identify The One ThingEver heard of Pareto's Principle? I'm sure you've heard that 20% of the effort returns 80% of the results. But the key is that 20%, must be comprised of the one most important…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 11 - Some Actions are Better than OthersThere are a number of handicaps you have self-imposed or had imposed on you by well-intentioned but often ignorant advocates. You must understand that not all actions or things…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 10 - Choose Your PathFocus on the one most important thing in the moment! But, what is the one thing we need to focus on? This is not something anyone can tell you or should tell you for that…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 9 - Passion Drives SkillFocus for success requires us to find the one thing and doing it. What is the one thing in your life or business right now which is most important? Which, if you mastered would…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 7 - Success ExamplesThere is evidence of success all around us. In our personal lives and in the businesses we frequent. Paying attention to this body of evidence helps us to define the one, most…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 8 - Extraordinary Success - Stand OutExtra-ordinary success demands focus and focuses on the one most important thing. You read this and you immediately think of hard work and long hours. Pixabay Over the…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 6 - Domino EffectWhile the key to success is focusing on the most important thing in a particular moment in time, the next concept we are going to discuss shows you the power of starting small…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 5 - Do One Thing Exceptionally WellIn the very first post or chapter, if you will, I mentioned a book that has had a great influence on my life. "The One Thing"* by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan, it is a great…guysellars (66)in #mindset • 6 years agoFocus for Success - 4 - A Focused EffortPixabay Our goal is to focus our energies, our efforts on the most important thing at the moment. Where you put your focus is the goal and will lead you to success. I took…