I made something with AI / AIでなんか作ってみた

in Hive JA8 months ago (edited)

It's been a while since my last post. Recently, I've been so engrossed in AI that I haven't had time to post anything! I thought I'd finally write something and throw in an AI-related topic.

I've been studying AI a bit personally and felt I needed to deepen my knowledge. So, I decided to take the G Test and went ahead with it.

The G Test is hosted by the Japan Deep Learning Association, where Professor Matsuo from the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Engineering is a board member. He's a well-known figure in the AI field in Japan. I also did the AI for Everyone e-learning course beforehand and breezed through its test, so I felt confident and gave it a shot.

The result was...

I passed, unexpectedly!!! My correct answer rate was around 68%. I heard the passing line was above 70%, so I guess it was a very close pass, or maybe someone thought I was doing my best and gave me some extra points.

Before taking the test, I heard that 70-80% of people pass, so I thought I could manage with some knowledge and practice. But it was quite challenging. I realized that I didn't have much time per question when there were 15 minutes left in the exam, and I still had 50 questions to go. I dashed through the remaining questions and managed to answer all of them just in time.

After the exam, I had the feeling, "Oh, I probably failed."

It's good that I passed, but I still feel the need to continue practicing and improving my skills.

Meanwhile, I've also been trying to get my kids interested in AI, so I suggested we make a simple game together using AI. Here's what we created in about 2 hours:

Image Generation: DALL·E 3
Music: Suno.ai
Sound Effects: Borrowed from free sources
Image Editing: Canva
Code Development: Claude 3.5 Sonnet (Artifact Function ON)

It's a rip-off of Balloon Fight, so be careful with the loud sound.

Balloon Fight is a game from the Nintendo Entertainment System, and I loved it, so I made this as a homage. It’s not very polished, but it includes combos to score points and has a nice feel to it. My kids enjoyed watching and even gave some ideas, which made them feel closer to AI, and I'm quite proud of that.

I’m also working on a WordPress plugin with AI, and I'll report back here once it's done. It will probably be the first of its kind in the industry (if it gets finished...).

Well, I'll be spending the weekend immersed in AI.



私は、前段にAI for everyoneというEラーニングもやりそちらもテストもササっと終わったので、勢いに乗っていたのもあり頑張ってみました。







画像生成:DALL·E 3
コード開発とか:Claude 3.5 Sonnet(アーティファクト機能ON)

Balloon Fightのパクリゲームw ※音が大きいので注意してください。





It's a rip-off of Balloon Fight, so be careful with the loud sound.

It was truly loud😂😂

Good job friend!