Ich weiß man hat lange nichts mehr von mir hier gelesen, aber jetzt wo ich meine Klausuren rum hab hab ich auch mal wieder Zeit hier was zu schreiben. Wie ihr wahrscheinlich wisst spiele ich jetzt schon ziemlich lange Splinterlands und mit der letzten Explosion an neuen Spieler ist auch der Kartenwert gut gestiegen, wodurch auch meine Kollektion gut an Wert dazu gewonnen hat.
In den letzten Seasons bevor der Dec Preis so explodiert ist, habe ich eigentlich immer im Silber Leaderbord mitgespielt und hab versucht damit und mit Bronze und Silber Turniere paar Dec zu machen. Jetzt aber wo die Dec Auszahlungen so gestiegen sind lohnt es sich mehr in einer hohen Liga zu spielen um von den hohen Dec pro Win zu profitieren. Auch in der Guilde läuft es sehr gut, in den meisten Brawls schaffen wir es unter die Top3 und hoffentlich klappt es auch mal Tier 3 in der Arena zu spielen.
Was auch gerade sehr interessant ist ist der Rental Market. Da hab ich mir am Anfang extra paar Flesh Golems gekauft und die vermieten sich jetzt wie verrückt.

Match Report
Stat | # |
Gold Rank | 29 |
Rating | 3098 - Gold I |
Rating High | 3098 |
Total Rating Movements (+-) | 9042 |
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | 1.56 (315/201/1) |
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | 1.44 (91/63/0) |
Tournament Reward Placements | 3/7 |
Longest Streak | 10 |
Highest Rated Win vs | @ninjascott (3366) |
Ich habe es geschafft diese Season sogar unter die bezahlten Ränge in Gold zu kommen, auch wenn es nur sehr knapp war und mein Deck eigentlich nicht kompetitiv in Gold sein sollte.
Top 10 Summoner Usage
Summoner | Frequency | Teams Fielded | Win Rate |
Alric Stormbringer | 144 | 26.42% | 70.14% |
Yodin Zaku | 91 | 16.70% | 70.33% |
Zintar Mortalis | 75 | 13.76% | 46.67% |
Prince Rennyn | 48 | 8.81% | 50.00% |
Mylor Crowling | 39 | 7.16% | 53.85% |
Scarred Llama Mage | 38 | 6.97% | 65.79% |
Tyrus Paladium | 37 | 6.79% | 64.86% |
Daria Dragonscale | 34 | 6.24% | 70.59% |
Malric Inferno | 12 | 2.20% | 50.00% |
Delwyn Dragonscale | 10 | 1.83% | 40.00% |
Auch hier sieht man, dass Yodin und Llama ist viel zu stark, der Yodin ist nur lvl2 und das Llama nur lvl 1 und trotzdem schaffen sie in Gold eine überdurschnitliche Winrate hinzubekommen. Was mich diese Season ein bisschen enttäuscht hat war Rennyn der mir in Gold nicht so stark wie in Silber vorkommt gerade wenn er eben nicht das maximale erlaubte Lvl der Liga hat.
Top 100 Monster Usage
Monster | Frequency | Teams Fielded | Win Rate |
Furious Chicken | 258 | 47.34% | 61.63% |
Ruler of the Seas | 129 | 23.67% | 75.97% |
Creeping Ooze | 117 | 21.47% | 68.38% |
Lord Arianthus | 115 | 21.10% | 71.30% |
Flesh Golem | 95 | 17.43% | 53.68% |
Prismatic Energy | 83 | 15.23% | 67.47% |
Crustacean King | 65 | 11.93% | 73.85% |
Ferexia General | 60 | 11.01% | 81.67% |
Earth Elemental | 54 | 9.91% | 48.15% |
Cornealus | 53 | 9.72% | 62.26% |
Haunted Spirit | 52 | 9.54% | 55.77% |
Fire Beetle | 49 | 8.99% | 71.43% |
Spineback Turtle | 48 | 8.81% | 62.50% |
Undead Archer | 47 | 8.62% | 40.43% |
Goblin Shaman | 42 | 7.71% | 64.29% |
Phantom of the Abyss | 42 | 7.71% | 78.57% |
Living Lava | 41 | 7.52% | 75.61% |
Kron the Undying | 40 | 7.34% | 60.00% |
Mantoid | 39 | 7.16% | 76.92% |
Phantom Soldier | 39 | 7.16% | 33.33% |
Magi Sphinx | 38 | 6.97% | 63.16% |
Ice Pixie | 35 | 6.42% | 77.14% |
Pirate Archer | 35 | 6.42% | 77.14% |
Defender of Truth | 33 | 6.06% | 72.73% |
Wood Nymph | 33 | 6.06% | 51.52% |
Imp Bowman | 30 | 5.50% | 56.67% |
Silvershield Paladin | 29 | 5.32% | 58.62% |
Centaur | 28 | 5.14% | 60.71% |
Silvershield Assassin | 28 | 5.14% | 60.71% |
Screeching Vulture | 27 | 4.95% | 51.85% |
Captain's Ghost | 26 | 4.77% | 88.46% |
Swamp Thing | 25 | 4.59% | 72.00% |
Haunted Spider | 24 | 4.40% | 41.67% |
Fineas Rage | 23 | 4.22% | 73.91% |
Fallen Specter | 22 | 4.04% | 31.82% |
Serpentine Soldier | 22 | 4.04% | 54.55% |
Child of the Forest | 21 | 3.85% | 57.14% |
Naga Fire Wizard | 21 | 3.85% | 85.71% |
Divine Healer | 21 | 3.85% | 57.14% |
Sand Worm | 21 | 3.85% | 66.67% |
Javelin Thrower | 20 | 3.67% | 30.00% |
Shadowy Presence | 20 | 3.67% | 50.00% |
Twisted Jester | 20 | 3.67% | 25.00% |
Armorsmith | 18 | 3.30% | 72.22% |
Stone Golem | 17 | 3.12% | 58.82% |
Undead Priest | 17 | 3.12% | 41.18% |
Spirit of the Forest | 17 | 3.12% | 47.06% |
Peacebringer | 16 | 2.94% | 68.75% |
Halfling Alchemist | 16 | 2.94% | 75.00% |
Dark Ha'on | 16 | 2.94% | 25.00% |
Goblin Thief | 15 | 2.75% | 53.33% |
Crystal Werewolf | 15 | 2.75% | 80.00% |
Beatrix Ironhand | 15 | 2.75% | 46.67% |
Silvershield Knight | 15 | 2.75% | 60.00% |
Flame Monkey | 14 | 2.57% | 64.29% |
Spirit Miner | 14 | 2.57% | 78.57% |
Ettin Spearman | 14 | 2.57% | 78.57% |
Goblin Chariot | 14 | 2.57% | 21.43% |
Soulstorm | 14 | 2.57% | 42.86% |
Mitica Headhunter | 14 | 2.57% | 50.00% |
Gold Dragon | 14 | 2.57% | 64.29% |
Kobold Miner | 14 | 2.57% | 42.86% |
The Kraken | 13 | 2.39% | 84.62% |
Feral Spirit | 13 | 2.39% | 53.85% |
Gelatinous Cube | 12 | 2.20% | 66.67% |
Magnor | 12 | 2.20% | 75.00% |
Screaming Banshee | 12 | 2.20% | 66.67% |
Cerberus | 12 | 2.20% | 41.67% |
Dragon Jumper | 11 | 2.02% | 72.73% |
Octopider | 11 | 2.02% | 27.27% |
Shieldbearer | 11 | 2.02% | 72.73% |
Kelp Initiate | 11 | 2.02% | 72.73% |
Coral Wraith | 11 | 2.02% | 63.64% |
Ancient Lich | 11 | 2.02% | 45.45% |
Failed Summoner | 10 | 1.83% | 70.00% |
Theorosa Nightshade | 10 | 1.83% | 50.00% |
Elemental Phoenix | 9 | 1.65% | 88.89% |
Manticore | 9 | 1.65% | 44.44% |
Goblin Mech | 9 | 1.65% | 77.78% |
Brownie | 8 | 1.47% | 62.50% |
Sea Genie | 8 | 1.47% | 87.50% |
Serpentine Spy | 8 | 1.47% | 75.00% |
Parasitic Growth | 8 | 1.47% | 75.00% |
Exploding Dwarf | 8 | 1.47% | 50.00% |
Fire Spitter | 7 | 1.28% | 57.14% |
Elven Cutthroat | 7 | 1.28% | 100.00% |
Spark Pixies | 7 | 1.28% | 28.57% |
Naga Windmaster | 7 | 1.28% | 57.14% |
Pirate Captain | 7 | 1.28% | 28.57% |
Medusa | 7 | 1.28% | 71.43% |
Albatross | 6 | 1.10% | 66.67% |
Silvershield Warrior | 6 | 1.10% | 66.67% |
Feasting Seaweed | 6 | 1.10% | 83.33% |
Cave Slug | 6 | 1.10% | 50.00% |
Stonesplitter Orc | 6 | 1.10% | 50.00% |
Enchanted Defender | 6 | 1.10% | 83.33% |
Elven Mystic | 6 | 1.10% | 66.67% |
Luminous Eagle | 6 | 1.10% | 83.33% |
Light Elemental | 6 | 1.10% | 66.67% |
Battering Ram | 6 | 1.10% | 100.00% |
Win Rate by Ruleset
Ruleset | Frequency | Win Rate |
Close Range | 61 | 54.10% |
Equalizer | 56 | 75.00% |
Explosive Weaponry | 52 | 61.54% |
Spreading Fury | 50 | 58.00% |
Earthquake | 50 | 58.00% |
Healed Out | 46 | 71.74% |
Holy Protection | 45 | 64.44% |
Noxious Fumes | 43 | 65.12% |
Heavy Hitters | 43 | 53.49% |
Stampede | 42 | 59.52% |
Reverse Speed | 41 | 68.29% |
Keep Your Distance | 31 | 67.74% |
Even Stevens | 31 | 67.74% |
Weak Magic | 30 | 63.33% |
Lost Legendaries | 29 | 62.07% |
Melee Mayhem | 28 | 46.43% |
Armored Up | 28 | 60.71% |
Lost Magic | 26 | 50.00% |
Back to Basics | 26 | 61.54% |
Unprotected | 25 | 44.00% |
Target Practice | 24 | 58.33% |
Broken Arrows | 24 | 62.50% |
Odd Ones Out | 23 | 65.22% |
Little League | 23 | 56.52% |
Fog of War | 23 | 60.87% |
Silenced Summoners | 23 | 65.22% |
Equal Opportunity | 23 | 47.83% |
Rise of the Commons | 22 | 63.64% |
Super Sneak | 21 | 61.90% |
Taking Sides | 20 | 65.00% |
Up Close & Personal | 19 | 57.89% |
Aim True | 16 | 31.25% |
Standard | 5 | 60.00% |
Bei Aim True muss ich vielleicht wirklich nochmal schauen was ich da falsch mach

Tournaments Report
Tournament | League | Editions | Placement/#entrants | Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | Prize |
BRONZE A-GAME | Bronze | A | 19/26 | 0.38 (3/8/0) | 75 DEC |
SILVERSHIELD KNIGHTS ARE RECRUITING | Silver | Open | 18/293 | 4.50 (18/4/0) | 500 DEC |
SILVERSHIELD KNIGHTS ARE RECRUITING | Silver | Open | 18/287 | 3.40 (17/5/0) | 500 DEC |
Reward | Count | Quantity |
DEC | 3 | 1075 |
Ja leider kann ich wenn ich Gold spiele nicht an den ganzen Bronze Turnieren teilnehmen.

Rewards Report
Standard Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantiy | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 27 | 270 |
Rare | 7 | 280 |
Epic | 0 | 0 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Standard | 34 | 550 |
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantiy | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 1 | 500 |
Rare | 0 | 0 |
Epic | 0 | 0 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Gold | 1 | 500 |
Loot Chests
Reward Chests | Dailies | Season | Total | 💲DEC💲 |
Legendary Potions | 17 | 5 | 22 | 880 |
Alchemy Potions | 10 | 4 | 14 | 700 |
DEC | 3025 | 456 | - | 3481 |
UNTAMED Packs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cards (Total) | 28 | 7 | 35 | 1050 |
Leaderboard Prizes
Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | DEC Earned |
315 | 20123 |
Total Ranked Play Rewards
Total Ranked Play Earnings |
30234 DEC |
Puh das ist schon ordentlich bei dem aktuellen Dec Wert und dabei hatte ich nicht besonders gute rewards. Und dazu kommen jetzt auch noch die ganzen Airdrop Sachen die auch noch ordentlich Wert haben.

Rental Report
Type | DEC (fees) |
Revenue | 1458.922 (72.920) |
Expenses | (18.604) |
NET | 1367.398 |
Das wird die nächste Season sogar noch höher. XD

Danke fürs lesen und falls ihr noch paar Meinungen oder Verbesserungsideen habt dann schreibt es gerne in die Kommentare
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