kei30 (55)in Movies & TV Shows • 2 years agoBird Box Barcelona 👁️🗨️🎬 Esp / EngHola amigos de esta comunidad, en mi opinión no soy fan de las secuelas en lo que a cine se refiere, pero en ocasiones alguna que otra nos sorprenden gratamente o algunas no…kei30 (55)in GEMS • 2 years agoPascualina 2023, una compra decepcionante 📚📙💥Hola amigos de esta comunidad, hace unos días hice la compra del nuevo diario de la colección Pascualina 2023... para mi era importante ya que desde niñas quería una, pero por…kei30 rebloggedmaxwellmarcusart (78)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoArt Is LifeI just can't stop drawing with ink. It feels like my love for it is inherent. ....I always long to do another even when I'm done with one. The brightness, the sharpness and…kei30 rebloggedmaxwellmarcusart (78)in OnChainArt • 2 years agoMaster Yoda - From Starwars "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Yoda Here is my new digital drawing. This one is from my Star…kei30 (55)in GEMS • 2 years agoLa Niña de la Comunión 🎎⛪ Spa/EngHola amigos de esta comunidad, hoy quisiera escribir de uno de mis géneros de películas favoritos el cine de terror, esa sensación que eriza la piel al terminar de ver un film o el dormir con una linternakei30 (55)in GEMS • 2 years agoSuper Mario Bros (la película) 🕹️🎮 Spa/EngHola amigos de esta comunidad, quisiera escribirles de la nueva película de Super Mario Bros... la verdad, no sé mucho de la franquicia aunque siempre estuvo en mi niñez, pero para aquellos que son fanáticoskei30 (55)in #gems • 2 years agoEliminado aquíenlacekei30 rebloggedsaleg25 (68)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoHorse. Ballpoint pen skecthGreetings! In this post, I want to share my drawing of a horse For drawing, I used a blue ballpoint pen First, with light touches, I outlined the outlines Then I outlined the dark areas, and began to darkenkei30 rebloggedtempest.inyang (56)in OnChainArt • 2 years agoTHE FRUITS OF MY LABOUR | done with coloured pencils.Hello fellow hivens! I hope you are having a great weekend. My dear members of #OnChainArt I am here to share my most recent realistic coloured ✏️ pencil painting. I made this…kei30 (73)in Alien Art Hive • 2 years agoSplinterlands Art ContestHiiiii~~ ^^ Here’s my drawing for the Splinterlands Art Contest. Lately, I’ve been selecting my entries among new cards, and this time I looked through old ones and picked…kei30 rebloggedezunjoshy (72)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoMy Graphite Portrait of Leonard CohenWhen first I knew Leonard Cohen, it was from Exotica (1994) where his song 'Everybody Knows' was played at the end (I think as the closing remark). I was so trapped by the…kei30 (55)in #spanish • 2 years agoeliminadoFuente Hola amigos de la comunidad #hive, a pesar de mi ortografía de algunos post tiendo a leer regularmente. 😅 en este caso podría hablar de este libro tan reflexivo. Hello friends of the #hive community,kei30 rebloggedyris (72)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoPaisaje rural. (dibujo)Buenas noches amigos. . . Hoy con un dibujo de un paisaje rural, en dónde se observa mucha vegetación, ganado vacuno, aves revoloteando, árboles, casas, el pasto para que se…kei30 rebloggedsaleg25 (68)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoPredatory cat sketchHello to all free people! Today I want to share my drawing Nowadays, I draw very rarely, and I am glad that I have managed to find free time for creativity I present to your attention my sketch of a lionesskei30 (55)in GEMS • 2 years agoeliminadoHola amigos de la comunidad #Hive, hoy quiero escribirles sobre esta nueva serie para los amantes del bricolaje (DIY) mucho artesanos y emprendedores se identificaran con algunos de los personajes (enkei30 rebloggedmaxwellmarcusart (78)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoKarim Benzima - Pen Drawing This is my new pen drawing. A portrait drawing of Karem Benzima who plays for France national team and Real Madrid football club. It is a rare portrait of him because he is…kei30 rebloggedteesart (75)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoScribble Drawing Of Young Male With Afro Haircut.Hello Everyone. Earlier today, I created this scribble drawing of a young man as part of my daily scribble drawing/ portrait practice. I made this drawing to sort of practice…kei30 rebloggedksenja (65)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoFans want to see Jeremy Renner as the President of UkraineA future biopic about the war should star Renner, according to his fans. Zelensky and Renner are strikingly similar. They both have deep-set eyes, short brown hair, and nearly…kei30 rebloggedezunjoshy (72)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoDangerousShe sat into me like a mother that lost her kid. I honestly couldn't believe that I was all there is to her person. From time immemorial I knew she had interest in me. But…kei30 rebloggedsarau (72)in Sketchbook • 2 years agoPintando un conejo salvaje con acuarelas - Painting a wild rabbit with watercolorsAunque no lo parezca, este pequeño amiguito fue un reto. Pocas veces me pongo el reto de dibujar animales y es que hay tantas cosas por practicar para dibujar, que a veces…