For her [Drop in the Ocean Topic: Liberate]

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

As I turn away from the gate, I press my earphones in. Satisfied they are secure, I pull my hoodie over. It is late but not too late at night; it is why I always leave around 9 pm when visiting her.

I always said it was because it was not as early as 8 and not as late as 10 - which is true. It is a little sweet spot in the evening I have discovered that suits me perfectly.

A dark figure in the night, head covered and music playing - my mind is not absent of thoughts as I head home. It is on average a 20 min walk free of modern distractions.


elaxing on your bed you text him, "What time will you be coming?" It is already past the usual time and you know he has finished work already. The walk from there to you is only 20 min, so why is he always so late these days?

"Are you still coming?"

You send a message again, there is not much else he ever responds to. It has been getting worse and worse every week. He always came as early as possible so that even if he left at 9, it felt like you spent the whole day together, which made him still leaving early not seem quite that bad.


You read his text, checking the time you realise it is 30 min after your message and just says, "Open." That upsets you but at least he is here now.

You go to open the gate for him, watching him as it slides down the track. Even from a distance, you can see that he does not look happy to see you. You wait for him as he makes his way down the driveway. He opens the gate between the wall surrounding the property and the garage, before he even gets to properly close it you excitedly show him your nails.

"Look I did it myself!"

He grudgingly answers "That is nice," and walks right past you to the stupid plant on the porch which to all indication seems to be dead, but he waters it every time, anyway.

Why can't he pay that much attention to you?


ou head inside to place the key on the table then go to sit on the couch and continue to watch your show. You hope he will come to sit by you. You look towards the door with a smile but mostly to see his expression as he comes inside. His expression is almost the only indication you have of his mood and it seems to always be one of dissatisfaction.

He does the usual routine, pauses for a sec to allow your mother to say hello first then just responds flatly "Hi Aunty." She then replies with "How are you?" and gets a very fast response of "Good Good," from him. He never follows up to ask how they are, but you know it is because he thinks he knows how everyone is. For him, nothing can possibly be different if you sit at home all day and you don't think he would care, even if that was not the case.

You watch him in the corner of your eye, feigning interest in whatever show is playing; he goes to sit on the couch opposite and you notice he does not even glance in your direction as he sits down to watch tv.

You decide to not go sit by him and instead just watch the show. Maybe he will come to sit by you soon, but why did he not come to sit by you at the very least? He has not smiled once since seeing you. He did not even pretend to care about your nails, and you think he came late on purpose. You don't even know why he is always so late the past couple of months, and it is getting worse.


atching the show, you see he has no intention of getting up or even glancing your way. If he at least looked at you, maybe you could initiate talking or feel free to go sit by him. Tonight seems worse than all the days before. He somehow has closed you off completely, not leaving any room for you to feel like you can just go sit there. You feel pushed away.

He has not even visited in almost a week. Is it because your parents are moving to a new town and after 6 years together you will now be going to stay with him? He said "No," to moving to any places he can't afford by himself. It makes sense now that he explained it although very rudely; he can't rely on your parents to give him the money to pay your part. Your dad's work will be closing down and they won't be able to pay this house's rent either.

He did say you can live by him if they move, but he also asked why you don't just go with them to the city and get a job there. He has been very adamant about you getting a job recently, that has also been a more recent development over the past few months, the insistence to get a job even though your parents don't mind you not working.

You decide to not go sit by him and instead go to your room. Taking your phone, you lay down and scroll through Facebook. You like the funny pages you follow and always share a few of the best ones. The usual people like them but unless you tell him to go look he does not go on Facebook. Even when he does you don't think he looks at any of the things you share.

He barely messages during the day unless you ask him something. You only get good mornings and good nights and sometimes even without the good. These might not be big differences but they are differences he has taught you to acknowledge, because when he was different these were all things he would notice.

Now he acts as though he can't be bothered with anything you do. Telling him the other night that you were chatting with some guy and might go for coffee only got "Enjoy," as a response. Placing the phone down on the side table, you lay on your side and just close your eyes, not sleeping but just laying there appreciating the comfort of the blanket over you.


he evening progressed along the same lines; he barely speaks unless spoken to and if spoken to the answers are blunt. Almost rude.

You know he hates when your mom insists on setting the table for dinner. You hear an audible sigh as he heard that they might want to do that, instead your mom decides that everyone can just eat where they want. You don't want to go sit on the couch by him; you will make him come to you or at least sit by them where you don't feel unwanted.

He eats fast as usual and after some patient waiting is told he can go back to watching tv, instead he goes for a smoke. Seeing they are still eating, he watches tv. Still not even looking your way at any point, always looking off to the side or somewhere else.


fter everyone has finished and you start clearing the table as is routine, he gets up to help. Passing each other in the kitchen area, you smile at him and look to where his eyes should have been but somehow he passes you as though in a hurry to place the tablecloth in the basket.

Going back to your room and just laying down, eyes closed, he does not follow. Normally, this would be when he comes to lie next to you even just to sleep. He usually can't just lie in bed awake and is always tired, but then at least he is with you in bed and you get to cuddle up to him.

"Come open."

It is 9pm but it is a Friday, why does he want to still leave so early on weekends. He used to stay later on the weekends, when you got to spend even more time together and tomorrow he gets off at 1 pm. Last weekend he did not even come over the whole weekend, not saying why, just that he was not. You have noticed he only comes over at times if he needs to bring something that you might need, or to bring money so you can get it yourself.

Looking up at him with a smile, you ask, "Are you not even going to come and cuddle?"


You sigh and briefly pause, then get out of bed to open for him to leave. Reaching the side gate from where the remote works, you open the main gate. He gives you a one-armed hug and opens the side gate quickly to leave. You always watch as he leaves. As the gate closes behind him, you notice again that he did not even turn back to wave goodbye. He just leaves.


s I walk home listening to a new band recently discovered, my thoughts drown out the music... I know she must feel bad. It makes me feel like shit having to be so cruel, but right now I can't think of any other way to deal with the situation - "... she's the tear in my heart, I'm alive..." - I need to stick to my resolve and force her hand. I may owe her parents for allowing me to stay there at one time, but I no longer feel I owe that debt, do I? I can't pay by having someone living with me who has no intention of learning to look after herself, should I?

Work is important; it teaches you what is required to sustain a lifestyle. Being able to buy your own things makes you independent of others and will help her to hopefully stop waiting for some valiant hero.

I wonder though, those are the reasons for her wellbeing, but this is about me, and I need to decide. At least have her realise that I don't see a future for us. I am not her caretaker; her parents should never have allowed her to live at home with no expectation of her. I should never have stayed with her all these years and accepted that she wished to do nothing.

"...You're the judge, set me free..." - her parents are moving, and most likely to a place with very little space. If she moves in with me I can help her learn to be more, but how long would that take? I don't even like her. The past couple of months I have moved beyond being able to even tolerate her.

Why can't she see what is happening and just leave me? - "...I know my soul's freezing, hell's hot for good reason..." - No, I am not a caretaker, I need a partner.

Getting home I head to my pc and see what has been happening online, seems these people have their shit together.

Thank you to my Dreemgirl for teaching me a bit of grammar and how to use periods.

I am Penderhere.
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Here is a hug from me! Great work!

Hugs galore!!! :)

I upvoted your post.

Best regards,

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You've been chosen as the Sponsor of the Day - hope you get some visits from Welcome Wagon Grads who appreciate your post!

Haha I like how it says you hope I get some visits, as in it is not your problem if they find it shitty.

LOLOLOLOLOL it was great!!!! Curie!!!! :)
PERIODS!! who knew!?!?!? :)

You write beautifully, Penderis... Well, he should have opened up to save them all the ache😃

I agree.... I told him the character needs to just rip the band-aid off and let everyone heal hehehehe

Ripping is always painful, but it give chance to heal, yeah? Lol!

I think so.... quick pain vs. slow pain ;)

Either way, the pain is gonna be there... Better when dealt with once and for all... 😀

and long-drawn out pain... ughhhh the worst - just end it quickly! LOL

the faster to heal!!!

Yeah yeah 😅. Lol

It never occured to me that you can draw?? 😮😮

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For good reason because I can't, the images fit the story though so I was happy with that. I stopped each one when it got too wonky. Now they are just a bit wonky.

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Im glad you just did that.. its never too wonky.. they are even cute actually! 😉

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I actually also loved the pictures! the one with the scribble was one of my favorites!!!! it just expressed how my mind feels at times! "scribbly" did you ever read my post on feeling "scribbly"? hehehehehe i'll find it for you!

but - yes - i totally loved your sketches too!

Good use of layout and formatting!

Liked the change of perspective and how it is mirrored in the writing as well.

Thank you, when I googled perspective they said the second person is not used often and can be difficult. Now I know why. haha.

Clever one!
Love it completely.

Thank you. :)

You bring up a good point. I have tried to teach my children that they must be independent and not a caretaker of others (well, except for their children). It imprisons everyone.

Thanks for this two-sided writing about this situation.

Also only be a caretaker of your own children only up to a point. They need to be pushed to fend for themselves making them stronger and better people. Not everyone out there is a good person and those who are not able to stand on their own feet will be victims not little princesses.

Exactly. I am told by my mother I was a terrible parent and still am because I would not coddle my children. I am a bit harsh sometimes with them, but I expect them to pay their own way and be good people. Even though my oldest struggles, she makes her own way and rarely asks for actual help; well, she may call and ask for help getting the kids to and from school, but it has to be a major thing. My son struggles with the "lazies," but he is successful (in his view). My middle girl never asks for help and is doing well.

I like to think I have done a good job helping them break the cycle, but I am often very hard on myself and feel like a horrible mom. But it is people like you who help me remember, I did what I could to help prepare them for the hard in this world.

Haha (in his view) , he provides for himself and understands that if he wants something needs to "lazy work" to get it? has food and a home? maybe he is quite successful in the view of someone who is content.

I think the fact that they feel they can even ask you for help when needed is a strength in the relationship and that they don't ask without reason mostly. That shows that you have successfully also created boundaries which promotes maturity. First google it yourself before asking the person right next to you a dumb question effectively haha

Yep. Boundaries was always the word in our house. They hated when I would say, "There are boundaries! Ask yourself if you have crossed any!"

My son is definitely a success, even if it isn't to others. He is happy and content. That makes me very happy.

I like the way the story shifts perspective, it would have been difficult to tell that story entirely from either of their viewpoints.


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Yes, I am not sure how but technically I wanted the second perspective to also be him but he is thinking all of this, playing it through his mind to understand her side.... make sense? haha but it came together if I am judging by the comments.

I completely get it. You did a very good job at it. There are always two sides and you showed those sides very well.

To quote @lifesacircus "xoxoxo"

Hi penderis,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you @curie, and @gabyoraa it means a lot. Don't ever tell anyone I said that :)

Haha, well deserved :) I really liked how you narrated everything as the reader. It drew me into the story.

Hey @penderis thank you for taking us to this eternal conflict that happens in many people's relationship. It is good that you reflected two sides of coin, what is happening from two different person's point of view. Sometimes we know that we have to do it and just do it even if it is not that we want, there could be different reasons, sympathy, guilt, dependence, love, habit or just that routine that we get used to and do not want to change and that is the worst devastating for both parties. Was nice to think about such important things in the relationship and enjoyed your story,

Cheers from Art-supporting blog @art-venture


It is difficult and may be devastating temporarily, but from that, I feel they should both be stronger and more aware of their own roles in future relationships.

Thank you for reading.

Wow @penderis- this is incredibly moving- full of that kind of friction that just feels like it's going to explode. I loved it- you pulled me right into both sides of their story- I so wanted to bang their heads together and tell them to actually talk to each other!

I'm with the others on the drawings- they are incredible- beautifully suit the story and have a lot of emotion in them. Congratulations on your Curie- so well deserved- exceptional post.

E x

Hey, hey! This is a deep one and congratulations on the curie!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this just for the subtleties of human thought and behavior - the ebbs and flows of inner yearnings and wisdom. Although yes, very sad at times....the leaving and arriving, chapter of life.

Liberating thoughts


Thank you. Yes, when in the thick of it a person might just have to keep the liberating thoughts in mind whichever form it holds.

Besides ... I LOVE your scribbles ... just so so cool and artistic! LOVE IT ALL!!!Wowowowowow @penderis!This is great writing, such an amazing story that soaked me right into it and was playing with my thoughts/experiences in the time before I found my soul mate ...

Emblem - 400px embed - The Welcome Wagon.png

Very impressive story. The aesthetic with the pictures included really tied together the atmosphere, and I liked the inclusion of twenty one pilot snippets, lol.

You know as I was reading this, I could actually relate to every word. I know a couple is having the same issues, fast forward years later and nothing has really changed besides some kids. So it's amazing how you captured both sides so well! Very well written story dude! You never seem to surprise me!
P.S. I wasn't equipped to handle the emotion again, but I loved every word!

This is more than just a writing, it's a life story, it tells exactly what goes about in people's heard at different occasions. I love this piece man.

My gosh!
I thought that was real lol!
Maybe I'm wrong and the story is indeed real Penderis?

Anyways, the lesson of the story for me is we have to be open and express our feelings/problems to the people involve. If we keep it to ourselves and try to solve it in our own, it would take almost forever to solve it.
Am I correct or wrong Penderis?