PostsCommentsPayoutsnapeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoHow to make a hobby a business that makes money. (Bagaimana menjadikan hobi menjadi sebuah usaha yang menghasilkan uang)My friends often ask "I want a business, but I don't know what business I want. What business do you think is @napeng". That's how a friend yesterday asked me. A simple question…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoWhy is someone doing something out of the ordinary?//Mengapa seseorang melakukan hal diluar kebiasaan?Today is so hot. I stopped at a mosque for prayer and rest. After the break I sat resting while leaning on the mosque wall. I just want to let go of tired after a 60 km drive.…napeng (40)in #esteem • 7 years agoHow to make the beach make money//Bagaimana caranya agar pantai menghasilkan uang.Construction of a place for sale on the beach.//Pembangunan tempat untuk jualan di pinggir pantai. >The construction of places to sell on the beach is one way to make…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoTrick to plant rice once planted twice harvest (Trik menanam padi sekali tanam dua kali panen)Life is full of twists and turns. Therefore, we must have the ability and expertise in dealing with it. Looking for money is difficult, it will be easy if we want to learn and…napeng (40)in #busy • 7 years agoMembuat Pakan Ayam Secara Sederhana.Beternak adalah satu usaha yang kini saya tekuni. Hidup di pedesaan memang harus sedikit aktif dan kreatif. Kalau tidak, kita tidak punya uang untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoThe strategy of buying goats in the animal market in order to be cheap. (Strategi membeli kambing di pasar hewan agar dapat harga murah)This time I would like to share my experience on goat buying strategy in animal market (geulanggang) for cheap price. This trick I got from a friend, and I have tried, was true.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoCreating work is better than looking for work ( Menciptakan kerja lebih baik dari mencari kerja)Living in the countryside, finding work is hard. The countryside does not have as many companies as in town. Usually jobs in the countryside are farm laborers, construction…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoFlowers Business.For those of you who like farming, planting flowers may be something you often do. Channeling a hobby can also make money. Business Flower decoration provides an opportunity to…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoKeubeu,-Kerbau-BuffaloKeubeu that's what aceh people call it. This pet likes to soak. Usually he was soaking in the river or in the mud. This animal is bigger than a cow, and its meat fibers are also…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoChicken Breeding Business OpportunityLiving in the countryside should be a bit active and creative. There are many things we can do, according to the resources we have, and the environment we live in. All that if we…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoBanana CultivationBananas are easily cultivated plants. This plant is easy to live and quickly produce. If you have vacant land, banana cultivation is one of the most profitable endeavors.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoRural Agriculture Business; Rice Refinery.The development of technology provides a variety of conveniences. Technological developments also provide business opportunities, especially for people quickly adopt innovation.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoUtilization of Sago Trunk for Livestock Feed. (Pemanfaatan Batang Sagu untuk Makanan Ternak).Sago or rombian stems are plants that grow in swamps. This plant has a large stem, and the contents in the stem can be in by a sago flour. The people of Aceh to process it into…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoMenikmati Segelas Air Tebu Di Seulimum (Enjoy a glass of Cane Water at Seulimum)The day is so hot. The sun was so hot. The long journey is so exhausting. Arriving Seulimum drinking cane water so refreshing. Hari begitu panas. Matahari terasa begitu panas.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoStarting the Business Must be Optimistic. (Memulai Usaha itu harus Optimis)Have confidence and hope in doing a job. Without the confidence to achieve success it is very difficult. The pessimist is not part of the entrepreneur. The pessimist belongs to…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoUsaha itu Sukses bila Dilakukan. Memulai sebuah usaha memang tak mudah, tapi juga tidak sulit asal kita mau melakukannya. Untuk memulai sebuah usaha anda harus punya kemampuan,diantaranya:manajemen usaha…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoTurning Fear into Strength. (Merubah Ketakutan menjadi Kekuatan) Setiap orang punya rasa takut, apalagi bila memulai melakukan sebuah usaha. Ketakutan gagal akan terus ada, bahkan bisa menjadi tekanan. Saya senang karena bisa memulai usaha.…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoTanpa Modal Besar Usaha tetap Lancar. Mungkinkah kita memulai usaha dengan modal terbatas? Saya pikir tak ada yang tak mungkin selagi kita mau melakukannya. Tetap yakin dan berusaha itula kunci utama. Cobalah…napeng (40)in #partiko • 7 years agoGo to the Cinema. This weekend is very tiring. Busy work did not make me able to rest. Boredom makes me lazy to get out of bed. Akhir pekan ini sangat melelahkan. Kesibukan kerja tak sempat…napeng (40)in #introduceyourself • 7 years agoIntroduceMyselfMy name is ponna. People often call me napeng. I'm 35 years old and married. My last education is bachelor. I am a livestock and agriculture businessman. This corresponds to my…