11 Strategies to practice DAILY to get everything you propose

in #felicidad7 years ago

Next, you will find the 11 Strategies to practice DAILY to get everything you propose:

  1. Thanks in the morning for at least 5 things in your life (if you write them it is much more effective). If you thank more, the better. Give thanks with awareness throughout the day. The more gratitude you feel, the more you will receive.

  2. Establish a clear, specific, measurable, realistic and challenging intention at the beginning of the day and do not lose sight of it. Avoid mental dispersion and outside distractions by focusing on your intention. Write it on a piece of paper and take it with you if it serves as a reminder.

  3. Recognize your qualities, strengths, talents and successes on a daily basis. Forget about what you lack or what you do not do well. Congratulate yourself every day for something, celebrate your little daily successes and make gifts (it does not need to be material things) once a week, for example a massage or a walk in the middle of nature.

  4. Embrace uncertainty by freeing yourself from control. Actually, you do not control anything, so stop self-deception. Accept that life is a continuous change and that opportunities are in the unknown. Trust that life wants you to be happy and that everything that happens, whether you like it or not, is for your growth and evolution.

  5. Challenge yourself every day. Do what you fear. The only way to get rid of fears is by facing them. You will feel uncomfortable but the benefits that will bring you beyond yourself have no price: you will acquire more security, more freedom and you will live with hope.

  6. Help others. Put yourself at the service of others and life will be at your service. The more you give, the more you receive. Find someone to help you get what you want and I guarantee it is the easiest way to get it too. It does not fail. It is mathematical.

  7. Choose to be happy. Prioritize your happiness versus the pleasure of comfort. Realize that comfort or immediate pleasure does not lead you to create the life you want. Happiness is the result of sowing good seeds, building your destiny and it only depends on you. Make a firm decision to be happy and do whatever it takes to fulfill this commitment.

  8. Meditate every day in silence (even if it's only 10 minutes). Practice mindfulness or mindfulness, observing thoughts neutrally without identifying with them or judging them. You are not that "mental garbage". You can observe them and change them. You choose what to believe and you are what you believe.

  9. Take care of your body. Lead a healthy lifestyle The body is the instrument you have to experience the human being. They say it's the inn of the soul. To achieve what you propose, you need vital energy and this is given to you by the body. So treat it with love and respect. Put it in the 1st place on your priority list.

  10. Ask for help whenever you need it. Most of us find it difficult to ask for help when in reality it is the easiest thing in the world. We are perfectly imperfect humans, it is normal that we sometimes block ourselves and do not know how to move forward. Release pride. Help can come from someone, from a book, a course or whatever.

  11. Maintain a balance between BEING and DOING. To become a complete being you need to balance your masculine (Doing) and feminine (Being) energies. The art of living consists of being able to maintain that internal balance at all times. When one lives with that consciousness, it is in harmony with the Universe and everything flows easily. So do not relax too much accommodating yourself in a comfort zone nor do you act with anxiety and impatience in a hurry to things.

I suggest you print this list and use it as a reminder structure to start 2014 in the best way. Remember that you have a new blank page. Design your destiny with consciousness!

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