PostsCommentsPayoutsiroha (55)in Hive JA • 2 months agoMy day off is a creative day/休みの日はクリエイティブな日日本語は後半にあります 【English】 How I Spent My 3-Day Weekend I've been dealing with back pain since the day before yesterday and was stuck at home, so I thought "this is my only…iroha (55)in Hive JA • 3 months agoA look back at what I'm into these days / 最近私のハマっていることを振り返る【English】 Good evening, it's been a while since my last post. Now that it's December, I'm posting this for reflection. A Year Full of AI... Recently I've been constantly…iroha (55)in Hive JA • 8 months agodeleteddeletediroha (55)in Hive JA • 8 months agoI made something with AI / AIでなんか作ってみた[ENG] It's been a while since my last post. Recently, I've been so engrossed in AI that I haven't had time to post anything! I thought I'd finally write something and throw in an AI-related topic. I'veiroha (55)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: March 22 2024本日は新宿でご飯だったのですが、目的のお店の近くで何やらライブしてました。 歌舞伎町にできた新しいビルのビジョンと連動してアーティストが映ってました。 何かおしゃれ空間。 This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the…iroha (55)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: March 21 2024今日は、強風でした。 久しぶりに職場に出たので、座ってる席からの眺望です。窓大きいので寒いです。 This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on…iroha (55)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: March 20 2024This is a view of today's morning walk. You would have thought it was just a row of utility poles, right? Actually, what you see at the far end is the Tokyo Sky Tree. Although it is relatively far awairoha (55)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: March 19 2024これが東京の下町の路地裏(住宅街)でございます。 これは東京の早朝なのですが、まぁ、あまり人もおりませんし、静かでございます。 仕事に行く人もちらほらおりまして、朝早くから仕事に向かうのは大変だなと思いつつも運動を楽しむ今日このごろでした。 This report was published via Actifit app (…iroha (55)in Hive JA • last yearI made it with my son's humming with a music generation service that's been all over the news lately./最近巷で話題の音楽生成サービスで息子の鼻歌で作ってみた[ENG] Good evening everyone. There have been a lot of AI services recently. I can barely keep up with them, but I found an interesting AI service that I would like to introduce. It is suno[ You specifyiroha (55)in Hive JA • last yearGPT-4 is coming together in many ways, wow!/GPT-4が色々と組み合わさってきた、すごい[ENG] "Good evening, recently I haven't had much time to work with AI or write articles, so this is my first post in a while. Again about AI, lately, I've been seriously reconsidering my career path.iroha (55)in LeoFinance • last yearStrange Taxes Begin in Japan | 妙な税金が日本で始まります[ENG/JA][ENG] Good evening. While browsing the news on my phone, I came across an article stating that although the Reconstruction Tax was initiated in the fiscal year 2014 for a…iroha (55)in Hive JA • last yearChatGPT DALL-E3 to update my profile picture and blog cover after years of neglect.| ChatGPT DALL-E3を使って長年放置していたプロフィール画像とブログカバーを更新してみたGood evening. My wife once told me she found my icon rather unsettling. So, I decided to part ways with the image of salami I had been using for years and give ChatGPT DALL-E3 a try. I pondered what kindiroha (55)in Hive JA • last yearYay! GPT4V and Dall-e3 were lifted for me last week! | やった!! GPT4VとDall-e3が私にも先週解禁されました[EN] Embracing the AI Life, Are We? Lately, I find myself consistently entwined with GPT-4, even within my professional endeavors. From web development and project management to light documentation andiroha (55)in Hive JA • last yearThe other day was my 41st birthday. | 先日は私の41歳の誕生日でした [ENG] On a sunny day, I celebrated my 41st birthday. Once upon a time, turning 41 was labeled as reaching "early old age," felt somewhat like a minor milestone. However, nowadays it seems thatiroha (55)in Liketu • 2 years agoI went to Osaka Minami, so here's a little bit about it.| 大阪ミナミに行ってきたので、ちょっと紹介Mizukake Fudo|水掛不動尊(西向不動明王) The famous Ebisubashi (Ebisu Bridge) in Osaka|大阪で有名なひっかけ橋(戎橋) I visited Hozenji Temple, which survived the war|戦災をくぐりぬけた、法善寺へ行ってきました…iroha (55)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoOn the use of AI by advertising agencies and major business companies in Japan | 日本の広告代理店や大手事業会社のAI活用についてHas It Already Been a Year? In November 2022, OpenAI released GPT-3.5, and in just a few months, it'll be a year since that milestone. Reflecting upon its utilization in Japan, especially within majoriroha (55)in #cambodia • 2 years agoカンボジアと日本で活動するための会社のロゴができました|We created a company logo for activities in Cambodia and Japan.We created a company logo for activities in Cambodia and Japan.iroha (55)in #japanese • 2 years agoI have been involved in a project in Cambodia since last year. | 昨年からカンボジアのプロジェクトに参加しています。This will be my first post in a while. I would like to post some ramblings to get in touch with the English language. Please feel free to comment. Since last year, I have…iroha (55)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: June 30 2019久しぶりに投稿しますー。 4キロ痩せましたが、まだ腹筋は割れてないのでアップはしません。。 本日、出来事がありましたので投稿しようと思い立ちました。 家族で道を歩いていると、おばあちゃんが具合が悪そうで通りかかった人であろう2名が、わーわーと頑張っておりましたので、我々家族も参戦しました。…iroha (55)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: 5月 12 2019毎日割と歩いてますので、昼食も気を使ってみました。厚揚げを油抜きをして少し焼き目を入れて納豆とチーズをトッピング。腹もちも良く、タンパク質を割と摂取できます。腹筋割っていこうと思います。 15425 Walking