Our goal is to focus our energies, our efforts on the most important thing at the moment. Where you put your focus is the goal and will lead you to success.
I took a great deal of time coming up with the title for this series. To focus on success is not our objective at all. Yes, we do want success, but success in and of itself is too nebulous a goal.
We focus on the little things that will make us great and those little things, each in their turn, will lead us to success. And this should make your like easier because you are longer worried about success for the sake of success. You simply concentrate on the one thing at the moment that has the most value.
Finding one thing can be problematic at times. So much competes for our time and energies. We are bombarded with well-intentioned, but often worthless suggestions of what we should be doing. But, it is an extremely personal decision as to what is the most important thing for you at that moment. Why would you let someone else make a decision about the one thing? You make the determination.
The previous examples in this series all demonstrate that success comes from doing that one thing at the right time, and doing it extremely well.
Focus on that one thing is the success. Words by Guy Sellars
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