Social Media Challenge: What are the trends in the Modern League? / ソーシャル メディア チャレンジ: モダンリーグの流行は?

in Splinterlands24 days ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! New Rules!


I saw that others have successfully created AI images, so I tried my hand at it. I tried to create an image of the Conclave Arcana, but for some reason all it created was an image of an old man in a hood lined up around a round table. Well, I guess it's because it has “Conclave” in it.

Well, the new packs will be available for presale in April and general sale in May. The card list is supposed to be out before the presale, so maybe early April? The frequency of town halls has decreased and summaries are no longer given, so you may not be able to see the list of cards.

We expect the price of Rebellion to fluctuate considerably when the list of new packs is announced, so we want to stock up on cards that will be popular before then. It is very difficult to predict which cards will be popular without a list of cards in the conclave, but I will try to somewhat predict it by looking at the trend of popular cards in the past.

The broad classification is as follows

  1. tank
    The type of card that is at the front of the line to receive attacks; it is popular if it has high HP or Armor and has Void or Shield.
  2. buffer (debuffer)
    The buffer can reduce the opponent's attack power with Demoralize or Silence, or reduce their speed with Slow, Halving is too strong, and so on.
  3. attacker
    Damage dealers who are there to kill the enemy anyway. Magic attack can ignore Armor, and it's a must-hit.

For now, let's consider an easy-to-understand tank this time: cards with Shield or Void abilities and high HP and Armor are popular. In the past, LORD ARIANTHUS and CHAIN GOLEM were popular, having both abilities.

So what about in Rebellion, only GRIMBARDUN SMITH has both abilities. It's neutral and easy to use. It's expensive, though.

It is very easy to use because of its immunity, but it has no offensive power, which would be powerful if it could attack with Wapon Training. However, if you can secure enough durability without attack power, I think it is an option.

I would like to have level 5 because I learn Void at level 3 and Shield ability at level 5, but unfortunately only Void is available at Intermediate (former Silver League level) because it can only be used up to level 4.

THANALORIAN SCION with Void Armor also seems to be strong. The price went up while I was thinking of securing it if it was cheap when Rebellion was released...

If you choose PROPHET ROSA as your Summoner, you can give her the Shield ability. It would be nice to be able to deal with both melee and magic attacks. It is also nice because it increases her durability during Equalizer rules.

I don't see Earth's QUILLIUN LEGIONARY, which I think would make an excellent tank since it's a common card and has Void and Thorns, right? Well, the problem is that it's a reward card, so you have to work hard to pull it off yourself?

I think it could be useful during Keep Your Distance and Going the Distance rules, but I guess it's still no good because Thorns and Void would be meaningless?

COMMANDER SLADE may also be available as an evasive tank. It has high speed and Dodge ability. It is a bit fun to use because it avoids the enemy more than expected.

However, I am still concerned about the fact that it depends on luck. If the cost was a little lower and it had Phase, it could have replaced OSHANNUS. Too bad. I'm sorry to hear that 😣.

Looking at it as an alternative tank to OSHANNUS, GIANT ALPINE SKINK might be possible since it gets the Phase ability.

However, I am still concerned about its low HP. 9 HP would have made it a little more useful.

After looking at the Rebellion tank candidates so far, I still feel it is a bit weaker than Chaos Legion. I'm sure if Chaos Legion is actually removed from the modern environment, it will be tried and tested and optimized in a good way.

When I look at the cards in Rebellion alone, I feel like I'm missing a lot of things. The lack of subsets hurts. Am I the only one who thinks that if there was a subset, a few more pieces would have been added to the missing pieces?

Right now that part is filled because of the Chaos Legion cards, but starting in May that part will be completely gone. I hope the Conclave Arcana can fill in the missing pieces, but until I see the card list, I can't say for sure.


The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.




他の人が上手にAI画像を作成しているのを見て、私もチャレンジしてみました。コンクラーベ アルカナ のイメージ画像を作ろうとしたけど、なぜか円卓の周りにフードの老人が並ぶ画像ばっかり作成されます。まぁ、 Conclave って入ってるからでしょうけどね。




  1. タンク
  2. バッファー(デバッファー)
  3. アタッカー

とりあえず今回はわかりやすいタンクを考えてみます。ShieldかVoidのアビリティを持っていてHPとArmorが高いカードが人気だよね。過去には両方のアビリティを持ってる LORD ARIANTHUS や CHAIN GOLEM が人気でした。

ではリベリオンではどうかと言えば両方のアビリティを持ってるのは GRIMBARDUN SMITH だけです。ニュートラルで使いやすそうですよね。高いけど。

Immunityも付いているので非常に使いやすいですが、攻撃力がありません。Wapon Trainingで攻撃できるようにできれば強力なんですがそのために1枠使ってしまうのはどうなのか?しかし、攻撃力が無くても耐久力が十分確保出来るのであれば選択肢としてあるだと思います。


Void Armor持ちの THANALORIAN SCION も強そうなきがする。リベリオン発売時に安かったら確保しておこうと思っている間にお値段は上がっていきました...

PROPHET ROSA がShieldアビリティを付与できるのでうまく使えば近接攻撃、魔法攻撃の両方に対応できるのもいいですね。Equalizerルールの時も耐久力が上がるので良い感じです。

Earthの QUILLIUN LEGIONARY はコモンカードだしVoidとThornsを持っているので優秀なタンクになれると思うんですが見ないですよね?まぁ、リワードカードだから頑張って自分で引かないといけないのが問題なのかな?

Keep Your Distance、Going the Distanceルールの時にも活躍できそうな気がしますが、ThornsやVoidが意味をなさなくなっちゃうからやっぱり駄目かな?

回避タンクとして COMMANDER SLADE もありかもしれない。スピードも高くDodgeアビリティもある。実際に使ってみると思ったより避けるのでちょっと楽しいですね。

ただし、運しだいっていうのがやっぱり気になります。コストがもう少し低くてPhaseがあれば OSHANNUS の代わりになれたかもしれないのに。残念。😣

OSHANNUSの代わりのタンクという目で見ると、GIANT ALPINE SKINK はPhaseを持っているのでありなのかもしれない。Shieldで近接攻撃、遠距離攻撃は半減できるし魔法は回避を狙える。






以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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