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RE: For her [Drop in the Ocean Topic: Liberate]

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

Also only be a caretaker of your own children only up to a point. They need to be pushed to fend for themselves making them stronger and better people. Not everyone out there is a good person and those who are not able to stand on their own feet will be victims not little princesses.


Exactly. I am told by my mother I was a terrible parent and still am because I would not coddle my children. I am a bit harsh sometimes with them, but I expect them to pay their own way and be good people. Even though my oldest struggles, she makes her own way and rarely asks for actual help; well, she may call and ask for help getting the kids to and from school, but it has to be a major thing. My son struggles with the "lazies," but he is successful (in his view). My middle girl never asks for help and is doing well.

I like to think I have done a good job helping them break the cycle, but I am often very hard on myself and feel like a horrible mom. But it is people like you who help me remember, I did what I could to help prepare them for the hard in this world.

Haha (in his view) , he provides for himself and understands that if he wants something needs to "lazy work" to get it? has food and a home? maybe he is quite successful in the view of someone who is content.

I think the fact that they feel they can even ask you for help when needed is a strength in the relationship and that they don't ask without reason mostly. That shows that you have successfully also created boundaries which promotes maturity. First google it yourself before asking the person right next to you a dumb question effectively haha

Yep. Boundaries was always the word in our house. They hated when I would say, "There are boundaries! Ask yourself if you have crossed any!"

My son is definitely a success, even if it isn't to others. He is happy and content. That makes me very happy.