migueluhihi rebloggedjosediccus (81)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoCrypto: Red Alerts & Selling Charity▶️ Watch on 3Speak In this video, I talked about SBF and how a massive interview he did with NASDAILY a Facebook influencer sold the idea that he wanted to give…migueluhihi rebloggedpenderis (70)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoLess CEX when withdrawing HiveMainly this is for South Africa, but possibly up until your off-ramp, it works for most countries. If the exchange you use allows BNB then the LeoFinance bridge is a great…migueluhihi rebloggedmawit07 (77)in Splinterlands • 2 years agoSplinterlands - Splintermate Use of My Cards Last 24 Hours?As I signed up for Splintermate bot for the month I let the bot play my account for the past few days. I was curious how often would my cards be used based on the bot from…migueluhihi rebloggedjk6276 (72)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoOsmosis (OSMO) now listed on Binance.In what can be seen as a significant milestone for the premier Dex in the Cosmos eco-system, Osmosis has been listed by Binance. This makes the path a little easier into the…migueluhihi rebloggedjonsnow1983 (75)in Liketu • 2 years agoCaracas Blockchain Week ¡Allá Vamos!Cómo están maniacos de Liketu mi nombre es Jon Snow y hoy se habla Español. Estamos a menos de una semana para que Hive se vista de gala, y no es para menos; Faltan…migueluhihi rebloggeddeanliu (82)Hive-Onlyin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago鏈上足跡與鏈下生活:再吃西藏廚房有感我又來到【 西藏廚房 】這家位於科技大樓捷運站附近的餐廳。大概也至少一兩年沒來了,很開心他們熬過疫情,依然健在。 已經來吃過至少三四次了,通常生意都是不好不壞,所以來之前還有點擔心會不會已經收了,還好,有受到西藏遙遠宗教力量的保護...😊…migueluhihi rebloggedjuliakponsford (77)in Hive Open Mic • 2 years agoCover Song for hiveopenmic 130 / Cat Clyde - All the Black▶️ Watch on 3Speak Well I was planning on trying to do a song a week but I guess that failed, we got hit by hurricane Fiona last week then I got busy so life kind of…migueluhihi rebloggeddeanliu (82)Hive-Onlyin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago台北巷弄中的麵食:好味與糊塗🍜住台北的一個好處之一就是,到處都是好吃的麵食。當然,也許比不上大陸北方城市那種更地道的麵食,但這裡有很多元的選擇。讓愛吃麵食的我,很容易找到覺得好吃的店😊。 今天跟大家分享兩間我覺得都很不錯,但絕對都不是非常出名的名店。巷弄中的美食,大概就是這一類的店吧!😋 首先第一家【 好味麵食館…migueluhihi rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago无妄之灾:都是老色批们惹的祸大概从三天前开始,有N多人加我微信,也不说明为啥加我,看了一下来源,是通过QQ搜索过来的。 (图源 : pixabay ) 我想如果是QQ好友啥的,一般都会说明自己身份,或者就算是QQ过来的新朋友,也应该在QQ上也打个招呼,然而登录QQ看了一眼,发现并没有新朋友或者新消息。…migueluhihi rebloggedilazramusic (76)Geek Verificadoin Geek Zone • 3 years agoUn regreso algo tormentoso a League Of Legends | Aram Gameplay #1 ft @dimeshana y @perceval [ES|EN]▶️ Watch on 3Speak ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi blog, chicos! El día de hoy les traigo un vídeo que quise hacer hace muchísimo tiempo y que me enorgullece demasiado…migueluhihi rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years agoEOS大事记:Leap v3.1 即将到来,尝试编译一下大概八九月以前,EOS社区的BP们发起多签提案,把EOS母公司Block.one踢飞啦,这个过程很是曲折,感兴趣的朋友可以看我以前的贴文: EOS大事记:Block.one被社区踢飞 。 (图源 : pixabay ) Leap出世 所谓的踢飞操作主要是由EOS 基金会/ENF(EOS Network…migueluhihi rebloggedjonsnow1983 (75)in Aliento • 3 years ago¿Por qué es más fácil tener éxito en Hive que en redes sociales de la Web2? [Esp/Eng]Tener éxito en cualquier ámbito de la vida es una tarea que requiere de tiempo, esfuerzo, y dedicación. Hive por supuesto no es la excepción. No queremos que el título sea…migueluhihi rebloggedthekittygirl (72)in Ladies of Hive • 3 years agoEcency Logos - Floral ThemesInspired by the beautiful flowers we have in our world, I decided to tweak the Ecency logo to create some fresh, new looks for it. Two of the patterns are taken from digital artworks of my own design,migueluhihi rebloggedtarazkp (85)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoUnzip and release the BeastOver the last couple days, a couple of conversations have come up concerning Splinterlands content and since I am partial to content creation, I thought I would weigh in a…migueluhihi rebloggedirenenavarroart (79)in NeedleWorkMonday • 3 years agoMarcalibros de rana a crochet Crochet Frog Bookmarkmigueluhihi rebloggedveronicamartinc (76)in Ladies of Hive • 3 years ago The magic of being a woman | Ladies of Hive Community Contest #94💪🏻Querida comunidad Dear community Espero hayan iniciado la semana de la mejor manera, hoy estoy súper feliz de compartir otra semana en Ladies of hive contest #94. Esta…migueluhihi rebloggedkkarenmp (81)Musiciansin Sound Music • 3 years ago[ESP//ENG] All Sky Full Of Stars | Coldplay || Karen Manrique [Cover Violín🎻]A Sky Full of Stars Coldplay es sinónimo de sonido potente, ritmos envolventes y letras que te hacen soñar, para mí es una de las bandas más mágicas que existen actualmente.…migueluhihi rebloggedikigaidesign (72)in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 3 years agoThe Perfect CafeJust like when you want to do something different, get out of the routine, try something different, and say yes I did it, without remorse, without waiting for anything or…migueluhihi rebloggedtarazkp (85)in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE • 3 years agoOld Farm Cats and PoolsIt's a cat's Life. I am not sure if it is good to have a dog's life - being "Man's best friend" must suck most of the time, because man is an asshole that makes stupid…migueluhihi rebloggedpinmapple (80)in Worldmappin • 3 years agoTravel Digest #1602Introduction Hello everyone! This is @ybanezkim26 and I'll be presenting today's edition of #TravelDigest. In our featured posts, we have a quarry site in North Wales, United…