j-p-bs (48)Legendary Dragonin Legendary Dragons • 3 years ago# Top10 in Silver League - Splinter Stats Season 67 Report Card@j-p-bs Hello today I want to present you my season in the silver Leaderboard. It was a rough season and it has gotten really hard to get in the top10 compared to last time I…j-p-bs (48)in #splinterstats • 3 years ago# Ups da hab ich paar season reports cards vorlauter Urlaub verpasst und die hier bleibt auch groß ohne Text - Splinter Stats Season 64 Report Card@j-p-bs Ich habe die season irgendwann meine ganzen Karten verrented weil ich im Urlaub war. Match Report Performance Stat # Bronze Rank 782 Rating…j-p-bs (48)in #splinterstats • 4 years agoThe big Newcomer Season | Lots of Downtime | Big Tournament Wins - Splinter Stats Season 55 Report Card@j-p-bs This season was one of the most interesting seasons so far with a lot of new peoples joining the game and renting rewards exploding and I also had a really big…j-p-bs (48)in #splinterstats • 4 years ago# Ein kleines Update zu meiner Splinterlands Entwicklung - Splinter Stats Season 54 Report Card@j-p-bs Ich weiß man hat lange nichts mehr von mir hier gelesen, aber jetzt wo ich meine Klausuren rum hab hab ich auch mal wieder Zeit hier was zu schreiben. Wie ihr…j-p-bs (48)in #steem • 5 years ago... and it's gonej-p-bs rebloggednextcolony (70)in #nextcolony • 5 years agoMarket, Buffs, Season, Stardust & GiveawayToday you'll have a chance to get the most valuable giveaway we've given away so far. The first of ten Yamato blueprints will be given away today. But let's start with a new and…j-p-bs rebloggednextcolony (70)in #game • 6 years agoTransporter III Blueprints sent + new GiveawayThe giveaway is finished and all blueprints have been sent. All 116 settlers of the last giveaway, which had commented and resteemed, have just received their blueprints. You'll…j-p-bs (48)in #steemmonster • 6 years agoMeine Rewards diese Season + GelaberHallo Leute Heute ist wieder eine Steemmonster Season zu ende gegangen und auch ich hab wieder mein Season reward geöffnet und war ziemlich enttäuscht. Nur 4…j-p-bs (48)in #travel • 6 years agoGuess where I am flying to and win 1 SteemFirst to comment the right country wins.j-p-bs rebloggedhafizul (65)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoWinner Announcement Day #102 and The New Steemmonsters Cards Giveaway Day #104Kobold Miner Hello everyone, steemmonsters fan all aroung the world!!! good news here, i am back with the new post announcement of the last week giveaway. the result, and…j-p-bs rebloggedhafizul (65)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoWinner Announcement Day #103 and The New Steemmonsters Cards Giveaway Day #105Sabre Shark Hello everyone, steemmonsters fan all aroung the world!!! good news here, i am back with the new post announcement of the last week giveaway. the result, and also…j-p-bs rebloggedbscrypto (56)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoComment 2 Win, Giveaway Week 6, Legendary Frost Giant!Win this Steem Monsters Card... You only have to comment to win! Last week I gave away an Alpha Edition Gold Foil Goblin Sorcerer... With the money that I made from last…j-p-bs (48)in #deutsch • 6 years agoAuf dem Weg zum Meet Up in AachenSo Gepäck ist gepackt, alles bereit, jetzt wird auf die Bahn gewartet und ich 6 Stunden bin ich in Aachen für das MeetUp von @detlev. Seid ihr auch dabei?j-p-bs (48)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoMy Season Reward this timeHallo Community, hier kurz ein kleiner Post um euch zu zeigen was ich diese Season so als Rewards bekommen habe. Ich habe es leider gestern Abend leider nicht mehr bis in Gold…j-p-bs (48)in #appics • 6 years agoFridays for Future | Karlsruhe, GermanyEs wird später auf meinem main account noch ein größeren Post dazu geben.j-p-bs (48)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoIch hatte endlich mal wieder ein bisschen GlückHallo Community ich weiß ihr hab lange nichts mehr von mir gehört, aber ich bin leider sehr beschäftigt mit meinen Klausuren gerade. Aber ich hatte mal wieder Lust ein Post zu…j-p-bs rebloggedpartiko (66)in #partiko • 6 years agoValue of Partiko Points About to Go UpHello Partiko lovers, Partiko Points has always been fun. You can earn them by simply using Partiko, and you can convert them into Steem token! You can earn Partiko…j-p-bs rebloggedrentmoney (74)in #steemmonsters • 6 years ago⛵ Free @steemmonsters /Free @SBI shares/Free @dustsweeper accounts & Free 15 Post Resteem subscripsions : Battle-Steem ⛵Most of us have played or at least heard of the game Battle Ship. Well let me introduce you to Battle Steem. Prizes Hidden In The Grid 5 X 1 Steem-Monsters Common…j-p-bs rebloggedrentmoney (74)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoFree SteemBasicIncome Shares, Free 15 Post Resteem Subscriptions, Free Steem-Monsters : Battle-SteemMost of us have played or at least heard of the game Battle Ship. Well let me introduce you to Battle Steem. Prizes Hidden In The Grid 5 X 1 Steem-Monsters Common…j-p-bs rebloggeddarkline (68)in #steemmonster • 6 years agoSteemmonsters gold card giveway #17 | Guess the battle winner and win Chance of steemmonsters card giveaway | contest winner no: 16The 16th contest is start. I will announce the name of the winner from the next article's. This is giveaway at steemmonstars, and hopefully, this will continue. Today is the four…