lug0lu1s (25)in #steemmonsters • 7 years agoActualización de Steem Monsters - ¡Actualización del sitio! ¡Estadísticas disponibles!Lanzamiento del sitio! La anticipación de este juego es palpable. ¡Vendimos más de 10 paquetes de sobres esta semana! ¡Sabemos que ustedes se están volviendo locos de…lug0lu1s (25)in #vida • 7 years agoLa solución siempre está en el lado opuesto del problema - MANTENLO EN TU MENTE ...Siempre veo lo mismo una y otra vez. Buenas personas inteligentes que luchan por salir adelante. Ellos piensan que debido a que son buenos y trabajan duro, el mundo tiene que…lug0lu1s (25)in #economy • 7 years agoHISTORIA DE VENEZUELA!Venezuela, oficialmente denominada República Bolivariana de Venezuela,7n 1 es un país de América situado en la parte septentrional de América del Sur, constituido por una parte…lug0lu1s (25)in #vida • 7 years agoHistoria Sobre Mi VidaSe trata de la biografía del universalmente conocido como uno de los más grandes físicos teóricos del mundo. A diferencia de las memorias escritas por su ex-mujer Jane Hawking…lug0lu1s (25)in #dieta • 7 years agoNueva y peligrosa dieta: alimentarse 100% con carneLa carne no aporta todos los nutrientes necesarios para el organismo Las dietas deben seguirse bajo recomendación y vigilancia de un especialista, no todas las dietas que se…lug0lu1s (25)in #dieta • 7 years agoDestacan beneficios de alimentación sanaUna comida saludable consiste en elegir los alimentos que aporten los nutrientes y energía que cada persona necesita para mantenerse sana El desayuno a base de alimentos de…lug0lu1s (25)in #comer • 7 years agoTake advantage of the healing powers of garlicIts many compounds include antioxidants and allicin, which has antibacterial properties, researchers report. 490/5000 While scientists investigate the effects of diet on…lug0lu1s (25)in #jugo • 7 years ago당신의 인생에서 녹즙을 추가해야하는 6 가지 이유분명히 당신은 이미 녹색 주스에 대해 들었습니다. 많은 사람들이 체중 감량에 관해서는 좋은 동맹국이라고 생각하지만, 이것이 우리 몸에 기여하는 것은 무엇인지 알고 있습니까? 소비하는 녹색 주스는 우리 몸에 필요한 필수 영양소, 비타민 및 미네랄을 제공하는 가장 좋은 방법입니다. 여기서 우리는 당신에게 영양분의…lug0lu1s (25)in #peso • 7 years ago이 맛있는 천연 주스로 몸을 해독하십시오.!!!이러한 권장 사항으로 신체와 건강을 돌 봅니다. 그 효과를 의심하지 마라! 주스는 집중력있는 방식으로 영양소를 제공하고 소화하기 쉬우 며 비타민과 미네랄의 탁월한 원천이기도하므로 플러스를 넣기 위해 우리 삶에 왔습니다. 주스는 또한 스트레스 나 나쁜 식습관으로 인해 우리가 축적하는 독소와 같이 우리 몸에 필요하지…lug0lu1s (25)in #clases • 7 years ago4 Effective tips to save on returning to school!The holidays are about to end and hundreds of students of basic and upper secondary education prepare for the return to classes, which implies expenses for the inscriptions…lug0lu1s (25)in #familia • 7 years ago12 activities to live together as a familyDiscover with your children the fun that is not on a television and feeds the integration For this weekend, what better to rest and relax as a family. As parents, remember your…lug0lu1s (25)in #creencias • 7 years agoThe 7 POTENTIATING BELIEFS that lead you to HAPPINESSWe are what we believe, neither more nor less. We create what we believe. Tweet this Appointment Beliefs are fulfilled self-professions: your reality reflects your own mentality.…lug0lu1s (25)in #felicidad • 7 years ago11 Strategies to practice DAILY to get everything you proposeNext, you will find the 11 Strategies to practice DAILY to get everything you propose: Thanks in the morning for at least 5 things in your life (if you write them it is much…lug0lu1s (25)in #miedo • 7 years agoLas 5 claves para superar tus miedos desde AHORA mismoNos decía Nelson Mandela: “No es valiente quien no tiene miedo sino quien sabe conquistarlo”. Todos, sin excepción, sentimos miedo. Es una emoción con la que nacemos y que en…lug0lu1s (25)in #entretenimiento • 7 years agoHow to be Youtuber: complete guide to startDo you want to become a Youtuber and do not know how? Maybe it seems very easy to talk to a camera from a room but, really, how do youtubers get to be what they are? Do they have…lug0lu1s (25)in #venezuela • 7 years agoNicolás Maduro "survives an attack with drones loaded with explosives," says the government of VenezuelaIn a real record time, Venezuelan Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez said that the investigations determined that the explosion of several aerial devices was the reason that…lug0lu1s (25)in #politica • 7 years agoMexico vs. USA: An 83-year rivalry told by the protagonistsThe United States faced Mexico for the first time in 1934 and won 4-2 in a World Cup qualifier. It took 46 years and 25 games for the United States to win again. But in the 17…lug0lu1s (25)in #economy • 7 years agoCrise du Venezuela dans la mise à jourLa crise au Venezuela fait référence à la crise économique que traverse le pays depuis 2013 et qui s'est prolongée pendant des années, qui n'est pas seulement une crise…