How are you doing in March, the month of the Conclave Arcana? Are you saving up your Glint?
Should I increase the amount of SPS staking? I'm not sure if increasing the amount of SPS staking would make a difference. I'm not sure if it would make a difference 😣.
I guess that people who are earning a lot of Glint may be drawing gold foil Rarity Draws.
I only drew EPIC draws, but I got all kinds of draws, so I guess it's OK. I have been saving up for the next gold foil, but I have only pulled it once because I couldn't accumulate enough.
But after I buy the conclave, I plan to use it in a different way. Yes, it is a potion.
Buying 500 ALCHEMY POTION packs costs 25,000 Glint, which is equivalent to 3.3 Epics in the rarity draw. I don't think I'll get a gold foil even if I draw 4 epics, but if I open 100 conclave packs and even one epic is promoted to a gold foil, I feel like I'll get my money's worth, right?
I calculated how many gold foil cards I would get if I bought 100 packs of regular packs (500 cards). The probability of getting a gold foil in a regular pack is... What percentage? 🤔 Assuming 3%, it is 15 cards without potions and 30 cards with potions. Of course, it is a probability, so it may not be the same.
I think it's possible to get 15 more gold foils for 3.3 epic draws, don't you think? I'm not sure.
I am planning to buy a pack of Conclave so I will have the potions available. The potions can be bought with DEC or Credits, but I would prefer to use DEC to buy the packs if possible. So I plan to use Glint to buy 500 potions.
Well, I don't have the funds to buy 100 packs of conclave, but there is a bonus if I buy 500 potions.
We can use the extra potions for rewards. Or perhaps, after all this time, we should have gone with more and more ALCHEMY POTION? The more gold foil cards we have, the more bonuses we'll get.
Will the reward cards change to new ones when the conclave is released? No, they won't change reward cards right after they sell new packs, so it will be more than 6 months from now? Then, I might as well buy LEGENDARY POTION and use both.
Because, because, because. Just in case, just in case! On the day I get a gold foil Legendary card! It's a huge profit! I can't wait for the conclave to come out!
I can't wait for the release date of the conclave. 🎶
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さて、 コンクラーベ アルカナ の発売も近づく3月ですがみなさま、どうお過ごしでしょうか?ちゃんとGlintは貯めていますか?
Glintと言えばリワードカードを引くために消費されるわけですが、おそらくレアリティ ドローを引いてるんじゃないでしょうか?Glintを沢山稼げている人は金枠レアリティドローを引いてるかもしれませんね。
ALCHEMY POTION を500個買うと 25,000 Glint かかるので、レアリティドローの エピック 3.3枚分ですね。エピックを4枚引いても金枠が出る気なんてしませんが、コンクラーベパック100パックを開封してエピックが1枚でも昇格して金枠になってくれれば元は取れるような気がしますよ?
仮に通常パック 100 パック(500枚)買った場合に金枠カードが何枚出るか計算してみました。通常パックで金枠が引ける確率は...何%だっけ?🤔 仮に3%としてポーションなしで15枚、ありで30枚ですね。もちろん確率ですからこの通りとはかぎりませんけど。
私はコンクラーベのパックを買う予定なので、ポーションも用意しておこうと思います。ポーションは DECやCreditsでも買えますが、出来ればDECはパック購入のために使いたいですよね。なのでGlintを使って500個のポーションを買う予定です。
まぁ、コンクラーベ100 パックも買う資金はないんですけど、ポーションは500個買えばボーナスあるからね。
余ったポーションはリワードで使えばいいですね。というか、今更だけどどんどん ALCHEMY POTION を使って行った方が良かったのかもしれない?金枠カードが増えればそれだけボーナスも付くわけだし。
コンクラーベが発売されたらリワードカードも新しく変わるのかな?いや、新パックを販売した直後にリワードカードの変更なんてしないだろうから、半年以上先になるかな?じゃぁ、やっぱりここは LEGENDARY POTION も購入して両方使ったほうがいいかもしれない。
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。
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Increasing staked SPS really helps to get more glint. So in my mind staking more SPS is always good, unless you have at least a million staked :) I would stake even more SPS because I operate an SPS Validator node and it would help me increase my vote size and help me earn more SPS :)
At least a million! My amount of staking is not enough at all. I will do my best to increase it.😂
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar