sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 3 days agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Actually, it's not a hippopotamus. / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: 実はカバではないのです。The original Ms. Hippo would be GENERAL SLOAN from Summoner? I don't know if there was a Mr. Hippo before that, but she made a very strong impression on me.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 6 days agoSocial Media Challenge: Which are the most profitable materials! / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: 儲かる資材はどれだ!?Land 1.75 has been released. Have you harvested the new materials yet? My CYANION terrain farm will turn into a quarry after harvesting. I haven't harvested yet, so it's still a grain workshop,sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 10 days agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Exhchange resources is comming! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: 資源の交換が始まる![ENGLISH] Land 1.75 will be released on March 18. It's been a long road, going from 1.0 to 1.5 to 1.75. The value of my Land is also 75% off from the time of purchase to…sakurakko rebloggeddjynn (72)in LeoFinance • 13 days agoSpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway! #34 - HSBIx10 Giveaway[日本語は後半にあります] SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway #34 Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by for SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI giveaway! Please read carefully before entering the giveaway because I'll be runningsakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 13 days agoSocial Media Challenge: Is Glint ready? / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: Glintは用意できてる?How are you doing in March, the month of the Conclave Arcana? Are you saving up your Glint? Should I increase the amount of SPS staking? I'm not sure if increasing the amount of SPS staking would makesakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 16 days agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Survival mode strategy? / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: サバイバルモードの戦略?This week we are talking about survival mode strategy, but the battles themselves are the same as ranked battles, so I don't think there is much to think about. What you should be concerned about is tsakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 19 days agoSocial Media Challenge: Rental prices are in turmoil. / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: レンタル価格が大混乱ですYesterday, I received an announcement in X about a March 18 update. What's up with that all of a sudden? 😲. I am very, very happy that they are making announcements, but have there ever been such annsakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 25 days agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Will the survival mode be exciting? / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: サバイバルモードは盛り上がるんでしょうか?I see that you have finally released the survival mode. I was mistaken, I thought you could use custom sets to select cards to use in survival mode. Because. I saw this in this Engagement Challenge, dsakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 26 days agoSocial Media Challenge: What are the trends in the Modern League? / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: モダンリーグの流行は?I saw that others have successfully created AI images, so I tried my hand at it. I tried to create an image of the Conclave Arcana, but for some reason all it created was an image of an old man in a hsakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • last monthCommunity Engagement Challenge: I wish we could rent them all together. / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: まとめてレンタル出来たらいいのにね。Hmmm... I know this week's theme is about custom sets. Frankly, I don't see any use for beginners. Not only the custom sets, but the card sets themselves are a difficult feature to use, you know? 😑.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • last monthSocial Media Challenge: The team creation screen has changed significantly! / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: チーム作成画面が大きく変わった!There was another update today, SPS validator I'm not sure what the big changes are. I'm more interested in the changes to the matching screen and team creation screens.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • last monthCommunity Engagement Challenge: Can Splinterlands make money? / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: Splinterlands は稼げるのか?Splinterlands is not as exciting now as it used to be. The number of players is decreasing rapidly, and the number of posts on X has also decreased a lot. The reason is clear: it is no longer possiblesakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • last monthSocial Media Challenge: What card do you need in 2 months? / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: 2か月後に必要なカードは?Listen Aloelina, this is a little hard to say, but listen Aloelina. I would like you to publish the Town Hall Summary every time. I would like to see other information in the Blog as well. Is it extrasakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • last monthCommunity Engagement Challenge: Training mode has comming! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: トレーニングモードが始まった!I see that the subject of this article is about the training mode released on 2025-02-04. You can choose Ghost Modern by card type so you can practice. So I actually tried to play it.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoSocial Media Challenge: The rental price are now at least 1 DEC. / レンタル料が1DEC以上になった。There was a system update on 2025-02-04. There is a new training mode, a change in the minimum rental price, fixes for bugs, etc. Personally, I'm really interested in the training mode, I wrote an asakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoTrack down the strongest boxer of primates hiding deep in the jungle! / 密林の奥に潜む霊長類最強のボクサーを追え!It is said that the strongest boxer called LOBB LOWLAND lives in the northern part of the Great Lowlands, in an area called the Endless Valley.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoSocial Media Challenge: Sneak up on them or take advantage of the opportunity. / 忍び寄るか機会を狙うか。The theme of this issue is a secret that beginners can learn to jump-start their win rate. It is about Sneak and Oppotunity. do you know where the DEEPLUKER will aim with the Super Sneak rule? 🤯.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Bloodlust is extremely powerful! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: Bloodlustはものすごく強力!Well, this week, since we are talking about favorite strategies, I would like to introduce a team that I have been using a lot lately.sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoSocial Media Challenge: We'll use the battle rewards to buy cards! / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ: バトル報酬を使ってカードを買うぞ!Now, let's review the procedure for turning SPS earned in battle into DEC. This article is for those who just bought a spell book and started earning SPS. If you are wondering if you should start now,sakurakko (69)in Splinterlands • 2 months agoCommunity Engagement Challenge: Good for testing cards that are strong for specific rules! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: 特定ルールに刺さるカードを試すといい感じ!The challenge mode is very useful when practicing with friends, but I don't have any friends, so I don't really... I think it's not really utilized.…